Monday, April 19, 2021

Isaac Wright (1686-1766) and his wife Mary Cole (ca 1697-1759) of Plymouth and Plympton, Massachusetts


Isaac Wright was born 19 January 1686 at Plymouth, Massachusetts (calculated from his age at death), the son of Adam and Sarah (Soule) Wright.  I wrote about Adam and Sarah here.  He was a descendant of Mayflower passengers George Soule and Francis Cooke.  

On 19 December 1717, Isaac Wright married Mary Cole at Plympton, Massachusetts. Mary was born about 1697, probably at Plymouth. She was the daughter of John and Susannah (Gray) Cole. I wrote about John and Susanna here.  Mary and Isaac are my 7th great-grandparents from my grandfather Arthur Washburn Davis’ side of the family.

Mary Cole’s parentage is established by the probate of the estate of John Cole which includes a quitclaim dated 15 March 1727 which is part says “we Isaac Wright of Plimpton…& Mary Wright his wife,” said Mary was daughter to Mr. John Cole and his wife Mrs. Susannah Cole both late of Plimpton, aforesaid deceased.

 Isaac and Mary had five children born Plympton:

Susannah born 9 December 1719

Joseph born 16 June 1721

Mary born 30 January 1726

Rachel b. 23 March 1732

Isaac born 3 Sept. 1736

I descend from Joseph who married Sarah Brewster, whom I wrote about here.

Isaac is mentioned in his father Adam Wright’s 9 April 1723 will. He had already deeded Isaac land where he was currently living.

Isaac, yeoman of Plimton, wrote his will 2 July 1760. He left the westerly end of his dwelling house to son Joseph “in consideration of his labour with me after he was of age” and also one half of all other real estate except the easterly end of his dwelling house. His son Isaac was to receive the easterly end of the house and one half of all other real estate except for westerly end of the house. To daughter Mary Thomson he left more than 6 pounds, besides what he had already given her. To daughter Rachel Wright, he gave more than 13 pounds. If anything remained of the estate after debts, funeral charges and legacies are paid, it was to be equally divided among children. Son Joseph named executor. The will was proved 7 April 1766.  His daughter Susannah is not mentioned; she died in 1737 at age 18.

Isaac Wright died Plympton 11 January 1766, aged 80 years “wanting 8 days.”

An inventory of Isaac Wright’s estate was taken 4 April 1766. It included a pew in the meeting house, homestead farm, cedar swamp and iron ore. Total amount of inventory was over 544 pounds.

Mary died 20 July 1759 at Plympton at age 62. Isaac died 11 January 1766 at Plympton. Isaac and Mary are buried at the Old Cemetery on Main Street in Plympton (also called Hillcrest).

Mary’s stone inscription reads:

In Memory of Mrs. Mary Wright

ye Wife of Mr. Isaac Wright

She Decd July ye 20th 1759

63d Year of Her Age

 Sadly, Isaac’s stone is in poor condition so I couldn’t read the inscription. It is two stones away from Mary.


Wood, Ralph V. Jr., Francis Cooke of the Mayflower The First Five Generations, Picton Press, Rockport, Maine, 1996


Robert S. Wakefield, Mayflower Families in Progress, "George Soule of the Mayflower and His Descendants for Four Generations," third edition, published by GSMD, Plymouth, Mass., 1999


Robert S. Wakefield, Richard Wright of Plymouth, Mass., The American Genealogist, Vol 59, July 1983

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