Sunday, October 22, 2017

Nathaniel Covell, of Chatham, died before 1687, and His Wife Sarah Nickerson

Nathaniel Covell is my 9th great-grandfather on my Grandmother Millie (Booth) Rollins’ side of the family. Nathaniel’s father, also Nathaniel, was of Chelmsford, Essex Co., England, so that could be where Nathaniel was born. He died when Nathaniel was a boy. Nathaniel the younger came to Boston on 26 August 1653.  He was a saddler by trade. He was an indentured servant to Edward Winslow of Marshfield for seven years after arriving in New England. Part of that time he spent in service of Winslow's son-in-law Peregrine White. For his servitude he received his passage over, his support during his indenture and 10 pounds in goods and commodities, 13 bushels of Indian corn, and a “double good apparel” at end of his time. He came to Yarmouth, Mass., soon after his end of service.There is a lack of records for early Chatham, so Nathaniel's story is incomplete.

I have read that this Covell family was among the early merchant adventurers, being on the list of share-holders in the Virginia Company 1608-1624, but it’s not something I have looked into.

Transcription of Nathaniel’s indenture:
An Indenture appointed to bee Recorded
This Indenture made the eighteenth Day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord God one Thousand six hundred fifty and three Between Nathaniell Covell sonne of Nathaniell Covell late of Chelmesford in the County of Essex yeoman Deceased on the one pte; And Edward Winslow of Marshfeild in New England gentleman in New England on the other pte Witnesseth that the said Nathaniell Covell the son of Nathaniell Covell Doth heerby covenant promise and graunt to and with the said Edward Winslow his exequitors and assignes from the
Day of the Date heerof untill his first and Next arivall in New England aforsaid and after for and During the tearme of seaven yeares to serve in such service and Imployment as hee the said Edward Winslow or his assignes shall there Imploy him according to the Costome of the Countrey in like kind; In Consideration wherof the said Edward Winslow Doth heerby for him selfe his exequitors and assignee Covenant and graunt to and with the said Nathaniell Covell to pay for his passage and to find and allow him meat Drinke apparrell and lodging with other nessesaries During the said Tearme and att the end of the said Tearme to pay unto the said Nathaniell Covell the sonne the vallue or worth of ten pounds of lawfull money of England in such goods and Comodities as the Countrey affords and alsoe thirteen bushels of good Indian Corn; and then alsoe to provide for and Deliver unto him the said Nathaniell Covell good Double apparrell in Witnesse wherof the said pties above mencioned to these Indentures have Interchangaby sett theire hands and seales the Day and yeare first abovewritten
Sealed and Delivered             Nathaniel Covell (seale)
in the prsence of us
Thomas hewitt
Edw: Wolrich Scr:
These are to signify that Mr Edward Winslow by a letter sent to mee bearing Date the 2cond of May 1653 gave mee power in his name to assigne over the pty within Named (Nathaniell Covell) to Mr Perigrine White his sonneinlaw to serve him according to this Indenture and the full time therof the which I have now Donne this 16th of September 1653 they both appeering before mee at this time;
By mee Willam Bradford Governor
Alsoe the said Mr Perigrine White Doth heerby bind himselfe his heires exequitors and assignes to pforme the Covenants within specifyed to this his servant mencioned in this Indenture and Discharge Mr Edward Winslow of the same and for that end hath heerunto put his hand;
Perigrine White;
Nathaniell Covell Arived Att Boston 26 of August 1653

Nathaniel married Sarah Nickerson between 15 Jan 1662 and 4 July 1663 at Yarmouth, Barnstable Co., Mass.. Sarah was born about 1644, the daughter of William and Anne (Busby) Nickerson. One to two years later they moved to Monomoit, now Chatham, near Alewife River and Ryder's Cove. Sarah was given land by her father who was the founder of Chatham. 

Map showing early settler's homes in Chatham

Children, births not recorded so not all a sure thing:
Daughter whose first name unknown, possibly Sarah who married Benjamin Phillips/Phelps

I descend through Elizabeth who married Jehosophat Eldredge (one of my favorite ancestor names!)

Nathaniel served as deputy constable for Chatham in 1674,to serve under Eastham constable.

Sarah received 50 acres of land by deed from her father 11 Feb 1673/4. An April 1677 deed shows William Nickerson sold parcel of woodland to Nathaniel Covell on the east side of Great Hill. William Nickerson purchased Monomoit lands from Indians in 1656 (PC Records IV, 51).

Nathaniel is listed on the pioneers of Chatham plaque

Nathaniel died before 1687 when Sarah is mentioned as a widow when her father deeded her all of his land. Unfortunately Nathaniel died in the prime of life, leaving a large family.

In 1699 Sarah Covell divided her property between her four sons, so she died after that time.

Nickerson Family Assoc.,The Nickerson Family: The Desc. of Wm. Nick. 1604-89, First Settler of Chatham, MA, Part 1, first Four Generations with vital statistics of 5th Generation, 1973

William C. Smith, A History of Chatham, Mass. Formerly the Constablewick or village of Monomoit," 1909

James Hawes, Library of Cape Cod History and Genealogy, No. 90, Covel, 1912

Vernon R. Nickerson, From Pilgrims and Indians... manuscript


  1. What a great post about these ancestors of yours. It always amazes me that they were so bold in those days to move around this "new" land. I admire their courage and strength.

    1. Thanks, Anjuli. I'm with you on admiring their courage and strength. I'm in awe of them. Chris

  2. Hi Chris, Great summation of Sarah Nickerson's and Nathaniel Covell's life. They are my 8th GGParents through their son Joseph on my father's side. Interestingly, My mother is a descendant of Sarah's brother, Nicholas Nickerson and his wife, Mary Derby. I am following the archeological dig at Chatham of the William and Anne Nickerson Homesite, and visited there for the NFA reunion in September. So glad to encounter a cousin Nickerson. David Dillman

    1. By the way, ... we also share Brewster, Hopkins and Howland links on the Mayflower. William, Susannah and their son Peregrine White are ancestors to me as well. Fascinating people.

  3. My line connects in Colebrook, NH with Isaac Covell. Any others reading here who connect there? Jesse Shorey Covell is my 2x great gf.
    Colebrook has a big town anniversary next summer...

  4. Could you explain the significance of the deed between Timothy Hatherly and Thomas Ensigne?

    1. It was an error on my part to include that deed in this sketch.

  5. Nathaniel covell is my 9th great grandfather are last name changed to covill later on down the line.

  6. Hi Chris Nathaniel is my 8th great grandfather are last changed to covill later on down the line. Also his 3rd great grandson henry covell my 5th great grandfather fought in the revolutionary war.

    1. It's always wonderful to find a Patriot ancestor!

  7. Nathaniel Covell is my 9th GGF. via his son Nathanial. Without any siblings, the Covell name dies with me for this branch of the tree, but it has been an interesting journey tracing our family tree back to this point in history.


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