Welcome! I really enjoy exchanging information with people and love that this blog helps with that. I consider much of my research as a work in progress, so please let me know if you have conflicting information. Some of the surnames I'm researching:

Many old Cape families including Kelley, Eldredge/idge, Howes, Baker, Mayo, Bangs, Snow, Chase, Ryder/Rider, Freeman, Cole, Sears, Wixon, Nickerson.
Many old Plymouth County families including Washburn, Bumpus, Lucas, Cobb, Benson.
Johnson (England to MA)
Corey (Correia?) (Azores to MA)
Booth, Jones, Taylor, Heatherington (N. Ireland to Quebec)
O'Connor (Ireland to MA)
My male Mayflower ancestors (only first two have been submitted/approved by the Mayflower Society):
Francis Cooke, William Brewster, George Soule, Isaac Allerton, John Billington, Richard Warren, Peter Browne, Francis Eaton, Samuel Fuller, James Chilton, John Tilley, Stephen Hopkins, and John Howland.
Female Mayflower ancestors: Mary Norris Allerton, Eleanor Billington, Mary Brewster, Mrs. James Chilton, Sarah Eaton, and Joan Hurst Tilley.
Child Mayflower ancestors: Giles Hopkins, (possibly) Constance Hopkins, Mary Allerton, Francis Billington, Love Brewster, Mary Chilton, Samuel Eaton, and Elizabeth Tilley.

Friday, July 19, 2024

James Pitney (ca 1595 to 1663/4) and His Wife Sarah (ca 1599-1658) of Ipswich, Marshfield, and Boston, Mass.

James Pitney was born in England about 1595, to parents who are not yet known. He married, first, before 1620 a woman named Joane whose first name is established by her burial record. 

Joane and James had three children [baptisms recorded St. Olave, Southwark, Surrey, records on Ancestry]:

1..Rebecca, baptized 11 June 1620; no further record unless she was “The child of James Petney” buried 30 June 1625 at St Olave

2. Sarah baptized 31 Aug 1623; buried 5 Oct 1625 at St. Olave

3. James baptized 2 June 1624; buried 5 June 1624 at St. Olave

James’ wife Joane was buried at St. Olave on 2 June 1624, the same day her son James was born, so she likely died from complications of childbirth. It appears all three children died very young. James experienced such unimaginable tragedy, but went on to marry again.

Note that St. Olave was demolished in 1926. 

St. Olave's by Benjamin Cole 1756 (source: wikipedia)

James married, second, Sarah Smith at St. Mary’s Church, Rotherhithe, on 27 Dec 1624. [London Metropolitan Archives, London Church of England Parish Registers, available on Ancestry] Sarah may be the Saray Smith who was baptized St. Mary’s on 25 November 1599. They are my 9th great-grandparents on my grandfather Arthur Washburn Ellis Davis’ side of the family. There is a good deal of conflicting information on James Pitney in print; this sketch is a work in progress.

St. Mary's Rotherhithe

Often the women of Sarah’s time are invisible when it comes to records, but in the case of this couple it is Sarah’s migration that is recorded. Sara Pitnei age 22, Sara Pitnei age 7 child of Sara, Samuel Pitney age 1 1/2 child of Sara, Margaret Pitney age 22, and Rachel Deane age 31 were enrolled at London on the ship Planter on 11 April 1635. It arrived Boston 7 June 1635. Perhaps Margaret was James’ sister; Rachel Deane was a widow who settled Marshfield but her connection to the Pitney family is unknown. It seems Sarah’s age is an error as she would have been married at age 11!

Perhaps James had likely arrived before his family to get settled and then sent for them. He was at Ipswich in Essex County on the North Shore by 1639. A 25 April 1639 deed between William Bartholomew and John Webster for land on the north side of Ipswich mentions it is bounded by that of James Pitney. [Essex Antiquarian, 8:2 (1904)] On 26 March 1640 he and another man were hired “to keep a herd of swine” at Castle Neck and Hogg Island in Ipswich for payment of 40 pounds. [Ipswich Town Records]

By 1643, James removed to Plymouth Colony on the South Shore where he is found, as James Pittney, in the Marshfield section of the 1643 Plymouth Colony list of men able to bear arms. [PCR 8:196] On 5 March 1643/4 “James Pitney” was propounded for Plymouth Colony freemanship. [PCR 2:69]

On 24 January 1643 James Pittnie was taxed 1 pound by the Town of Marshfield; he was 9th on the list which is ordered by total amount paid. 

James appears to have limited education as he signed documents with his mark. He was a feltmaker by trade, which is mentioned in St .Olave baptism records for some of his children and in a 1659 Marshfield deed. 

Twice he was admonished or fined for not attending Marshfield Town Meeting: 16 February 1645/6 and 19 August 1645. [MD 62:33-34; 62:139] He is not found in any records as serving in  civic offices, but he was associated with some prominent families including Winslow, Bradford and Bourne. 

At 16 February 1645[/6] Taken by default for not appearing: Arthur Howland, John Gorham, James Pittnie, Luke Lilly, Anthony Father’s, Richard Beare, William Randall. 

On 29 March 1642, John West sued James Pitney and James Howe; Daniel Hovey also sued James Pitney and James Howe [Records of the Essex Quarterly Court 1:141]. No details of the suits given.

At Marshfield he had several tracts of land granted him. [62:2:141-2] One tract of land was at Mt. Skirgo, which later sold on 24 November 1659. James Pitny of Boston, late of Marshfield, felt maker, deeded his land at Mount Skergo to John Adamas and Samuel Baker for 15 pounds. [MD 62:133] On 5 September 1663 John Adams sold his share of the land to Samuel Baker for 20 pounds, so apparently James had given them a deal! Some of James’ Mount Skirgo land is part of what became the Ellis Nature Sanctuary. James received another tract of land at Green Harbor that he later sold to James Lindall. 

Ellis Nature Sanctuary (source nsrwa.org)

James appears regularly in Marshfield records from 1644 to 1649 and likely remained there through 1651 when he and his wife Sarah are mentioned in records. Robert Waterman of Marshfield was presented for “offering an attempt of boddyly uncleanes to Sara Pittney, of the aforesaid towne.”William Thomas of Marshfield wrote his will 9 July 1651 and left a bequest to James Pitney: “I give unto James Pittney two Bushels of wheate.” [The Mayflower Descendant, “Plymouth Colony Wills and Inventories,” 10:163 (1908)]

On 26 July 1652 “James Pitney is admitted a townsman [of Boston] Theoder Adtkinson doth bind himself in twenty pounds sterling, to be paid unto the town’s treasurer, on condition for to secure the town harmless from all charge that shall come by the said James Pitney or any of his family.” [Second report of the Record Commissioners of the City of Boston, p. 111]

Children of Sarah and James Pitney:

  1. Probably “The child of James Petney, ” unnamed, who was buried 30 June 1625 at St. Olave; could be his daughter Rebecca from first marriage or a premature child from his second marriage who died at or shortly after birth
  2. Sarah Pitney baptized St. Olave, Southwark, Surrey, on 11 Feb 1626/7 (aged 7 on 11 April 1635 [Hotten 56]); m Marshfield 21 Dec 1648 John Thomas [MD 2:110; MarVR 5; NEHGR 101:72-73]
  3. Possibly James who was buried 10 Oct 1628 at All Saints, Edmonton, Enfield, Middlesex
  4. Samuel Pitney born England about 1633 (age 1 1/2 on 11 April 1635 [Hotten 56]); sailed for New England with mother and sister in 1635; no further record
  5. John Pitney born say 1636 probably Ipswich; died Boston 17 Oct 1652 “son of Francis and Sarah Pitney” [BVR 37]; no Francis Pitney is found in early New England and James and Sarah Pitney were living in Boston in 1652 so seems he is their son
  6. James Pitney, b say 1638 probably at Ipswich; on 26 April 1655 Roger Williams wrote from Providence to John Winthrop Jr that “a hue and cry came to my hand lately from the Governor of Boston, after 2 youths one run from Capt. Oliver whom I lighted on and have returned, another from James Bill of Boston who I hear passed through our town and said he was bound for Pequ[o]t [New London]. His name is James Pitnie he hath on a blackish coat and hat and a pair of greenish breeches and green knit stockings” [RW Corr 440]; named in father’s will of 14 March 1663[/4]; James was an indentured servant to James Beele of Pulling Point, Boston so perhaps he had run off; no further record
  7. Abigail Pitney, b say 1640 possibly at Ipswich, named in father’s 14 March 1663[/4] will as “my daughter Abigail,” no surname given; no further record

I descend from their daughter Sarah.

Notes from the 27 September 1643 Marshfield Town Meeting provide information on what it is was like to live in town during a time tension with Native Americans. “…whereas it is probable that eminent danger to the whole body of the English in this land, it is ordered that four watches be maintained within the township—one at the house of Mr. Edward Winslow and he himself have charge of it and the other at the house of Mr. William Thomas and that Lt. Nathaniel Thomas have charge of it. A third at the house of Mr. Thomas Burne & Josiah Winslow to have charge of it and fourth at the house of Robert Barker and William Brookes to have charge of it. That Robert Carver, John Rowse, Edw Bumpas, Edward Winslow family, John Thomas & family be of the guard under the Command of Mr Edward Winslow. That James Pitney, Mr. Thomas family & Mr Bulkleys be under Lt. Thomas. That Mr. Burne & his family Robert Water[man] [John] Burne Roger Cooke John Russel Luke [Lilly] 

Kanelm Winslow & James Adams be under command of Josiah Winslow.
That Gilbert Brockes Nathaniel Briant [Robert] Barker William Barker John Barker 

Howell & Edw Broun Will. Halloway & fam be under the command of William Brookes

That a guard of two at least be maintained out of them. That be maintained all the day at the place of the guard. That for as much as the township consists of —- persons at present that therefore so long as the danger is like to continue viz 14 days at least every man lodge in his clothes with arms ready by his bedside that so he may be ready to give assistance according to need.

That in case any cannot come [page damaged]…of him in case any alarm be given by night from any other township that then every guard discharge only one piece but if an alarm arise in our own township then by two at least. And that then every person repair to his quarter or place of guard & half the strength of these guard make good the quarter & the other got to relieve that other quarter that is in danger.

That this watch begin this present night being the 27th of this present month and continue at least 14 days & further if occasion serve.

On the Sabbath days these guards be continued & that the rest of those that are liable to bear arms bring them to the place of worship and in case any remove form thence to take their arms with them.” [MD, 29:29-31] 

James’ son John died în Boston 17 October 1652. [Report of the Record Commissioners containing Boston Births, Baptisms, Marriages, and Deaths, 1630-1699, p 66] Son James became a servant to James Beele of Pulling Point, Boston. 

Sarah Pitney, the wife of James Pitney, died at Boston on 14 August 1658. [Boston City Document No 130, page 66] She was about age 59. An account payable by “Mr Pitney” included in the estate of Dr. Comfort Starr suggests that James had sought medical treatment for his wife before she died. [Hosea Starr Ballau, Early Starrs in Kent & New England, 1944, page 112]

The last record of James in Boston is the record of the death of his wife Sarah in August 1658. An account payable by “Mr Pitney” included in the estate of Dr. Comfort Starr, who died in January 1659/60 suggests that James had sought medical treatment for his wife before she died. [Hosea Starr Ballau, “Early Starrs in Kent & New England,” 1944, page 112.] James came back to Marshfield by 1663, possibly to live with his daughter Sarah Thomas at Green Harbor. 

James died between 14 March 1663/4 (when he wrote his will) and 21 March 1663/4 (date of inventory).

In his will, dated 14 March 1663[/4] and proved 8 June 1664, “James Pitney aged eighty years or thereabouts” bequeathed to “my son John Thomas Sr….my oxe…[and] my horse colt”; to “my son James Pitney…twenty shillings which my son John Thomas shall pay him;” to “my daughter Abigail two cows;” to “my daughter Sarah one cow..all my bedding and clothes;” to “my daughter Sarah’s children my two calves and one yearling;” “my loving daughter Sarah Thomas” to be executrix. “Mr John Bradford to be my overseer.” He signed his will with his mark.Witnesses were John Bradford and John Bourne.  [PCPR 2:2:21; MD 16:25-26].

Note that the age of 80 years given would make him born about 1583 which seems much too early so it is likely an error. It seems fairly common during this time period for ages to be exaggerated. His will does not state where he was living, but probably in Marshfield as that is where John Bradford  and John Bourne lived. 

The inventory of James Pitney was taken by John Bradford and John Bourne on 21 March 1663/4. No real estate mentioned. It totaled 31 pounds 9 shillings, and included 2 cows, an ox, a heifer, two calls, a few items of furniture, clothing and various household items.The estate was indebted to Goodman Wharton, Nathaniel Winslow, and Mr. Hugh Williams. James must have had a substantial tobacco habit as he owed four shillings to Goodman Wharton for four pounds of tobacco and five shillings to Nathaniel Winslow for tobacco.[PCPR 2:2:21] 

“Sarah the wife of John Thomas made oath to this Inventory May the 24th 1664 Before mee Josias Winslow Assistant.”

Sources Not Included Above:

Marcia A Thomas, Memorials of Marshfield, 1854

Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Begins, V: 472-474 (2007)

The Great Migration Newsletter, 16:6

Jeremy D. Bangs, The Mayflower Descendant, “The Seventeenth Century Town Records of Marshfield,” 61:122, 62:33-34, 62:133, 62:139, 63:18 

Justin Winsor (communicated by), NEHGS Register, “Abstracts of the Earliest Wills in the Probate Office, Plymouth,” 6:185

Sunday, July 7, 2024

John Burgess ca 1629-1701 and his wife Mary Worden of Sandwich and Yarmouth, Mass.

John Burgess was born probably in England circa 1629, the second son of Thomas and Dorothy (Waynes) Burgess, early settlers of Sandwich on Cape Cod, arriving there by 1637. Before settling at Sandwich, the family may have been at Salem and Lynn. His father Thomas was a prominent man in the Colony and a large landholder. His last name is often seen as Burge/Burg, but I use Burgess for the sake of consistency.

On 8 Dec 1657 John married Mary Worden at Sandwich. [Sandwich VR p. 17] Mary was born circa 1639 at Yarmouth (in an area that later became Dennis), daughter of Peter Worden and his wife Mary whose maiden name is unknown. John and Mary are my 9th great-grandparents through both my grandmother Milly (Booth) Rollins and grandfather Arthur Washburn Ellis Davis.

John and Mary had ten children:

 i.possibly Mary born 25 Dec 1658; married Manoah Ellis

ii.John born abt. 1659; married Sarah Nickerson 

iii.Patience born about 1662; married Jonathan Nye of Sandwich

ivThomas born about 1666; married Sarah Storrs

v.Joseph born about 1670; married Tamsin/Thomasine Bangs

vi.iMartha born bout 1671; married Samuel Storrs of Connecticut

vii. Samuel born about 1678; married Elizabeth ——

viii.Jacob born about 1680; married Sarah ——

ix.possibly Sarah born about 1684; she may be the Sarah who married Jeremiah O’Killey but there is a lack of proof

x.Mercy born about 1685; married Samuel Winslow 

There is no primary source record for daughters Sarah and Mercy, but John does state in his will that he had five daughters. 

I descend from their son John as well as their daughter Patience.

John was admitted a freeman at Sandwich in 1657 and served as a grand juror in 1661. John and Mary removed to Yarmouth where in 1676 he had taxable property of 4 shillings and 1 pence. That same year John Burgess was taxed 12 shillings and 16 pence towards King Philips War. He was Deputy to the Court at Plymouth in 1680, so clearly he was a prominent man in the Colony.

John Burgess was chosen by Yarmouth in 1679 to look out for, cut up, and secure for the town such whales and whale bones as by God's providence were cast up on land from Sawtucket to Sawsuit Harbor mouth. He was paid five pounds "blubber or oyle" per whale. He was chosen for this job again in 1680.

Mary is mentioned as the wife of John Burgess in her father Peter Worden’s 9 January 1679-80 will. She is mentioned as being of Yarmouth with husband John Burgess again in her mother's 1687 estate settlement.  It was sworn to by John Burge, administrator, on 31 March 1687. 

A map published in the Cape Cod Genealogical Society Bulletin shows locations of the homesteads of "Dennis First Comers.” John lived in East Dennis on the south side of what is now Route 6A near what in 2001 was Sesuit Harbor Motel. His neighbors were Joseph Severance, T. Boardman and Z. Paddock. [CCGS Bulletin, Spring 2001, page 8-10]

Location of John's homestead near top of map/Source: CCGS Bulletin Spring 2001

John “Burg” wrote his will on 14 Aug 1700 and a codicil dated 19 Feb 1700/01, both proven 3 July 1701. He mentions wife Mary, all his sons by name: John, Thomas, Joseph, Samuel, and Jacob, and his five daughters all unnamed except for Martha who is noted as unmarried.  Codicil mentions land belonging to Aunt Martha Severance (she was the sister of his wife Mary Worden).  The codicil in particular spells out how he want his sons to care for their mother Mary as long as she remains his widow, something I find endearing. [Mayflower Descendant, Vol 53, no. 2, citing Barnstable Probate Records 2:127; inventory 2:129; also available on Familysearch.org]

A record of John’s death is not found but he died at Yarmouth between 19 February 1700/01 when he wrote the Codicil and 3 July 1701 when his will was proven.

An inventory of his estate was taken 12 July 1701. It lists land, farm animals, spinning wheel, clapboards, household items, books, a canoe, guns and swords, and a servant boy. To me the books indicate he was literate, the canoe that he lived near water, guns and swords that he at one point served in the militia. I believe the servant boy was an indentured servant rather than a slave.

The widow Mary Burgess died intestate before 11 May 1724 when administration of her estate was granted to her son Jacob. An inventory was taken 16 May 1724, final disposition granted 10 July 1727. In the final disposition, Jacob noted that all legacies had been distributed except to his sisters, Patience Nye and her heirs, and Mary Ellis.  Mary’s inventory included a cow, calf and heifer and the luxury items of a silk scarf and hood. 

Sources Not Mentioned Above

Charles Swift, History of Old Yarmouth Comprising the Present Towns of Yarmouth and Dennis, 1894

Katherine Hiam, Burgess Genealogy: Descendants of the Four Sons of Thomas Burgess and Dorothy (Waynes) Burgess, 1997

Martin E. Hollick, The American Genealogist, “Enigmas #20, One Identification and One Conundrum: Notes on the Venney, O’Kiliea/O’Killey, and Burgess Families of Yarmouth and Sandwich, Massachusetts,” 80:304 (2005)

John Burg’s will: Barnstable County Probate 2:127-30

Peter Worden’s will: "Massachusetts, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1635-1991", ancestry.com

Mary (——) Worden’s will: “Massachusetts, Plymouth County, Probate Records, 1633-1967,” familysearch.org

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

John Faunce ca 1608 to 29 Nov 1653 of Plymouth, Mass. (Part 2)

One of my favorite things to do is discovering the location of ancestors’ homes. When I visit these locations I feel such a strong connection to the past that makes me nearly giddy. It can’t be matched by researching names and dates.  I have read that my 10th great-grandfather John Faunce and his wife Patience (Morton) lived at Eel River in Plymouth. I drive by Eel River frequently so I know it is nearly four miles long—I wanted to get more exactly location or John’s homestead.

I knew that John lived at Eel River from this land transaction: On 1 Nov 1647 George Bonum sold to John Faunce "that lot of land that lyeth next me at the Eel River with the housing and fencings thereabouts"; Manasseh and Jane Kempton witnessed the deed [Mayflower Descendant 10:17-18, citing PCLR 2:1:161]. That he lived there is also mentioned in a variety of historical and genealogical books and periodicals. 

View from Eel River Bridge, River Street

I hit a dead end, however, in pinpointing a more exact location. So I then started doing some collateral research.

John died on 29 November 1653, at just age 45. His widow Patience remarried, so she wouldn’t have stayed in the family homestead. I then looked more closely at his children. I descend through his daughters Mercy as well as Priscilla, and it is unlikely they would have inherited their father’s land.

I knew John’s eldest son was Thomas. He served as Town Clerk, was the church’s Ruling Elder, and lived to nearly 100. In 1741, at age 95, he was brought from his Eel River home to the waterfront where he told the story of Plymouth Rock, pointing out the boulder at the waterfront and identifying Mary Chilton (another direct ancestor of mine) as the first to step upon it. He said his father, John Faunce, had shown him the rock and told him the story, as did several Mayflower passengers. Personally I don’t believe the story of Plymouth Rock but I certainly love what it represents!

I looked at John’s probate record and found that on 29 Oct 1668 "Thomas Faunce appeared in the Court and being of full age was taken notice of by the Court, and owned and acknowledged to be the right heir apparent to the lands of John Faunce, Seni(o)r, sometimes of Plymouth, in New England, deceased" (PCR 5:6). The long delay between John’s death and Thomas claiming his right to his father’s estate was because he was just six or so when his father died. 

So it seems Thomas would have inherited the family homestead! I then started looking at him more closely. I was fortunate to come across an article at Pilgrim Hall Museum that stated John’s son Thomas Faunce lived on the west side of River Street, near Eel River bridge. There is now a house located at the spot on the corner of Langford Road and River Street. [Victoria B. Engstrom, Eel River Valley, Pilgrim Society Notes, Series One, Number 23, 1976]

Eureka! I don’t know the author’s source for this information but it is good enough for me as it aligns with everything else I have read.

Corner of River Street and Langford Road

It’s a lovely area and at its higher elevations one can see Plymouth Bay. Before so many homes were built in the area, it must have been an easy walk down to what is now Plymouth Beach and the Bay beyond. Langford Road is just a stone's throw from Eel River Bridge. It's just down the road from Plimoth Plantation/Plimoth Patuxet and three miles from Burial Hill in downtown Plymouth.

House currently on the corner of River and Langford

Years ago I wrote a sketch on John Faunce which can be seen here.

Monday, July 1, 2024

John Pease 1608 to about 1675 and His Wife Lucy of Salem and Martha’s Vineyard

John Pease was baptized at St. Mary’s Church at Great Baddow Essex on 20 Nov 1608, the son of Robert Pease, a locksmith  His mother was Margaret whose maiden name is not known. I have not yet done research on his parents. He is my 9th great-grandfather on my grandmother Milly (Booth) Rollins’ side of the family.

St. Mary's at Great Baddow

On 30 April 1634 “John Pease” aged 27, with three children under his care, “Fayth Clearke,” aged 15, “Robert Pease,” aged 3, and “Darcas Greene,’ aged 15, was enrolled at Ipswich as a passenger for New England on the Francis.  I’m not sure who these children are—perhaps Robert is his nephew as his brother Robert was on board the same ship.

On 4 Feb 1634, Henry Dade wrote to the Archbishop of Canterbury that the ships Francis and Elizabeth with 60 men in each set sail for New England and he supposes they are debtors or persons disaffected with the established church. [Calendars of State Papers, American and Colonial Series, 1574-1660]

There is a great deal of conflicting information on John Pease, about whether he was the same man who was at Salem, Connecticut, and Martha’s Vineyard and if so, in which order he lived at each place. In this sketch, my main reference on the sticky points is Robert Charles Anderson’s work. Anderson does not mention his living in Connecticut, although John did own a house and land in New London, Connecticut, at the time of his death which his son John inherited. I believe that if he did move to Connecticut, he returned to Edgartown. 

John Pease was first at Salem, where his brother Robert and his mother Margaret also lived. In the 1636 Salem land grant John Pease received 20 acres in the non-freeman’s section of the list [Salem Town Records/STR 1:24]. In the 25 Dec 1637 grant of undivided meadow, “Jo[hn] Pease” was granted half an acre for a household of two [STR 1:103]. On 23 April 1638 the town of Salem granted to “John Pease five acres of land next adjoining to Samuell Corninge near unto the watermill.” [STR 1:69] On an unknown date, Robert Goodale had purchased 30 acres from “Robert Pease & his brother.” [STR 1:171]

On 25 June 1639 the Salem court reported that “Mr. Gervas Garford hired a cow of John Pease for a year; Pease being then absent, Garford was ordered to keep the cow till Pease returned. [Essex Quarterly Court records/EQC 1:11] This seems to indicate a long absence by Pease from Salem—perhaps he was a mariner or was already scoping out a move to Martha’s Vineyard.

There are two more court records that mention John. On 25 Jan 1641[/2], “Elias Stilton Sr” sued “John Pease” for an unknown cause [EQC 1:30]. On 26 Dec 1643, “John Pease” sued “Thom[a]s Trusler” for trespass [EQC 1:56]. 

By about 1637, likely at Salem, John married a woman named Lucy whose maiden name is unknown. Charles Banks identified her as Lucy Weston, daughter of Francis but Anderson believes her maiden name is unknown. The Massachusetts Bay Court ordered on 3 Nov 1635 “that John Pease shall be whipped, & bound to his good behavior, for striking his mother, Mrs. Weston, & deriding of her, & for diverse other misdemeanors, & other evil carriages.” [Mass Bay Court Records 1:155] Banks must have assumed that that Mrs. Weston, the wife of Francis Weston, was John’s mother-in-law, hence identifying Lucy’s maiden name as Weston.  

I hope John was a kinder husband and father than he was a son.

To make things more confusing, I found a will that fits to be that of John’s mother Margaret, but her last name is Pease, not Weston. It was written 1 September 1644 and proved February 1644/45. She owned property in Salem. It does not mention a son John. It does mention son Robert, and sons of her son Robert, John and Robert. [Office of the Clerk of Courts in Salem, book 1, leaf 35] 

Despite accumulating quite a lot of land at Salem, John started over by moving to Martha’s Vineyard where he was one of the earliest white settlers. On 18 June 1644 “John Pease hath sold unto Ingersell one house & 75 acres of land adjoining to the farm wherein the said Richard dwelleth.” [SLR 1:53] 

An undated document records the Martha’s Vineyard lands of “John Pease the elder” as “one house and household of ten acres of upland and 2 acres of meadow lying at the norther[n]most end of the town Great Harbor”; “a dividend lying from beyond the plain containing twenty-five acres…called Mashakett, in the cove of thence”; “a little neck of land containing five acres of land…lying towards Sanchacontackett”; “[note: there is a Sengekontacket Pond, a vast saltwater pond that spans the towns of Edgartown and Oak Bluffs and borders Nantucket Sound on the north] “a lot of land upon Chapequideck Neck lying upon the higher land there, from water to water, cross the neck”; “a small parcel of meadow [at] Sangacontacett in the last division there”; and “a share of Mechem’s Field being 21st lot” [Martha’s Vineyard Hist 2:Edgartown:101, transcription of a document in private hands].  A street to the south of his land is called Peases Point Way.

Children with Lucy:

i.James Pease born 15 March 1637[/8?]; m (1) Elizabeth Norton daughter of Nicholas Norton; m (2) 22 April 1706 Abigail (Travis) Covell 

ii.John Pease born say 1640; received land at New London by his father’s will and resided there in 1672 [New London Court Records 3:47]; no evidence he ever married

I descend from James and his first wife Elizabeth Norton.

On 17 Oct 1643 “Luce Pease, the wife of [blank] Pease, appearing, & professing that she doth abhor & renounce Gorton’s opinions, & confessing her fault in blotting out some things in the book which she brought, & in showing the same before she had delivered it, & professing she was sorry for it, she was dismissed for the present, to appear when she shall be called for.” [MBCR 2:50] 

This court case is referring to Samuel Gorton who had strong religious beliefs which differed from Puritan theology and was very outspoken, and he became the leader of a small sect known as Gortonians/Gortonists/Gortonites. As a result, he was frequently in trouble with the civil and church authorities in New England. He was incredibly intelligent and published books in which he was harshly critical of the magistrates and ministers who filled positions he considered meaningless. 

I am impressed that Lucy had been taught to read and was reading work by a religious dissenter! Perhaps John shared Lucy’s beliefs and they moved to Martha’s Vineyard to practice religion without interference. Other’s that believe Lucy was the daughter of Francis Weston state that he was a religious non-conformist and that John and Lucy moved to Martha’s Vineyard to distance themselves from him. 

Capt. Valentine Pease of Edgartown, who was upwards of 80 years of age in 1849, has heard his father and grandfather say that the two eldest sons of John Pease landed at Martha’s Vineyard, removed from there to Salem, and that their names were James and John.

Among a large number of persons of Salem, owning estates there “before 1661” are the names of Nathaniel and Isaac Pease. [Rev. David Pease]

Another account printed in the Nantucket Gazette and the Albany Journal in 1838: “In the fall of 1632, or a year or two later, a vessel bound from England to South Virginia, fell in with the south shoal of Nantucket, came up through the Vineyard sound and anchored off Cape Page on account of a distemper, which, like a plague, raged among the passengers and crew, twenty-five of whom died.”

Another account, states the cause was scarcity of provisions, so four men and their families went ashore, preferring to take their chances with the natives. “They landed at the spot since called Pease’s Point or Edgartown. Their names were John Pease, Thomas Vincent, ——Trapp, and ——Browning or Norton. A red coat, presented on landing, by Pease to the Chief or Sachem, secured at once the good offices of the tree and they were treated with hospitality.”

According to WikiTree, on 23 March 1647 John Pease sold a parcel of land of 10 acres of land and 2 acres of meadow at Mattakeeset to Mr John Bland and moved to Norwich CT. He purchased land there that he retained until his death. In 1650 he was still in New London but before 5 March 1653 he had moved back to Edgartown where he was involved in a land suit.

Lucy died before about 1657, the approximate year John married, second, Mary whose maiden name is also unknown.

Children with Mary:

iii.Thomas born say 1657; m by 1685 Bathsheba Merry daughter of Joseph Merry 

iv.Abigail born say 1659; named in father’s will of 4 March 1674[/75?]

v.Mary born say 1661; named in father’s will 

vi.Rebecca born say 1663; named in father’s will 

vii.Sarah born say 1665; perhaps m by 1686 John Doggett

viii.Jonathan born say 1667; named in father’s will 

ix.Samuel born say 1669; named in father’s will

x.David born say 1671; named in father’s will

Unfortunately there is a lack of records on the island for these early European settlers, but John does mention his children by name in his will. Their estimated births are from Robert Charles Anderson, who calls the information available on them extremely unsatisfactory.

John had some education as he signed his will. He is called husbandman in records. He was appointed Edgartown constable on 7 Nov 1653. David Pease wrote that he was often styled “Captain” in records and took that to mean he was a mariner although that could also refer to military service. 

From Jane Carpineto's On the Vineyard: A Year in the Life of an Island, she quotes an islander, Mark Lovewall: "First came the Mayhews," he explained. "They spread across the island, converted the Indians to Christianity, and stole their land. Next came my maternal ancestors, the Peases. They weren't so virtuous. They didn’t bother with religion. They just stole the land and settled Edgartown." 

In 1673 John and nineteen other Martha’s Vineyard men signed the appeal to Massachusetts for annexation and joined in the “Dutch Rebellion.” “John Peas being by the Govournour by his officer warned to appear to answer his misdemeanor for committing a riott at Edgartown the Marshall returners answer that the warrant was by the said Peas his wife taken him and therefore he cannot return his warrant; the said Peas appearing before the Govournour in both person and estate bound to answer at the next sessions of traill held upon the Duke his highness province and Territories for the said riott committed and his wife for forcibly taking the warrant off the Marshalls hands.” 

“John Peas” wrote his will, dated 4 March 1674[?/5] which was proved on an unknown date.  [Dukes LR 1;340]  John Peas, husbandman and inhabitant upon Martin’s Vineyard in the town called Edgartown…in some measure of good health and perfect understanding and memory though I am stricken in years. Mentions having had two wives, and two sons surviving from his first wife, James Peas, & John Peas. God had blessed James, the elder,  “in his labors & endeavors and I have been helpful to him so that he is very well to pass in his estate far beyond myself, I do therefore…give to my eldest son James Peas twelve pence.’ To second son John Peas “I have already given unto and do hereby give unto him all that was given unto me at Mohegan [New London], with that frame of a house I set up upon some part of that land.” With his living wife Mary Peas, he had four sons Thomas Pease, Jonathan, Samuell, and David and four daughters Abygaill Peas, Mary, Rebecca and Sarah Peas. To them “I do give all my lands and housing that I have upon this island Martin’s Vineyard to be either equally divided or valued or sold or exchanged and the price thereof equally divided to everyone of them alike and this to be performed at convenient age of them.” Mary to be Executrix and to receive “all my cattle of every sort with all my household goods…for her use and comfort and helpfulness in bringing up my children.”

John Peas signed his will and then added: to my second son John Peas twelve pence

Witnesses: Thomas Birchard, Kathrin Birchart, Thomas Trappe

John died after September 1677 when he served on a Martha’s Vineyard jury. His widow Mary then married a man named Creber, possibly Thomas and moved with him to Portsmouth, New Hampshire. 

On 3 June 1688, “Marie Creber, late wife of John Peas late of Edgartown deceased and executrix to said John Peas,” deeded to “Thomas Peas of the said town…all that parcel and tract of lands and meadow which lyeth in or adjoining to the houselot of the said John Peas deceased…together with all other the lands and divisions of lands, meadows, and marshes and all estate real which in the said town I lying and being, which was the estate of John Peas at the time of his death.” [Dukes County Land Records 1:99] On 3 June 1695 “Mary Creber of Edgartown of Martha’s Vineyard, widow,” deeded to “Jonathan Peas son of the said Mary of the same town…a certain parcel of land lying in said town..being about ten acres, together with a frame of an house now being on said land.” [Dukes LR 2:309]

Sources Not Listed Above:

Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Begins, 2007

Charles Edward Banks, The Planters of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1620-1640, Boston, 1930

Charles Banks, History of Martha's Vineyard, Vol III: contains Pease’s English origin; biographical sketch is in Vol 1 pg. 95 and Vol II page 91-103

Jane Carpineto, On the Vineyard A Year in the Life of an Island, c. 1998, page 237

Rev. David Pease, compiled by, A Genealogical and Historical Record of the Descendants of John Pease, Sen. Last of Enfield, Conn.” 1869 

Frederick S. Pease, NEHGS Register, “The Pease Family,” 3:27-31 (1849)

Ian Watson, The American Genealogist, “The Three Mary Peases of Salem, Massachusetts,” 70:205-8 (1995)