Sunday, October 28, 2012

Samuel Lucas 1661-1716 and Patience Warren of Plymouth, Mass.

Samuel Lucas was born Plymouth, Mass. on 15 December 1661, the son of Thomas Lucas and his wife whose name is not known.  His name is sometimes spelled Lucos in records.

Samuel married Patience Warren on 16 December 1686 in Plymouth. Patience was born 15 March 1659/60, the daughter of Joseph and Priscilla (Faunce) Warren and the granddaughter of Mayflower passenger Richard Warren and his wife Elizabeth (Walker).  Patience is mentioned in her father's 4 May 1689 will.

Samuel and Patience had four children born Plymouth:
John born 24 January 1687/88; died 31 January 1696/97
Joseph born 26 October 1689; married Persis Lewis and Melathiah Carey
William born 19 October 1692; married Mehitable Doty
Patience born 2 January 1695/96; married Nathaniel Harlow

I descend from Joseph and his second wife Melathiah down to my grandfather Arthur Washburn Davis. I wrote about Joseph here.

By 20 May 1690 the Plymouth Court was ordering that 62 men be raised to fight in the French-Indian war under command of Maj. John Walley, with each town filling quota of one to six men. Further attacks led to an increased number and Samuel Lucas is listed as an ensign. He participated in the expedition to Quebec in the fall of 1690, under the command of Sir William Phips, but they could not take Quebec and the campaign was a costly disaster.
Battle of Quebec source: Wikipedia

Samuel was involved in multiple land transactions.

On 8 January, 1689/90, "William Harlow sent John Gray Jonathan Shaw sent and Ephraim Morton junr all of the Town of Plimouth .... Agents for .... said Town Send Greeting &c Whereas at a Town meeting held at Plimouth" 2 June, 1689, "We the persons above named together with John Sturtevant and John Doten were .... Chosen .... agents with full power given to us or to any four of us agreeing to make sale of Certaine tracts of sd Towns Comon lands for the payment of Sundrey Debts Due to severall of the Inhabitant of sd Towne for their pains Charge and expences in Defence of the sd Towns Right to a Certain Island belonging to said Town Comonly Called and for many years past known by the name of Clarks Island as pr sd Towns Book more particularly may appear . Wherefore .... we the said William Harlow John Gray Jonathan Shaw and Ephraim Morton junr four of the said Agents", for Do "Currant money of New England aforesaid to us in hand for the use of sd Town By George Morton Elkanah Watson and Samuel Lucas all of Plimouth aforesaid .... paid .... Sell .... and Confirm unto them the said George Morton Elkanah Watson and Samuel Lucas .... all that the said Towns Island Comonly Called .... Clarks Island as abovesaid and is Scitute in Plimouth Bay and environed with the salt water of the bay aforesaid"
The deed was signed by William Harlow, John Gray, Jonathan Shaw and Ephraim Morton, Jr.; and was witnessed by Samuel Sprague and Thomas Faunce.
"Thomas Faunce and Saml Sprague the witnesses herein named made Oath in Plimouth" 5 June, 1690, "that they were present and saw the Subscribers to this Instrument Signe seale and Deliver the same to the bargainers above named", before Daniel Smith, Assistant. The deed was recorded 27 June, 1690, by Samuel Sprague, Recorder.

On 7 February, 1690/1, "Samuel Lucas of Plimouth" for £45, sold to "George Morton and Mercy Watson widdow both .... of Plimouth .... All that my one third part or one part of three of a Certain Island Comonly Called by the name of Clarks Island and is Scituate in Plimouth Bay and environed with the salt water of the Bay aforesaid which said Island I the Samuel Lucas hath together with the said George Morton and Elkanah Watson partners to said Island Lately bought of William Harlow Senr Jonathan Shaw Senr John Gray and Ephraim Morton junr four of the Agents of the Town of Plimouth as pi so Deed .... Bearing date the 8th Day of January 1689/90"
[p. 113] The witnesses were Jonathan Barnes and Thomas Faunce.
"This Deed was acknowledged by Samuel Lucas and Patience Lucas his wife" before Ephraim Morton, Associate, on 7 February, 1690/1. It was recorded 27 February, 1690/1.
Samuel Lucas died Plymouth, Mass. on 17 January 1715/16 at age 54.

Israel Grant of ...Sandwich..for and in consideration of...five pounds three shillings...paid by Samuel Lucas of...plimouth...sell...twenty five acres of a place called monponset...and was formerly layd out to Alexander R(enedery?)...lands is the westerly End thereof...with a swamp whitewood two from which the Line extends easterly to a red oak tree which is Edward Mays Boundmark...30 July 1696. Israel Grant.
Dinah Allin her mark
Wm Bassett
ack Sandwich 30 July 1696, rec. 27 April 1697

John Bradford of plimouth...yeoman...for and in concideration of...five pounds...Samuel Lucas of...plimouth...yeoman...sell...All that my one Quarter part of ye whole Tract of Land commonly called and known by ye name of ye Gurnet...which I the said John Bradford with my partners Isaac Cushman John Doten and John Nelson bought of William Harlow Senr Jonathan Shaw Senr John Doten Senr & Ephraim Morton junr four of ye Agenents of...plimouth...30 May 1691. John Bradford
Nathll Clarke, mark of Benoni Lucas
Memoranda...Saml Lucas...with...John Bradford...promise...that from year to year & everyyear for ever hereafter that from & Between the twentyeth day of Aprill and the twentyeth day of October he will not put keep nor cause or Suffer to be kept land any sort of Cattell swine Sheep or heifer kind other that what he shall keep within fence & Closure.
Samuel Lucas
Nathll Clark
The mark of Benoni Lucas
Ack 17 March 1696/7; rec. 26 April 1697.

Thomas Howland of Plymouth...for and in consideration of...six Samuelll Lucas of Plymouth...sell...a parcel of upland in Estimation about half an Acre...10 December 1696. Thomas Howland
Nathanael Thomas junr
Elisha Thomas
Cornelius Waldo
Ack 16 Dec 1696, rec 27 April 1697

Thomas Howland of...Plymouth...yeoman for and in consideration of .... forty shillings...paid by Samuel Lucas of...Plymouth...selll...All that my Little Plot or portion of land...19 March 1696/97. Thomas Howland
the Mark of Abraham Jackson Senr
Nathll Clarke
Ack 31 March 1697; rec. 27 Aprill 1697

In October 1686 Samuel Lucas was fined 5 shillings by the court for refusing to assist the constable when requested.

Samuel Lucas and John Cole, both Plymouth fishermen, were both found guilty by a jury for playing cards on the Sabbath at the home of Jonathan Barnes (Plymouth Inn Keeper) on 14 March 1688. They were fined 15 shillings each, to be divided between the prosecutor and the King.

During the September 1698 court Samuel Lucas was licensed as an Inn Keeper for a year. Licensed again in 1701.

Samuel Lucas died Plymouth on 17 January 1715/16 at age 54.

Samuel’s will was transcribed and printed in the Mayflower Descendant.

Samuel Lucas, Sr., of Plymouth, made his will on 4 July 1715, leaving his estate to his wife; to his sons Joseph and William; and to his daughter Patience, at that time unmarried.
Especial attention is here called to the fact that the daughter Patience was mentioned in the will, because an article in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume LV, page 78, states that this will "names wife Patience and sons Joseph and William", entirely overlooking the legacy to the daughter Patience, who was to receive one third of the moveable estate, as part of a legacy of £50.

Bequests were as follows:
To "my sone josepe all my landes and madow to the Southerd and west ward of his house and allso my lot of Seder Swomp in the fist lot and [*] lot of madow in Swan hole Upon Condetiones joseph gives william a deed of his at Swan hole"
To "my wife my homested dwelling house and out housing and all my landes that I have not giveen to joseph and my lot of Seder Swamp in the Sixt lot duering hare life or wedohod and I doe give her leve to Sell my therty acer lot of land to the norward of Darbyes pond if She Standeth In ned and I give her the best bed for ever and at her desese or marrage I do give to my Sone willliame all my housinge and landes that I have not giveen to joseph and allso one therd part of the moveabeles I give to willliam both with in dores and with out and one therd part of them to joseph both with in dores and with out with what he hath had all racy and one therd part to patience both within dores and with out and what that wantes of fifty pounces willliam to make it up when he Comes upone
I the land and my wife to have all the moveabeles tell She pleseth her Cheldren Shall have them or during her wedowhod"
"my Sone willliam shall take Care of his mother"
"my beloveed wife to adminester upon the estate"
The will was signed "Samuel lucas Siner "
The witnesses were "John doten" and "Abraham jackson Sener" both of whom made oath to the will "on the 8th day of March 1715/16.
"on the 9th day of March 1715—16 .... The Will of Samuel Lucas" was probated, and administration granted "unto Patience Lucas his Relict widow & Executor therin Named".

[From original inventory] "plimouth march 2 on 1716 then a true inventory" was made by "Bennony Lucas" and "Benjamen Warren". No real estate was mentioned. The total of the personal estate was £169, 6s., 5d. The estate was indebted £27, 13s., and £3, 10s., 3d. was due the estate.
Patience Lucas, executrix, made oath to the inventory, "on the 8th day of March 1715—16."

* Two or three words here are illegible, and were not copied into the record.

The deed of 1719 furnishes conclusive evidence of the parentage of the widow Patience (Warren) Lucas and of Elizabeth, wife of Josiah Finney.
Exhaustive abstracts are here given of all records, and original documents on file, in the Plymouth County, Mass., Probate Registry, relating to the settlement of the estate of Samuel Lucas, Sr., of Plymouth; also an exhaustive abstract of the deed referred to

I haven’t found Patience’s death date but she died after 9 March 1718/19 when she deeded land to Joseph Warren.

On 9 March, 1719, "Josiah Finney & Elizabeth my Wife & Patience Lucas all of Plymouth," for £80, sold to "Joseph Warren of Plymouth .... Yeoman .... All our Right .... whatsoever, That we or either of us now have or of Right ought to Have of in & unto all or any Part of the Upland Swamps & Meadows in Aggawam in the Township of Plymouth aforesd which belonged to ye Share or Right of our Father Joseph Warren late of sd Plymouth Deceased, in sd Purchase, Together with the quarter Part of the Premises which we have Improved"

The deed was signed by Josiah Finney, Patience Lucas (by a mark) and Elizabeth Finney (by a mark), and was witnessed by Samuel Bates and Israel Fearing. The three grantors acknowledged the deed, at Plymouth, the day of its date, before Josiah Cotton, Justice of the Peace, and it was recorded the same day.

Sources Not Listed Above:
Susan Roser, Mayflower Increasings, 1996

Robert S. Wakefield, Mayflower Families Through Five Generations, Vol. 18, Richard Warren,"  published by the GSMD, 1999


  1. Just to be clear - Richard Warren was a passenger on the Mayflower and his wife and daughters came later.


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