Welcome! I really enjoy exchanging information with people and love that this blog helps with that. I consider much of my research as a work in progress, so please let me know if you have conflicting information. Some of the surnames I'm researching:

Many old Cape families including Kelley, Eldredge/idge, Howes, Baker, Mayo, Bangs, Snow, Chase, Ryder/Rider, Freeman, Cole, Sears, Wixon, Nickerson.
Many old Plymouth County families including Washburn, Bumpus, Lucas, Cobb, Benson.
Johnson (England to MA)
Corey (Correia?) (Azores to MA)
Booth, Jones, Taylor, Heatherington (N. Ireland to Quebec)
O'Connor (Ireland to MA)
My male Mayflower ancestors (only first two have been submitted/approved by the Mayflower Society):
Francis Cooke, William Brewster, George Soule, Isaac Allerton, John Billington, Richard Warren, Peter Browne, Francis Eaton, Samuel Fuller, James Chilton, John Tilley, Stephen Hopkins, and John Howland.
Female Mayflower ancestors: Mary Norris Allerton, Eleanor Billington, Mary Brewster, Mrs. James Chilton, Sarah Eaton, and Joan Hurst Tilley.
Child Mayflower ancestors: Giles Hopkins, (possibly) Constance Hopkins, Mary Allerton, Francis Billington, Love Brewster, Mary Chilton, Samuel Eaton, and Elizabeth Tilley.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Peter Worden 1569 to 1639, of Yarmouth (now Dennis), Mass.

Peter Worden was an early settler of Yarmouth, Mass., in an area that later became East Dennis. He was from Clayton, Lancaster County, England, and was born there in 1569 (date is from a memorial stone created by his descendants). Although his baptism record hasn’t been found, many genealogists believe he was the younger son of Robert and Isobel (Worthington) Worden. Douglas Richard states that in 1603-1605 Peter married Margaret (Grice) Wall, the daughter of Thomas and Alice (Holdworth) Grice and the widow of Anthony Wall. Peter is my 11th great-grandfather.

Nancy Thacher Reid wrote that he probably came on the ship Little James in 1624 (this is according to family genealogist Leslie E. Worden), but I should think if he was in New England that early there would be some traces of him in records.

He was considered an elder when he "excepted to" by court in early 1639. Reid also wrote that the Worden family was already in Yarmouth when the official plantation began in 1638/39, as early as 1626. 

Peter and Margaret had a son Peter Worden and likely a daughter Elizabeth who married Hugh Swanzey and a daughter Bridget. Margaret died in 1612. There is much conflicting information on his daughters’ names and death dates. I wrote about Peter Jr. here.

On 7 January 1638/9 land granted at "Mattacheeset, now called Yarmouth," to Mr. Anthony Thacher, Mr. Thomas Howes, Mr. John Crow, and John Coite. (Coite may have been from Marblehead but did not move to Plymouth Colony.) Crowe, Thacher, Howes, along with Marmaduke Mathews, Philip Tabor, William Palmer, Samuel Rider, William Lumpkin and Thomas Hatch were named freemen of Yarmouth. It was noted that "Old Worden (dead)", Burnell, Wright and Wat Deville were "Psons there excepted against," probably meaning they were not eligible to be freemen and shows that some form of settlement had already been in existence. 

A letter from Peter R. Worden of Lancashire, England stated Peter died in February 1639 and would almost certainly have been buried on the 12 acre plot on which he and his family were possibly squatting before Yarmouth officially became a settlement. It was at the West Field, a piece of land already cleared by Indians, at Yarmouth Port, in the area of the present "disused" Railroad Station. There is a tradition that the Worden family came down from Lynn, Mass., but the letter writer believes this is a myth. Peter’s mother was Isabel Worthington of Blainscough Hall, a gentry home, between Standish and Chorley. Peter likely knew Miles Standish and that is how he came to New England as no other motivation for emigration seems to exist. Writer would guess they lodged first at Duxbury then went to Yarmouth. After his father's death, Peter the younger got married and their first child arrived around 1640. It is unclear from what sources the writer gathered this information. [Cape Cod Genealogical Society Bulletin, Spring 2002]

According to multiple sources including WikiTree [https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Worden-3#Noble_and_Royal_Ancestry:] Peter Worden is a recognized Gateway Ancestor, with a well-documented pedigree descending from the Emperor Charlemagne and at least one Magna Carta Surety Baron, Robert de Ros. I have not conducted this research myself.

Charles Swift wrote that when Peter died in 1639, he was probably the first white settler to die at Yarmouth. 

Peter Worden’s will was dated 9 February 1638/9, witnessed by Nicholas Simpkins, Hugh Tilley and Giles Hopkins (latter two were Mayflower passengers). No mention of his wife, so she must have predeceased him. It mentions only his son Peter Jr and John Lewis, who perhaps was a grandson.

His estate included land in the town of Clayton, Lancaster, England, as well as his Yarmouth land. His homestead was in the present village of East Dennis along Route 6A overlooking Sesuet Creek and extending south from 6A quite some distance. There is an ancient foundation that may have been his home. 

The last will and testament of Peter Werden, of Yarmouth, Ye elder deceased proved at ye General Court held at Plymouth, the 5th day of March, in  ye 13th year of ye reign of our sovereign Lord  Charles I, King of England, etc., 1638, by ye oathes of Mr. Nicholas Sympkins,  Hugh Tillie, & Giles Hopkins - as followeth. 

Be it known unto all men to whom this doth or may concerne, that I, Peter Werden, of  Yarmouth, in New England, in the Plymouth Patten being very sicke, in this yeare of  our Lord 1638, and on ye 9th day of February, do make my last will to testify unto all that I, Peter Werden, do give and bequeath unto Peter Werden, my only sonne and heir, and in the presence of Nicholas Sympkins, Hugh Tillie, and Giles Hopkins, I do make him my whole executor, to whom I do give all my lands, leases, tenements with goods moveable and unmoveable in the town of Clayton in the county of Lankester. Likewise do I give unto Peter, my sonne, all my goods which I have at this present in New England. My will is my sonne is to give to John Lewis one nat goat, also my will is my sonne is to give my grandchild such money as is due for the keeping of goates and calves until this day and that my sonne is with the money to buy John a kid to dispose it otherwise for his use. Also one bed or bolster, 3 blankets, also my sonne is to have the tuition of my grandchild until he be at the age of one and twenty years of age, also my will is he shall fynd him with meate, drink and clothes, and at the three last years of the 21 years also to have 40 shillings the year after and above, for to add to his stock with a sowe pigg when the sowe piggs. 

Peter [his seal] Werden

In witness we present set our hand 

Nicholas Sympkins 

Hugh Tilly A His Mark 

Giles Hopkins G His Mark 

Witnesses deposed 5th March 1638

Peter is buried near Worden Hall, Route 6A, East Dennis, in the Worden Family Cemetery (previously Homer Cemetery) but without a surviving stone. Peter’s son and daughter-in-law likely buried there as well. Worden Hall was a social center for the village in the 1800s, named after the Worden’s who first owned the land on which it sits. It is now privately owned. Worden is no longer a surname seen in Dennis [Nancy Thacher Reid]

There is a slate marker with bronze plaque that is a memorial to Peter, his son and daughter-in-law that was erected by descendants. Partial inscription: Peter Worden 1569-1639. 

There is a Worden Family Association that publishes a newsletter and maintains a database available to subscribers.


Nancy Thacher Reid, Dennis, Cape Cod from Firstcomers to Newcomers, 1639 – 1993, 1996

Charles Swift, History of Old Yarmouth, 1884

Eugene Stratton, Plymouth Colony, Its History and People, 1986

Douglas Richardson. Magna Carta Ancestry: A Study in Colonial and Medieval Families, 4 vols., 2nd edition,  2011, vol. IV, page 369


  1. Thanks Chris for sharing this blog. I happen to stumble upon your site looking for info on Peter Worden born 1609. Hope to find more! Keep it up.

    1. Thanks, Kevin. I wrote about the younger Peter in a separate entry. If you haven't found it already, you can follow the link below. Chris https://massandmoregenealogy.blogspot.com/2011/09/peter-1609-1681-and-mary-1610-1687.html

  2. Peter worden born 1569 is my 11th great grandfather was just wondering if any of yal researching him is family

  3. Thank you for your information, on peter Worden, i had som but not much.

  4. An eleventh great grandson here too.

  5. Hi, I'm a direct descendant of his. He's my 10th great-grandfather, so says my family tree on FamilySerarch.org. I know I saw the book about him before but I'd like to get a copy so I could go through it. I hope you see this post real soon but not sure how to get in contact with you. I just know what someone else in my family shared.

    1. My email address is under the "about me" header on this page.

    2. See http://wordenfamilyassoc.org/ for a lot of information on Peter, his ancestors and descendants and become a member of the Worden Family Association.
      J. Schuerman jrs1@uchicago.edu

    3. Thank you for sharing this information


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