Saturday, September 12, 2015

John Snow ca 1638-1692 and Mary Smalley 1647-1703

John Snow was born about 1638, probably in Plymouth, Massachusetts, son of Nicholas and Constance (Hopkins) Snow.  Constance came to America on the Mayflower with her father Stephen Hopkins and other family members. I wrote about Constance and Nicholas here. . John is my 9th great-grandfather on my grandmother Milly (Booth) Rollins’ side of the family. Funny, I now pronounce John Snow with a really bad accent after watching Game of Thrones!

On 19 September 1677 John married Mary Smalley (sometimes seen as Small) in Eastham, Barnstable Co., Mass. She was the daughter of John Smalley and Ann Walden. She and her brother Isaac were twins. Mary and John had nine children, all births recorded Eastham: Hannah, Mary, Abigail, Rebecca, John, Isaac, Lydia, Elisha, and Phebe.  

I descend from Rebecca who married Benjamin Small.

John took the Freeman’s oath at Eastham on 5 June 1684 and lived there for the most of his life, except for a brief time at Piscataway, New Jersey where his in-law’s were residing.

John Snow died before 4 April 1692 when an inventory of his estate was taken (Barnstable Probate vol 1, pg 53).  His estate included land at Pamet (what the area that is now Truro was then called) and a very long list of items, including carpentry tools, a large amount of farm animals and equipment, items for spinning wool, guns, and a whale bone. His personal estate totaled over 148 pounds; real estate at Pamet 50 pounds.

The inventory was taken by John Freeman and William Walker.

Mary Snow relict of said deceased made oath to truth of the inventory in court 20 April 1692. 

One third of his estate was to go to relict Mary Snow to use during her natural life. She was to pay her daughters four pounds each as they came of age or were married.  The sons of John Snow were to have the lands and housing according to law.

Some sources, including Eugene Stratton’s Plymouth Colony, It's History and People have Mary Smalley Snow marrying second, Ephraim Doane. An article in NEHGR, July 1925, The Knowles Family of Eastham, Mass., states that Mary Smalley Snow Doane died in 1703, no source given.

Resources Not Listed Above:
John Austin, Mayflower Families Through Five Generations, Stephen Hopkins, 1992
Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Begins, 1995
Eastham/Orleans Vital Records

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