Saturday, February 25, 2012

Surname Saturday - John Young (ca 1623-1691) and Abigail Howland (ca 1628-1692), Eastham, Mass.

John Young was born say 1623 in England. Vernon R. Nickerson wrote that John Young sailed from England (he was from a Norfolkshire family) for the Barbados on the sailing vessel "Hopewell" on 2 February 1634 at the age of 19. It is not known if he stayed in Barbados or ever reached there. No source is given and it seems to me John would have been quite young to set out for Barbados in 1634, and John Young is a fairly common name.

John Young married Abigail Howland in Plymouth 13 December 1648. She was the daughter of Henry and Mary (_____) Howland, born say 1628 in England. Henry was the brother of Mayflower passenger John Howland.

John first appeared in Plymouth records in 1643 on a list of men eligible for military service. He was owed a debt of 1 pound 2 shillings by the estate of John Jenney of Plymouth in 1644 (Plymouth Colony Records, Wills, 1633-1654, 50). His first child was recorded in both the Plymouth and Eastham town records, but the rest of his children were recorded in Eastham only, dating his move to about 1650.

His Eastham/Orleans property adjoined that of the Mayos, Paines and the Coles. The cove between Orleans and Eastham was originally called Young's Cove and was later changed to Town Cove when Orleans was incorporated in 1797.
Town Cove, Orleans (source

He was named as one of the soldiers from Eastham in 1653 when there was activity preparing to fight the Dutch in New York. He was listed as an inhabitant of Eastham on 22 May 1655. He had 10 acres at Poche (now East Orleans), as early as 1659, adjoining George Crisp's land. The same year he purchased five acres between "Young's Cove and the highway yt goeth at the end of Richard Sparrow's ground." In 1676 he bought of Thomas Paine for 9 pounds, 15 acres of upland on the westerly side of "Young's Cove."

John was a mariner sailing between Plymouth and Long Island, in the King's service, as evidenced by vouchers and accountings from his voyages. This fact could account for the absence of his participation in the civic affairs of the community.
Map of Cape Cod

Children of John and Abigail, first born Plymouth, rest Eastham (Shurtleff's Records of Colony of New Plymouth, Misc. Records, and MD 8:16 and MD 16:121):

John, Joseph who died young, Joseph, Nathaniel, Mary, Abigail, David, Lydia, Robert, Henry who died young, Henry.

Births recorded Eastham/Orleans Vital Records:

John young the sonne of John young was borne the 16th of november 1649
Joseph young the sonne of John young was borne the 12th of November 1651 and died being 13 weekes old
Joseph young the sonne of John young was borne the last weeke in December 1654
Nathanyell young the sonne of John young was borne the first week in Aprill 1656
Mary young the daughter of John young was borne the 28th of Aprill  1658
Abigail young the daughter of John young was borne in the third weeke in october 1660
David young the sonne of John yong was borne the 17th day of Aprill 1662
Lidia young the daughter of John young was borne the [*] 1664
Robert Younge the sonn of John Younge was borne the third weeke in Aprill 1667
Henerie Younge the son of John Younge was borne the 2nd weeke in July 1669 and died the last day of aprill 1670
Henerie Younge the son of John Younge was borne the 17th day of march 1672

I descend from their daughter Mary who married Daniel Smith.
Abigail is named in her father Henry Howland's 1670 will: To "my Daughter Abigaill ten shillings to be payed by my son Joseph; whoe is to sell a barrell of Syder; and to pay it out of that."
John died Eastham (now Orleans) on 28 Jan 1690/91. His will was dated 19 January 1688/89 and proved 24 April 1691. He named his six sons by name and mentioned "my three daughters," but did not name them. (Barnstable Co probate 1:41 or MD 12:39-40). He left a sizeable property throughout towns on Cape Cod and in both Maine and Connecticut.

The will of John Young, Sr.:
The will of John Young, Senior, of Eastham, was made 19 January, 1688/9, and proved 21 April, 1691. Wife Abigail Young and son Henry Young were to be executors. Bequests were made as follows: To "wife Abigail young my whole estate Real and personal during ye time of her widdohood" To "my Son John young five acres of upland Lying neare ye south side of ye Cove Comonly Called youngs Cove"; To "my two sons Joseph and Nathaniel young ten shillings a peece" To "my Son David young all that upland that is mine where he now lives" To "my Son Robirt young that parcel of upland which I bought of Thomas paine except one small field called ye point ffield against Timothy Coles and one Bed and Beding" To "my son Henry young all my housing and all that upland thatI bought of John mayo and ye point field before excepted Lying against Timothy Coles"; To "my Three Daughters five shillings a peece"; "Capt Sparrow and Daniel Done Ser and Benjamin Higgins to be my over Seers to be assistent to my executors"
The will was signed by a mark. The witnesses were Benjamin Higgins, Richard Higgins, Ichabod Higgins (who made his mark) and Joshua Higgins. Richard and Ichabod Higgins were the only witnesses present when the will was probated.

"An Invintory of ye estate of John young of Eastham deceased on ye 29th of January Last and taken ye 3 of ffebruary 1690:91" by Jonathan Sparrow and Benjamin Higgins. Among the items are: "one Scoue and Canow" "housing and Land" £55. "Abigail young vid Relict of John young" made oath to the inventory 21 April, 1691. The will and inventory were recorded 30 April 1691, by Joseph Lothrop, Recorder.

Abigail died and died in Eastham (now Orleans) on 7 April 1692. She made a nuncupative will on 7 April 1692 and proved on 19 April 1692. She made a bequest to her daughter Twining and left an earthen cup to her daughter Lydia and the house to son Henry (Barnstable co. Probate 1:63, MD 15:79-80).

Widow Abigail Young’s Estate:
"These following declarations Concerning ye estate of widow young of Eastham deceased was brought to ye Court held at Barnestable April ye 19th 1692"
"April ye 9th 1692 Joseph young declareth that som time this spring I being at my mother youngs housse my mother Told me that when shee dyed shee would Leave all ye estate that shee had with Henry, if Robart had that gierl that there was a discourse about: but if he had her not I understood that the estate should be devided betwix them: that was between Robirt and Henry : that was with in doars

"The above sd Joseph young made Oath .... in Court April ye 19th 1692"

"April ye 9th 1692 Nathaniel young declareth that about three weeks or a month agoe I was att my mother youngs house my mother young told me that if Robirt had that gierl which
there was a talke about shee would not give him a peny: but if he had her not shee Intended that he should have half ye Estate if henry was willing, A little before this discourse was: I was at my mothers house Shee not being well Shee Told me that Shee was Troubled that henry and Robirt was so much hindred about her but shee would not have them troubled about it for shee Intended for to Leave all to them when her head was Laied

"The above sd Nathaniel made Oath .... in Court April ye 19 1692

"April ye 9th 1692 Sarah young ye wife of Joseph young daclareth that about three weeks agoe I was at ye house of my mother young and upon som discourse my mother young told me that her Daughter Abigail there and asked her whether shee would not give each of her Daughters a platter or som thing else to Remember her when shee was dead and gon and shee told her no shee would not give them anything unless Lydia an earthen Cupp and platter And shee said that shee would give all ye Rest to Henry for shee would not Leave him an empty house and then there would be no Roome for quareling and about an hour after we having discourse about many things shee told me that if Robirt had that gierl which there was a discourse about shee would give him nothing but if he had her not: if Henry was willing shee was willing he should have half her estate
"Taken on oath this 25th of April 1692 : before me John ffreeman Assist"
"All ye above declarations .... entered April ye 30th 1693 as Attest Joseph Lothrop Recorder"
"Att ye County Court held at Barnestable October ye 18 : 1692 whereas Abigail young of Eastham vid deceased having disposed of her estate as is above declared ye Court allowed and Approved of ye same there appearing in the Court at ye same time three of her sons viz John young Joseph young and Henry young all of them agreeing to ye same in open Court"

John and Abigail’s gravestones have not survived.
Sources Not Listed Above:
Andrew P. Langlois, Mayflower Descendant, Vol 54, no. 2, Summer 2005, "Descendants of John Young of Plymouth and Eastham"
Josiah Paine, Early Settlers of Eastham, Book 2, Library of Cape Cod History and Genealogy, No. 32, CW Swift publisher, Yarmouthport, Mass., 1916
Vernon R. Nickerson, From Pilgrims and Indians to Kings and Indentured Servants, 1970


  1. I thought John young and Abigail Howland Young had another son named George. if the above is true, then who are George young's parents? would he be a grandson of John Young and Abigail H Young? I am decended from Christopher young son of George young of Plymouth.

    1. I too am descended from George Young son of John. However I believe that if this is the same John, Abigail would not be his mother. George was born in Plymouth 1644 to John and Margaret. John and Abigail weren't married until 1648. What year was Christopher born? I have Thomas 1663, Hannah 1666, Margery 1669, Elizabeth 1671, and Patience 1673 as children of George.

  2. Hello: I've never seen a son George for this couple. He's not mentioned in vital records or in John's will. Do you know George's birth date?

  3. Chris,
    My immigrant ancestor also sailed on the Hopewell on the February 15, 1634 voyage to the Barbados. Another blogger said that voyage was full of CONVICTS because it was all men. I cannot verify or dispute this...HOWEVER, I did read in a book today that many English ships were full of tradesmen, craftsmen, and farmers. My ancestor stayed in Barbados, however, for nearly a year before he sailed to Massachusetts.
    Do you have any information or sources which discuss the reason that a ship full of men, The Hopewell, would make this voyage? Thank you so much! I am enjoying reading your blog.
    Cheryl Ann

    1. Hi Cheryl Ann: I think some men who went to Barbados were criminals, but I wouldn't automatically assume so. Often men were coming for work, as you stated, or to settle before bringing their families over. I've also read that many of the early English in Barbados were indentured servants.

      Passenger lists state the 1635 Hopewell passengers had "Certificates from the Minister & Justices of peace that they are no Subsedy men they have taken the oath of alleg: and Supremacee." I don't know much about this, but I would guess that convicts weren't out getting certificates from ministers or justices of the peace. If I find out more, I'll post again, Chris

    2. Also 1623-1634 he couldn't have been 19 when he sailed to America. He would have been 11 at those dates. Email is

  4. I was told I'm a descendent of first born in America john young 1624. How I got my name. My father,grandfather, and great grandfather are from Mass.


I'm now moderating comments on this blog. My apologies for any ensuing delays, but the large number of "spam" comments have made this necessary. ~Chris