Monday, October 14, 2013

Samuel Waterman 1666-1718 and Mercy Ransome d. 1697 of Plymouth, Mass.

Samuel Waterman was born 16 October 1666 at Plymouth, Mass., the son of Robert and Ann (Sturtevant) Waterman. I wrote about Robert and Ann here. Samuel is my 8th great-grandfather on my grandfather Arthur Washburn Davis’ side of the family.

On 26 July 1692 at Taunton, Bristol Co., Mass., Samuel married Mercy Ransome. I have not found Mercy’s birth, but I believe she was the daughter of Robert Ransome. Her first name is also seen as Marsey and Marcy.

On 14 March, 1688/9, "John Doten of Plimouth ..... Planter", for £3, 10s., sold to "Samuel Waterman of Marshfeild .... all that Tract of prsell of meadow land which lyeth on the Northwest or westrly side of the Meadow which John Waterman bought of Major Bradford Sittuate in .... Plimouth & is in Estemation about three acres. “ The deed was signed by a mark.  The witnesses were Nathaniel Thomas, Jr. and Edward Gray.
On 14 March, 1688/9, John Doten acknowledged the deed "And Elizabeth his wife acknowlegd her Consent to the sale", before Nathaniel Thomas, Justice of the Peace, and Nathaniel Thomas, Clerk of the Peace.
The deed was recorded 1 April, 1689.

Mercy and Samuel had two daughters:

Annah born 7 December 1693 at Plymouth

Mary (unrecorded) who was born before 3 August 1697, the date her mother Mercy died at Plymouth. Author and Mayflower expert Susan Roser found Mary’s name in the division of Samuel Waterman’s estate, dated 24 December 1718, which mentions Anne and Mary Waterman, daughters by his “first wife.” (Plymouth Co. Probate Records, 5:153)

I descend from Mary who married Nathaniel Cobb.

Samuel married, 2nd, Bethiah, by September 1703. I have seen her maiden name as Lucas and Bryant, but no primary sources.  

They had three children recorded at Plymouth:

Samuel b. 23 Sept. 1703
John born 12 January 1704
Hannah born 13 March 1705/6

I have also seen an Elizabeth attributed to them, but not certain. 

Samuel and Mercy’s gravestones and burial location have not survived, but Bethiah died in 1727 and is buried at Old Cemetery, Plympton.
Bethia <i>Bryant</i> Waterman

JAN. 22d,
1726/27 IN
YE 59th YEAR

Sunday, October 6, 2013

John Nickerson 1703-1768 and Mary Small/Smalley 1705-1755, Yarmouth, Mass.

John Nickerson was born 1 June 1703 at Yarmouth, Mass., the son of John and Elizabeth (Baker) Nickerson. I wrote about his parents here. John’s birth record in the Yarmouth Vital Records states he was born "the first of June 1703 about midnight the night before" so perhaps his birthday is actually 31 May. John is my seventh great-grandfather on my grandmother Milly (Booth) Rollins’ side of the family. He lived in an area of Yarmouth that became Dennis, Mass.

On 19 June 1729, John Nickerson married Mary Small at Yarmouth. The marriage was recorded in Yarmouth VR:  John Nickerson and Mary Smalle were joined in marriage on the 19th day of June 1729 by me Peter Thacher, Justice of the Peace. Their marriage intentions were published at Yarmouth on 10 April 1729.

Mary Small was born 15 March 1704/05 at Truru, Mass., the daughter of Benjamin and Rebecca (Snow) Small. Her last name is also seen as Smalle and Smalley. The Mayflower Families “Silver Book” on Stephen Hopkins lists Mary as “no further record” but the Nickerson Family Association identifies her as the Mary Small who married John Nickerson, so I would need to do further research before applying to the Mayflower Society. I have another line to Hopkins already approved, so I’m in no rush!

John and Mary had two children recorded in the Yarmouth Vital Records:
1. Elizabeth (as Elesebeth) born 11 April 1730
2. Mary born 20 January 1732/33, m. Edward Ryder/Rider

I descend from their daughter Elizabeth Nickerson who married Thomas Snow.

John inherited one of his father's houses after the elder John’s death in 1745, which is still standing. It is just across from the north side of South Dennis Congregational Church on Main Street. I haven’t taken a photo of the house and would love to hear from someone who has the current address.

John Nickerson is recorded as signing the Church covenant in 1737.

Two men named John Nickerson were listed as partners in the division of lands at Crocket's Neck in 1739, possibly this John and his father. Crocket’s Neck is current day Dennis Port.

Mary’s death is recorded Yarmouth Vital Records: Mary Nickerson the wife of John Nickerson died 19 July 1755.

John died on 26 February 1768 at Yarmouth. The Vital Records state he died "in a very sudden manner."

I don’t believe gravestones for John and Mary survive.

On 6 April 1771, the division of his estate between his daughters took place.

Edit: Thanks to David Kimball sharing the address of John Nickerson's home, a place he visited as a child. It's at 215 Main Street, South Dennis. I drove by previously and was looking at the wrong/newer house. Still so gorgeous! 

Sources Not Listed Above:

John D. Austin, Mayflower Families Through Five Generations Stephen Hopkins, 1995

Nickerson Family Association, The Nickerson Family: The Descendants of William Nickerson (1604-1689) First Settler of Chatham, Massachusetts covering seven generations beginning with William Nickerson and Anne Busby, vol. 1-3