Thursday, March 1, 2012

Seth Washburn 1738-1826, Plymouth and Kingston, Mass.

Seth Washburn was born in Plymouth on 17 April 1738, the son of John Washburn and Abigale Phillips.

Seth married first Fear Howard on 31 October 1765 in Plymouth. I haven’t found Fear’s birth record but she was born circa 1739 given her age at death, and she was of Kingston at the time of her marriage. Seth and Fear had five known children:

1. Fear, born 15 September 1766, married James Foster in 1792, died 26 January 1826.
2. Persis, married John Turner of Scituate on 17 Aug 1795.
3. Abigail, married Zenas Churchill on 28 May 1771 in Plympton.
4. Seth, born 28 October 1768, married Sarah Adams, died 3 June 1860.
5. Ichabod born ca 1770, m. Sylvia Bradford in 1793, died 4 Oct 1798. Interestingly, Ichabod's son of the same name became a wealthy businessman in Worcester, and Washburn University in Kansas is named after him because of a large donation he made to the school.

Seth Washburn was appointed one of Plymouth’s Constables in 1768. He worked as a miller, owning a grist mill in Plymouth.
Jenney Grist Mill, Plymouth, Mass.

Fear died 9 April 1782, of consumption, aged 43 years. She is buried at the Old Burial Ground in Kingston.

Seth married second (Intentions last named spelled Warshburn), 15 December 1785, Anna Fullerton (spelled Fullinton in marriage record, Fullenton in intentions), daughter of John Fullerton and Rebecca Delano. She was born circa 1748. Seth and Anna had one child, Anna, born 20 January 1786.

Anna, the mother, died in her child bed of “mortification” on 25 January 1786. She is also buried at the Old Burial Ground in Kingston. Her daughter Anna died on 31 March 1786 at age two months 11 days and is buried next to her mother.

Seth Washburn of Kingston married third Deborah (Wright) Churchill of Plympton on 27 December 1792 at the First Church of Kingston Unitarian. Deborah was born 17 October 1749 in Plympton, the daughter of Joseph Wright and Sarah Brewster. She married first Nathaniel Churchill and they had at least three sons: Lewis, Levi and Nathaniel Churchill.
Kingston First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church source:

Seth and Deborah had one son together, Ephraim, born Kingston in August 1794, when Seth was 56 years of age and Deborah was 44. I descend from this son Ephraim who married Mary Lucas. 

Seth died in Plymouth on 27 April 1826. The death notice clipped from a Plymouth newspaper reads: "Died, In this town; on the 27th ult., Mr. Seth Washburn, aged 88." I

His will was dated 3 June 1812 and mentions sons Seth and Ephraim, daughters Fear, Persis and Abigail and heirs of his deceased son Ichabod. Ephraim was appointed Executor on 19 June 1826.

Transcription of his will, which is a bit difficult to read:
"In the name of God, amen. I Seth Washburn of Plymouth, County of Plymouth in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, yeoman, calling to mind the uncertainty of ___ life, I do make & ordain this my last will and testament in manner thus following.

I give & bequeath to Deborah my beloved wife one third improvement of all my real estate during the time she remains my widow. I also give & bequeath unto her ___ of the Grist Mill to be at her own disposal and the whole of my household furniture.

I give & bequeath to my son Seth twenty five cents, to heirs of my son Ichabod, decd, twenty five cents. To my three daughters, Fheer (sic Fear)), Percis (sic Persis) & Abigail 25 cents each to be paid within one year after my decease.

I give & bequeath to my son Ephraim the residue of my estate both real & personal, he paying my just dbts & legacies & funeral charges. I also appoint him sole executor to this my last will & testament, provided he arrives to the age of twenty one years before this will is to be executed, otherwise I appoint my son Seth to be the sole executor to this my last will & testament.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty third day of June anno domini one thousand eight hundred & twelve. Signed Seth Washburn. Signed, sealed, published & declared by the said Seth Washburn to be his last will & testament in presence of us who have subscribed our names as witnesses in the presence of the testator.
Thomas Morton Jr.
Nathan Whiting
Lewis Morton

Plymo.SS: Court of Probate June 19, 1826, Be it known that the foregoing instrument purporting to be the last will & testament of Seth Washburn late of Plymo in sd County, yeoman, decd, being presented to me for probate & having examined one of the subscribing witnesses thereunto & no objection being (rest missing).

It’s unusual that Ephraim received the bulk of the estate and was named Executor when he was the youngest son.

Deborah died after Seth’s will was written in 1812, but I have not found her death date.

Sources Not Included Above:
William T. Davis, Genealogical Register of Plymouth Families, 1977
Mrs. John E. Barclay, The Early Sampsons, TAG Vol 23, no. 1, Jan. 1952
Rev. George M. Bodge, The Churchill Family In America, 1904

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