Friday, April 19, 2024

Ebenezer Cobb 1671-1752 and his wife Mercy Holmes

Ebenezer Cobb was born Plymouth 9 August 1671, the son of John and Martha (Nelson) Cobb. [Plymouth VR:2; MD 1:141] I wrote about John and Martha here.He is my 8th great-grandfather on my grandfather Arthur Washburn Ellis Davis’ side of the family.  

Ebenezer married Mercy (also seen as Marcy) Holmes on 1 June 1693 at Plymouth (Plymouth Vital Records p 86). Mercy was born Plymouth 10 September 1673, the daughter of Nathaniel and Mercy (Faunce) Holmes. [Plymouth VR:86; MD 13:206] I wrote about Nathaniel and Mercy here.

The Children of Ebenezer Cobb and Marcy his Wife (Plymouth vital records p 24; MD 2;19):

1 Ebenezer born 22 March 1694; m 1) Ruth Tinckham 2) Lydia Stephens; d. Kingston 8 Dec 1801 at the incredible age of 107

2 Mercy born 6 January 1695/6; died 23 March 1697

3 Nathaniel born 20 February 1698; m. Mary Waterman

4 Hannah born 27 February1699; m. Jacob Tinckham; died Plymouth 1724-1725

5 Sarah born 5 April 1702; m. John Bartlett; died Plymouth 21 Sept 1731

6 Marcy born 1 January 1704/5; m. 1) Samuel Doty 2) Cornelius Holmes

7 Nathan born 14 January 1706/7; m. Joanna Bennet; died Carver 3 June 1800

8 John born 30 May 1709; d. Plymouth 22 Aug 1731 

9 Mary born 13 October 1711; m. Silas West; d. Nova Scotia 21 Feb 1762

10 Elizabeth born 30 March 1714; m. Thomas Holmes

11 Job born 28 February 1717; m. Patience Holmes; d. Plymouth 8 June 1761

12 Rolon born 30 October 1719; not mentioned in father’s estate distribution 

Job Cobb was baptized Plymouth 14 April 1717. [Plymouth Church Records, 1:216] The rest of the children were baptized in December 1716. [Plymouth Church Records 1:217] 

I descend from Nathaniel.

Ebenezer is found on the 1708 and 1724 First Church membership lists and his wife Mercy Cobb is on the 1724 list. 

In later records it is impossible to differentiate between Ebenezer and his son as “Sr.” and “Jr.” aren’t used. At the May 1744 court, Ebenezer Cobb of Kingston sued Robert Carver, mariner of Kingston, for 5 pounds damages for not returning six sheep. The sheep were rented out to Carver in the spring of 1738 and he was to pay Cobb six pounds in wool annually and return the sheep at the end of three years. [Plymouth County Court Records, Vol. 6 8:473-78]

In September 1747, Ebenezer Cobb sued Ignatius Cushing for 20 pounds damages for refusing to pay 19 pounds in wool and return 19 sheep and lambs. [Plymouth County Court Records, vol. 7 9:442-45]

Susan Roser wrote that he was a weaver by trade. Records show he was a sheep farmer as well and in 1711 he was the proprietor of an oyster bed. [Plymouth Town Records, 2:44, 203]

Ebenezer is mentioned in Plymouth records:

  • Ebenezer Cobb was named to the jury at the county court in 1713 and 1719; grand jury 1715.
  • At the 9 May 1720 town meeting Eben Cobb is listed as a Major.
  • At the 24 March 1703 town meeting Ebenezar Cobb is listed as having 20 sheep in an article referring to the grant of a parcel of land for sheep pasture that was three square miles from the head of Cobbs meadow.
  • Appointed fence viewer in 1715, surveyor in 1706, constable in 1708, field driver in 1718, hog reeve in 1722 and 1734.
  • A 1 April 1706 agreement between John Holmes [a relative of Mercy?] and Ebenezer Cobb of Plymouth outlines settlement of a bit of land between their two parcels. It mentions land Ebenezer bought of heirs of John Dunham.
  • On the 1722-24 lists of livestock marks, Ebenezer Cobb has cattle, horses, sheep, and swine.

Ebenezer was bequeathed land in his father's 1711/12 will, but he was not to take ownership until after the death of his mother.

Mercy died 2 March 1726 at Kingston. She was just 52 years old. She's buried at Burial Hill, Plymouth: "Here lyes ye Body of Marcy Cob wife to Ebenzer Cob decd March 7e 2d 1725-6 in ye 53d year of her age.” [Plymouth Church Records 2:511]

I believe it is this Ebenezer Cobb of Plymouth who married Mrs. Mary Thomas, widow of Edward Thomas, of Middleborough on 8 Feb 1727/8 at Plymouth. On the same page is a marriage for Ebenezer Cobb, Jr., so it is likely the elder Ebenezer who married Mary Thomas. [Plymouth VR p 174]

Ebenezer Cobb died 29 July 1752 probably at Kingston. He was 80 years old. He is interred at Burial Hill in Plymouth. "Here lies ye Body of Mr. Ebenezer Cobb who decd July 29th 1752 in ye 71st year of his age.” Note his age should be 81st year.

Ebenezer left no will but there is a settlement of his estate dated 6 August 1753. It mentions his heirs: eldest son Ebenezer Cobb, Nathaniel Cobb, Nathan Cobb, Job Cobb, Mercy Holmes wife of Cornelius, Mary West, Elizabeth Holmes wife of Thomas Jr., Jacob Tinkham only child of daughter Hannah Tinkham, Sarah Faunce wife of Thomas, Hannah Doten wife of Stephen and the unnamed children of deceased daughter Sarah Bartlett.  (Plymouth County PR 13:170-71)

Sources Not Mentioned Above:

Susan E. Roser, Early Descendants of Henry Cobb of Barnstable, Massachusetts, Friends of the Pilgrim Series, Volume 1, 2008

Barbara J. Bradford Robinson, Howard E. Robinson, Cynthia L. Robinson, Burial Hill in the 1990s, Plymouth, Massachusetts

Benjamin Drew, Burial Hill, Plymouth, Massachusetts, 2016

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