Saturday, February 16, 2013

Eleazer Kelley b. 1728 and Hannah Baker b. 1729, Yarmouth, Mass.

Eleazer Kelley was born 1 November 1728 in Yarmouth, Massachusetts. Eleazer lived in a part of Yarmouth that became the town of Dennis in 1793. He is my fifth great-grandfather on my Grandmother Mildred (Booth) Rollins’ side of the family. He descends from David O’Kelia, the first of the Kelley name to live in the area in the 17th century. Eleazer’s line of descent from David is Eleazer3, Jeremiah2, David1.  I spell the last name “Kelley" for consistency but it was often spelled Killey in records pertaining to Eleazer.

When he was 20 years old, Eleazer married his first cousin Hannah Baker on 9 February 1748/49 in Yarmouth (now Dennis). Although we now frown on marrying first cousins, it wasn’t unusual then as people were living in fairly isolated villages with a limited number of candidates of the same religious and social class.

Hannah was born Yarmouth 12 January 1728/29, the daughter of Silas and Deliverance (Kelley) Baker.

Hannah and Eleazer had thirteen children together, recorded in Yarmouth:
1.      Eleazer born 4 December 1751, married Sarah Chase
2.      Hannah born 28 September 1753, married Anthony Baker
3.      Sarah born 1 August 1755, married Elisha Hall (she’s called Sally in marriage record)
4.      Browning born 24 July 1757, married Susannah Chase
5.      Elihu born 28 May 1759, married Thankfull (?Baxter)
6.      Wilbur born 28 March 1761
7.      Deliverance born 3 December 1762
8.      Silvanus born 29 October 1764, married Hannah Thacher
9.      Bathsheba born 12 April 1766, married ____ Thacher
10.  Mary Kelley born 8 May 1768, married Isaac Nickerson
11.  Elizabeth Kelley born 14 March 1770, married James Kelley
12.  Thomas born 8 January 1775, married Priscilla Baker
13.  Abner born 11 December 1776, married Lettice Gage

I descend from Elihu Kelley, whom I wrote about here.   My research on the rest of the children is still a work-in-progress; I’d love to hear from any of their descendants.

Eleazer lived in the area that is now West Dennis, near the Bass River. Several of his sons, including Elihu, stayed on the land and ran a ferry across Bass River to Yarmouth.

Old Postcard of Bass River

In his father Eleazer's will, dated 4 July 1775, he received only six shillings. Other children received land and household goods. Half of the farm was left to grandson Eleazer Kelley, as well as his wearing apparel, great Bible, walking cane, and two silver spoons. Grandson Browning Killey received other half of farm, half of the swine, lodging on one bed while he is single. It seems likely Eleazer had already received land from his father while he was living.

Eleazer and Hannah were involved with the Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers, meeting at the simple house at the head of Kelley's Bay and although Eleazer was not a bona fide member himself, he appears to have had many Quaker convictions. In October 1757 he was reprimanded for non-attendance at training day (a military exercise that many Quakers opposed) and fined. For some reason which the records do not make clear, the precinct assisted him in paying his fine and he was not confined to prison. Others were jailed for the same offense about the same time, so perhaps they refused to pay a fine.

I am not sure if this court record is concerning Eleazer or his son, probably the latter: Nicholas Brown Esq. and George Benson, Merchant, both of Providence, Rhode Island, attached Shubael Crowell and Eleazer Kelly, both of Yarmouth, merchants, on a note dated 13 April 1787 for 31 Quintals and two-thirds parts of Quintal of good merchantable Cod fish. Default by defendants, judgment for over 8 pounds plus over 2 pounds in cost. In part satisfied for over 4 pounds.(Note that a quintal meant a weight of 100 pounds.)

Eleazer Kelley is listed in the 1790 Yarmouth census, 3 men over 16, 3 men under 16, five women. His neighbors are James Kelley (likely his son-in-law), Browning Kelley (son), Mary Kelley (wouldn't be his daughter Mary as her married name was Nickerson), and Elihu Kelley (son).

Eleazer Killey is listed in the Dennis Direct Tax list of October 1798, with property valued at $110. 

Eleazer’s death is not recorded.

Quaker burying ground in Dennis

 I haven’t found gravestones for Eleazer, Hannah or for most of their children, which leads me to believe some of them are buried at the old Quaker Burying Grounds in South Dennis or Yarmouth, where they did not believe in the adornment of headstones. It is also possible a few of them left the area. In Notes on the South Yarmouth Quaker Graveyard by L. Barber, Hannah Baker is listed, 12 Jan 1728/9-pre 1811, daughter Silas Baker and Deliverance O'Kelley, m. Eleazer Kelley Jr, 9 Feb 1748/9, mother of Elihu Kelley (1759-1841).
Quaker Meeting House and graveyard in South Yarmouth

I thought I had found Eleazer’s probate records. No will was included, but it did include an 1803 inventory. I think now, though, that the information is for his son Eleazer.

Sources Not Listed Above:

Eunice Kelley Randall, David O'Killia and His Descendants, 1962

R. Dudley Kelley, David Okillea of Yarmouth, Massachusetts and some of his Descendants NEHGR, April 1997

Nancy Thacher Reid, Dennis, Cape Cod from Firstcomers to Newcomers, 1639 – 1993, 1996


1 comment:

  1. Chris, have you found any info on Eleazer's brother Wilbour? I know that Wilbour had a son, Wilber who was born in 1782 and moved to Providence, but I have found little on Wilbour except that he married Naomi Baker.


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