Monday, April 12, 2021

Eleazer Jackson 1669-1736 and his wife Hannah Ransom (ca 1671-1758) of Sandwich, Plymouth and Plympton, Massachusetts

Eleazer Jackson was born October 1669 at Sandwich, Massachusetts, the son of Abraham Jackson and Remember Morton. His first name is spelled in a variety of ways including Eliazer.

On 29 Jan 1690/91, Eleazer married Hannah Ransom at Plymouth. Hannah was born ca 1671, the daughter of Robert Ransom. Martin Hollick identifies her mother as Abigail, maiden name unknown (see Sources). They are my 8th great-grandparents on my grandfather Arthur Washburn Davis’ side of the family.

Eleazer and Hannah had a huge family with the births of 14 children recorded in Plymouth:

John born on 19 August 1692

Eliezer born on 18 April 1694

Joanna born on 22 February 1695/6

Marcey/Mercy born 28 November 1697

Hannah born 28 April1699

Mary born 15 April 1701

Abigail born October 1702

Deborah born 11 March 1703/4

Content born 22 Nov 1705

Suzannah born 25 July 1706

Ransom born 22 June 1708

Benjamin born 2 Aug 1710

Experience 18 Aug 1713, died 16 Oct 1713

Ephraim 10 Sept 1714

I descend from Deborah who married Joshua Brewster, a descendant of William Brewster of the Mayflower. I wrote about that couple here.

On 10 August 1733, Richard Dwelling of Scituate, Mason, purchased 37 acres at Lakenham in Plimpton from Eleazer Jackson. This deed also included one acre of meadow.

In his will, dated 26 June 1736, and proved 24 Sept 1736, Eleazer Jackson of Plympton named his wife Hannah, three sons Ransom, Benjamin and Ephraim, who were to have his real estate in Plympton and Plymouth after the death of his wife; and his daughters Joanna Harlow, Hannah Pomeroy, Mary Cushman, Abigail Chandler, Deborah Brewster, Content Weston, and the children of deceased daughter Susanne. (Plymouth Co Probate file 11186; 7:226)

Eleazer died 14 July 1736 at Plympton, now Carver, is buried Lakenham Cemetery, North Carver. He is called Lieutenant on his stone which is in very poor condition. I have yet to do research to find if Eleazer’s service went beyond being a Lieutenant in the local militia and whether he was involved in any of the Colonial Wars.

Eleazer's gravestone at Lakenham Cemetery

Inventory of the estate of Eleazer Jackson, late of Plympton included wearing apparel, book, purse, bed furniture, wooden Ware, iron ware, cattle, swine, hay, sheep. Also his homestead, dwelling house, barn and land adjoining. Lot of land in L_____(Lakenham?), common land property in Plymouth and Plympton, Cedar swamp bought of George Bonum, Cedar swamp in the 8th great lot in South Meadow cedar swamp, and privilege of pew in the South Precinct meeting house. Dated 27 Dec 1736, signed Joseph Lucas, Ebenezer Ransom and Samuel Shaw.

Hannah married, as his third wife, George Barrows on 20 December 1736 at Plympton, Massachusetts.

Hannah died at Plympton 30 March 1758, at the remarkable age of 87.  She died just seven days after her second husband George. She is buried at North Carver’s Lakenham Cemetery.

Hannah Ransom Jackson Barrow's gravestone, Lakenham Cemetery


Mayflower Families Fifth Generation Descendants, 1700-1880, William Brewster, NEHGS website

Martin E. Hollick, John Barrows of Plymouth, Massachusetts, NEHGR, April 2012

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