Saturday, June 4, 2022

Abraham Jackson, born ca 1623-1628 England, died 1714 Plymouth, Mass., married Remember Morton

Abraham Jackson was born circa 1623 to 1628 (based on his being referred to as upwards of 80 years of age in 1708), likely in England.  I have not yet researched his origins. He was at Plymouth, Massachusetts probably well before 18 November 1657 when he married Remember Morton (Plymouth VR p 662). Remember was born ca 1638 (based on her age at death) the daughter of Nathaniel Morton, an important man in the Colony, and his wife Lydia Cooper. They are my 9th great-grandparents on my grandfather Arthur Washburn Ellis Davis’ side of the family. His first name is sometimes seen as Abram and last name as Jacson. Remember’s name is sometimes written as Remembrance.

The couple had five children, named in this order in Abraham’s 1708 will:

Abraham who m. Margaret Hicks

Nathaniel who m. Ruth Jenney

Eleazer who m. Hannah Ransom 

John who m. Abigail Woodworth

Lydia who m. 1st Israel Levitt, 2nd Preserved Hall

I descend from Eleazer; I wrote about him here.

Abraham Jackson of Marshfield took the Oath of Fidelity in 1657 (Plymouth Colony Records, p. 178) He was admitted a freeman on 1 June 1658 (Plymouth Colony Records, p. 197) and on 3 June 1662 he became a constable of Plymouth (PCR 4:14)). He frequently served on juries and sometimes was a surveyor of highways. He is referred to as a cordwainer (shoemaker) on one record and was an inn holder. 

One of his occupations was producing and selling tar, and in 1665 he was fined 5 pounds of ruining several barrels of tar by putting dirt in them (PCR 4:111). On 6 March 1665/66 the court allowed Giles Rickard, Jr. 10 shillings from Abraham Jackson concerning a controversy between them over a parcel of tar, and on 1 May 1666 the court heard a complaint by Jackson that Nathaniel Warren detained a barrel of tar delivered by Jackson for town use (PCR 4:117, 120). On 1 June 1669 he petitioned the court to remit his forfeiture of three barrels of tar to the government for breaching a law prohibiting the making of tar, and the court, referring to his poor condition and many losses, ordered that he should have seven bushels of corn paid for by the treasurer (PCR 5:21). 

In 1661 the guns and swords of Plymouth were disposed of, including a short gun and sword given to Nathaniel Morton for the use of Abraham Jackson (Plymouth Town Records 1:44).

Thomas Weston wrote in the History of Middleboro that Abraham was a proprietor in the South Purchase there but was always a resident of Plymouth, and that he was  an apprentice of Colony Secretary Nathaniel Morton who became is father-in-law.

Abraham signed documents with his mark, indicating he could not write, which surprises me since he worked for Nathaniel Morton, a well educated man. He often witnessed deeds and other documents, sometimes with Morton. Abraham must have had some good qualities as a man of Morton’s stature wouldn’t let his daughter marry just anyone. Remember and Abraham inherited land from her father, as well as household items including the family Bible. 

Abraham's mark from his 1707 will

On 20 November 1686 Abram Jackson and Remembrance his wife (both signed by marks),  George Elliston and Lidia his wife, Isaac Cole and Hannah his wife, Joseph Prince and Joanna his wife, "all sons-in-law and daughters of Mr. Nathaniel Morton late of Plimouth deceased" sold for 28 pounds to George Morton of Plimouth all of the land their father had bequeathed to them in his will.

Abraham Jackson of Plymouth was a licensed inn holder in September 1690. Abraham Jackson Sr and Nathaniel Jackson served on inquest into death of Samuel Dunham, son of John Dunham. They went to the house at Winnitusett and found his body partly consumed by fire, found no wounds on his body, so judged he was burned to death in his house. Sworn 28 Jan 1688 before Ephraim Morton JP. (PCR 1688)

Abraham Jackson Senr upwards of 80 years of age was admitted  to the Plymouth Church on 14 March 1708. I am curious to know why Abraham waited so long to join the church and why he waited until the death of his wife to do so. Remember was noted a member of the church on 10 March 1703, but it does not indicate when she was admitted.

Abraham was involved in other court cases:

On 7 May 1662 the court heard Abraham Jackson’s complaint that Rose, wife of Thomas Morton, had called him a lying rascal and rogue, and she confessed her fault and promised to be more careful of her words (PCR 4:11) On 3 June 1662 he became constable of Plymouth (PCR 4:14).

In 1665 he was ordered to pay eight shillings to William Nelson to end a controversy about the keeping of two sheep (PCR 4:105).

In September 1702, the Plymouth Court ordered that Abraham Jackson of Plymouth be paid 3 pounds by the county treasurer "when said Jackson and his son Nathaniel Jackson shall quit their claime to the lands belonging to the prison and prison house." (PCR 1:64)

In Plymouth Court records, Abraham Jackson Sr (Plimouth) v. Jonathan Pratt (Taunton), debt, of six pounds and seven shillings due Jackson from Pratt as per said Jackson "his Book and testimony may appear that is to say more particularly the sum of five pounds and five shillings which about three years now past the said Jackson at the request and per the order of said Pratt paid for his account to John Sturtevant and the sum of twenty two shillings for sheep which the said Pratt hath some time past bought and received of said Jackson which said sums the said Pratt neglecteth to pay to the Damage of said Jackson as aforesaid." To pltf's damage of 15 pounds. The jury find for the Plaintiff six pounds seven shillings five pence in money and cost of the suit, taxed at 1 pound 2 shillings 6 pence. (PCR September 1691)

The Plymouth Court requested Capt. James Warren and Lt. Shurtleff to make enquiry of George Bonum concerning the lands which Abraham Jackson saith that he bought of one John Smith being a quarter of an acre of said Bonum's land, to be by them sett out and returne thereof made to the next sessions. (PCR June 1702)

An agreement between the Court and Abraham Jackson (Plimouth): "That whereas the said Jackson makes claym to some lands on the Northerly side and each end of the prison he now agrees and consents that the County shall or may take in the width of six feet of land on the Northerly side of said prison and at each end hereof to enclose said prison by a wall. (PCR June 1700)

Some land transactions involving Abraham:

On 27 June 1662, Mannasses Kempton of Plymouth gave half his share of lands at Hobshole alias Wellingsley, to Abraham Jackson of Plymouth (MD 17:104-5, citing PCLR 2:2:95).

Abraham Jackson Senr of plimouth…yeoman for and in consideration of … nine shillings…by Richard Cooper of …. Plimouth Blacksmith…sell…All that my little plot of Land on which the said Richard Coopers Smith Shop now standers contayning in length Eighteen foote and in width fourteen foote…4 June 1690. Abraham signed by his mark.  (Mayflower Descendant, Vol 53, No 2, p 136, 2004)

Abraham Jackson of Plimouth…Cordwainer…for and in Consideration of…three pounds…paid by Mr. William Clarke of Pimouth…yeoman…sells…thirty Acres of upland…lying…in plimouth…towards the head of the Eele River the southerly End there of Beginning where Warrens Wells Brooke and ye said Eele river meets….& so Runeth down for ye length of it by ye sd river Easterly to a dead spruce…which sd thirty acres…I…have bought of Samuel Dunham of plimouth…and was Granted to him by the sd Town Anno 1672. Dated 11 Jun 1676. Witnessed by Nathaniel Morton and Joseph Dunham. Abraham signed by his mark. Remember his wife gave her free consent 11 June 1676. (Mayflower Descendant, vol 42, no 1, Jan 1992)

Abraham Jackson snr of …Plymouth…for & in consideration of…Eight pounds…paid by Peter Tompson of … Middleborough…sell..all that my thirty acres…in…plimouth…15 June 1697.

Abraham Jackson signed with his mark. (Mayflower Descendant, vol 53, no. 2, 2004)

Abraham Jackson senr of … Plimouth for and in consideration of nine pounds…in hand by George Morton of…Plimouth…sell…parcel of land Suituage lying in Plymouth…on which I formerly lived And Wyeth next adjoyning unto lands of Eleazer Morton…bounded…Stephen Barnebeye…Also all my right unto or share of a certain swamp…8 June 1697.  Abraham signed by his mark. Acknowledged 18 June 1697 by Abraham and Remembrance his wife.  (Mayflower Descendant, vol 54, no 1, p. 76, 2005)

On 26 March 1689, John Cole sold Plymouth land to William Shurtleff which mentions the sale would not include the new house of Abraham Jackson Senr and land on which it stood that was 40 by 50 feet. It was on the north side of Town Brook, South Street, and East Street. (Mayflower Descendant 32:36) 

Current day Town Brook; photo by Chris Chirokas

Abraham Jackson of Plymouth, being weak and infirm of body but of sound and disposing mind and memory, wrote his will on 16 January 1707/8, signing by his mark which looks like a square written with a shaky hand. He left eldest son Abraham all his wearing apparel. All estate, real and personal, left to five children to be divided equally: Abraham, Nathaniel, Eliezer, John, and Lydia Hall to be equally divided. Son Eliezer named executor. Witnessed by Nathaniel Thomas Jr, Ephraim Little Jr, and Mary Thomas. On 22 Dec 1714, Nathaniel Thomas Jr, Ephraim Little, and Mary Thomas confirmed by oath they saw Abram Jackson sign and seal and hear him declare his last will and testament. (PPR 3:323)

Abraham Jackson Senior of Plymouth’s inventory taken 8 October 1714. It includes various household items, a gun, sheets wool, woolen yard, spinning wheel and cards. 

On 22 Dec 1714, Eliazer Jackson, executor of his father Abram Jackson, made oath to truth of inventory.

Abraham and Remember’s descendant Lydia (Lidian) Jackson became the second wife of philosopher, poet and Transcendentalist Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Remember the wife of Abraham Jacson Sr. died on the 24 July 1707 (PVR, p 136). Her death is recorded in the Plymouth Church Records, p. 205: July 24 (1707) “dyed Remember Jackson ye wife of Abraha Jackson senr in ye 70 year of her Age a pious Christian.”

Abraham Jacson Sr. died 4 October 1714 (Plymouth VR p 137). His death is also recorded Plymouth Church Records, p. 213: “old Mr Jackson” died in 1714.


Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Begins, 1995

Thomas Weston, History of Middleboro, 1906

Clarence Almon Torrey, New England Marriages Prior to 1700

John Farmer, A Genealogical Register of the First Settlers of New England: ... To which are Added Various Genealogical and Biographical Notes, Collected from Ancient Records, Manuscripts, and Printed Works, 1829

Alicia Crane Williams, Early New England Families 1641-1700, NEHGS Study Project, 2013

Lee D. Van Antwerp, compiler, Vital Records of Plymouth Mass. to the year 1850, Rhode Island Society of Mayflower Descendants,1993

Eugune Aubrey Stratton, Plymouth Colony Its History & People 1620-1691, 1986

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