Friday, September 6, 2019

My Ancestors from Harwich, Barnstable Co., Mass.

 This post is part of an ongoing project of organizing my direct ancestors by the towns in New England where they lived. I love learning about the towns in which they lived. Please add a comment about your family from these towns or your favorite resources for this area. Much of the genealogical information is a work in progress! I have blogged about many of the ancestors listed, but some I don't know enough about yet to write a sketch of their lives.

John Bell, born about 1610 in England, settled in Sandwich and then Harwich and married ____; had a daughter Elizabeth who lived at Yarmouth/Dennis.

Samuel Berry, born Yarmouth 1691 to Richard and Alice Berry, married Rebecca Gray and they raised their family in Harwich. I descend through their daughter Thankful Berry b. 1716 who married Richard Chase of Harwich.

Richard 5 Chase (Thomas 4 Chase and Sarah Gowell, John 3 Chase and Elizabeth Baker, William 2 and Mary Chase, William 1 and Mary Chase)born 1715 at Yarmouth now Dennis, married Thankful Berry and lived in Yarmouth and then Harwich where he was a Baptist minister. I descend through their son Samuel Chase who was born Yarmouth 1738 and m. Zilpha Burgess, lived in Harwich. I then descend through their Samuel and Zilpha’s son Richard Chase b. Harwich 1766, who married Priscilla Snow and later moved to Brewster. 

Ebenezer 3 Eldredge (Jehosophat 2 Eldredge and Elizabeth Covell, William 1 Eldredge and Ann Lumpkin) born Feb 1707 in Chatham, married Deliverance Nickerson, moved to Harwich where he died in 1797. I descend through their son Elnathan 4 Eldredge born Chatham about 1747, married Dorothy Freeman, died Harwich in 1837. Then through Nehemiah 5 Eldredge, born Harwich 1775, married Ruth Harding, no death record for either found. Then through James Harding 6 Eldredge, born 1797, Chatham, married Rosanna Wixon, moved to Dennisport where he died in May 1873. 

Patrick 4 Kelley (Eleazer 3 Kelley and Sarah Browning, Jeremiah 2 Kelley and Sarah Chase, David 1 Kelley/OKelia and Jane Powell.) born Yarmouth/Dennis 1723, m. first Bethiah Baker in 1748 at Yarmouth/Dennis, m. 2nd Elizabeth Ellis in 1782, died Harwich 1800-1810. I then descend through Patrick 5 born probably Harwich 1753; in 1777 at Harwich he m. Dorcas Chase who was born Harwich in 1757. Then Oliver 6 born Harwich 1795, in 1815 at Brewster m. Priscilla Chase who was born 1796 at Harwich, died Harwich 1883. Then Valentine 7 born Harwich 1828, m. 1852 at Dennis, Rosana Eldredge who was born 1826 at Harwich, they moved to Dennis Port where they raised their family including my gg grandmother Mary Ann Kelley who was born Dennisport 1855, m. David Howes Kelley 1881.

A favorite Harwich resource:
Josiah Paine, A History of Harwich, Barnstable County, Massachusetts 1620-1800, 1937

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I'm now moderating comments on this blog. My apologies for any ensuing delays, but the large number of "spam" comments have made this necessary. ~Chris