Sunday, August 5, 2012

Nicholas and Constance (Hopkins) Snow of 17th c. Plymouth and Eastham, MA

Nicholas Snow and Constance Hopkins were married by 1627 in Plymouth, Mass. Nicholas  may be the Nicholas Snow baptized 25 Jan 1599, St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, London, son of Nicholas Snow of Hoxton, Middlesex.

Nicholas came to Plymouth in 1623 on board the ship Anne.

Constance Hopkins was baptized at Hursley, Hampshire, England 11 May 1606, the daughter of Stephen  Hopkins. I wrote about Stephen Hopkins here. Constance came to Plymouth on the Mayflower with her father, stepmother Elizabeth, her brother Giles and half-sister Damaris. Her half-brother Oceanus was born on the voyage. She is sometimes called Constant or Constanta in records.
Constance Hopkins Snow beaver hat at Pilgrim Hall

Nicholas was a carpenter by trade (his inventory included carpenter and coopers tools). He was made freeman at Plymouth 1633. He was named in 1634 to lay out highways at Plymouth, and he served there as an arbitrator, surveyor of highways and on various juries. 

As an aside, I recently toured the Harlow Old Fort House in Plymouth, and the docent gave a nice description/demo of the job of a 17th century cooper. 

By 1645 Nicholas and Constance had settled at Eastham where he served as Town Clerk, selectman, deputy, constable, highway surveyor, excise collector, and on various court committees. He was among the first seven English settlers there.

In the 1627 Plymouth Cattle division "Nickolas Snow" and Constance Snow were the sixth and seventh persons in the seventh company (headed by Stephen Hopkins).

On 6 July 1638 Nicholas Snow acknowledged that he sold to Samuell Eddy his house and garden in Plymouth where he "now dwelleth."

Nicholas was granted ten acres meadow in the South Meadows 2 Nov 1640.

About March 1645/6 Nicholas Snow sold his house and buildings and upland, with two acres of meadow at High Pines and ten acres of upland meadow at Colebrook meadows, totalling 52 acres to Thomas Morton. On 10 March 1645(/6) Nicholas Snow sold one acre to Nathaniel Morton. 

In an account of liquors brought into Eastham, 28 Nov 1664, Nicholas Snow was responsible for one and a half gallons of liquor.

On 15 June 1653 Giles Hopkins and Nicholas laid out 20 acres of meadow for Eastham settlers. Nicholas received two acres. He held the lot until his death in 1676, then it passed to sons Mark and Joseph, called his "great lott.”

Mark married Anna Pierce and Jane Prence
Mary married Thomas Paine
Sarah married William Walker
Joseph married Mary ____
Stephen married Susannah Deane and Mary Cottle
John married Mary Smalley
Elizabeth married Thomas Rogers
Jabez married Elizabeth Smith
Ruth married John Cole
Plus three whose names are unknown.
Last three may be sons who predeceased their father without issue, thus not mentioned in his will, or may be daughters whom he did not call by name in will. William Bradford's 1651 acccount said Constance (he called her Constanta) had 12 children, all living.

I descend through their son John. I also have a possible line through their son Joseph, but it would be difficult to prove. I found out about this line through the Nickerson Family Association, but it is not included in the Hopkins “Silver Book.”

Nicholas Snow died at Eastham 15 November 1676.

His wife Constant and sons Mark and John administered his estate. Will dated 14 November 1676. Witnessed by Samuell Treate and Thomas Paine Sr. Asked Deacon Samuel Freeman and John Mayo to oversee. He left son Mark 20 acres upland at Namskekitt where his house now stands, 2 acres of meadow, broken marsh there, two thirds of his great lot at Satuckett lying next to the Indian's Ground, and what else he can purchase from the Indians there. To son Joseph gave other third part of great lot and 2 1\2 acres of meadow at Namscekett next to William Twinings. To son Steven 20 acres on southside of great lot at Pochett, 10 acres of little lot at Satuckett between Daniel Cole and Edward Bangs' land by the side of a litte pond, 1 1/2 acres of meadow between Thomas Williams' and Samuel Freeman's land and part of his meadow at the great meadow that is between Josiah Cooke's and the Eelcreek.

To son John all land at Paomett and all rights and titles there, including meadow and upland.

To son Jabez all land lying between Nicholas' house and son Thomas Paines' house and 7 acres at the Bass Pond between Daniel Cole and Wm Browne's and half acre of marsh and 6 acres upland at Herring Pond and 1 1/2 acres of meadow at Silver Spring near Wm Walkers, and adjacent upland near Ephraime Doane and part of Nicholas' house that he now lives in. Also 2 acres of meadow at the Great Meadow between Eel Creek and Joseph Hardings and 4 acres meadow at Billignsgate and meadow about his house.

To loving wife Constant all stock of cattle, sheep, horses, swine, to support her, as well as all the moveable goods, which should be divided among all the children at her decease. Also part of house she now dwells in, which will go to Jabez at her death. Also 10 acres of upland at Pochett to leave to son Steven and 20 on Billingsgate Island, to leave to son Jabez.

He gave to Church of Eastham for the furniture of the Table of The Lord, with pewter or other nessesaries, 10 shillings after wife's death.

His household inventory totaled 102 pounds, 10 shillings, 9 pence was very long and detailed. It includes three hives of bees, coopers tools, carpenter tools, pewter, brass, iron and earthenware items, homemade cloth, woolen yarn, cows, oxen, sheep, pigs, silver money, looking glass, beer barrel, barrel of beef, deer skins, leather, spinning wheel, sheeps wool, bullets and powder, wheet, rye, a cart and wheels.

Nicholas could read as his inventory included "a parcel of old books,” a psalm book and 1 book.

On 6 March 1676/7 letters of administration were granted to Constant Snow, Mark Snow and John Snow, on the estate of Nicholas Snow deceased (PCR 5:220).

Constant Snow The Relict of Nicholas Snow late Deceased of Eastham made oath to the truth of this Inventory, before Mee John ffreeman Assistant this 22cond of March 1676/77.

Constance Snow died at Eastham in the middle of October 1677.

I recently visited Cove Burying Ground in Eastham where descendants have placed a stone to honor Constance’s memory. 

Cove Burying Ground, Eastham


Sources Not Listed Above:
Eugene Stratton, Plymouth Colony, It's History and People, 1986
John Austin, Mayflower Families Through Five Generations, Stephen Hopkins, 1992
Caleb Johnson, The American Genealogist, "The True Origin of Stephen 1 Hopkins of the Mayflower," July 1998:
Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Begins, 1995
Simeon Deyo, editor, "History of Barnstable County, Massachusetts," HW Blake & Co., New York, 1890
James W. Hawes, Nicholas 1 Snow of Eastham and Some of His Descendants, Library of Cape Cod History & Genealogy, 1916
Leonard Smith, Early Settlers of Eastham, Library of Cape Cod History & Genealogy, 1916


  1. Oh my word I am totally gobsmacked (hope you get the meaning!) Have just stumbled across your blog, as I was vaguely meandering the Ancestry website, and something made me dig into SNOW, Catherine Snow was my father's mother.

    I had no idea at all that her fairly nearby generation ancestors came from the US, so I was intruiged!

    So I have just learnt about Nicholas and Constance on various forums and websites, and was already blown away by the whole Mayflower thing (was born in Southampton, so the Mayflower is important in our history!)

    Having read your blog, I am double-blown away by the remark about baptism entry for Constance, as Hursley is literally 5 minutes away from my present location!

    Do you know which Church it was? Not sure how old the present Church is, I will try to find out.


    1. Hi Shelly: Your connection with Southampton and living near Hursley is amazing! That is a good question about which church. I'm not certain, but looking online it seems like Hursley is a tiny place, so it must be the All Saints Church, which has records going back to 1600. It does seem, though, that much of the church has been rebuilt. Here's one link about it:

    2. I just found this webpage---2 years after your entry!! I am from New England and it seems I am related to Constance and Nicholas too from their son Mark. My great grandmother was a Snow!!

  2. I just found that both of my parents lines go back to Constance Hopkins who married Nicholas Snow. Elizabeth Snow-Rogers my fathers line and Jabez Snow my mothers line.

    1. Hi Linda: Congrats on finding your Snow/Hopkins roots. Isn't it wild to find out your parents are related? I found that with my grandparents. Chris

  3. Thank you for this information. Nicholas and Constance are my 9th great grandparents. I am always interested in hearing from my distant family.

  4. I too am a descendant of Nicholas and Constance. In fact my mother's maiden name is Snow, she is the end of this snow line and her name happens to be Constance. We know the direct line, however need to document to continue it officially. This is on my bucket list. Hoping to learn lots more. Thanks for the blog.

    1. Hi Deb, Love that your mom is Constance Snow! Talk about tradition carrying forward for so many generations. Wow! Chris

    2. Hello - are you descended through JOHN SNOW who married MARY SMALLEY? My email is for anyone who is descended from JOHN SNOW, please contact me. Thank you.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Yes, I descend from John Snow and Mary Smalley, through daughter Rebecca. Who married Benjamin Small. Chris

  5. Hi. I am David C Jean, 9th and last child of Shirley Irlene Snow, one of two daughters of Chester C Snow and Laura G Dunphy of New England. Other daughter being Laura. We are descendants of Nicholas Snow who married Constance Hopkins.

    1. Hi David, How cool to have the Snow name all the way down to your Mom! Chris

  6. I also descend through John and Mary (Smalley) line. Issac and then through William.

    1. Tina, Which of William's kids do you descend from?

  7. Wow Tina, we share the same line. I descend from John to Issac to William as well. Then John Michael Snow 1780 - 1845.

    1. That's amazing. I hope you two can exchange info! Chris

    2. It would seem I'm another from John. Then to Isaac to John 1760-1840 to Eli to Winston to William to my Great-Grandfather James.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Which one of John's children do you descend from? My 6th gr grandmother Martha Matilda Snow born abt 1769 I think could be adaughter of William and a sister to your John.

  8. Hi! I just recently discovered my Mayflower Hopkins ancestry through the Snow line! I'm descended from John Snow and Mary Smalley through their daughter Hannah R. and Hezekiah Doane. I'm an O'Neal way down in Georgia, and I learned that a small portion of my DNA matches with a Snow, too

    1. Congrats, James, on discovering your Hopkins/Snow ancestry. Interesting the family came to settle in Georgia. Chris

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I descended from John B. Snow as well. Then Isaac, William, John, Samuel B., Owen Davis, John Franklin, then my grandmother Mary Jane Snow who married Robert Shirkey. This is awesome finding out so much about my ancestry.

    1. Lauren, glad you found this blog entry and very cool you have the Snow surname all the way to your grandmother. Chris

  11. I have just recently discovered by Snow lineage. I also descend through John and Mary Smalley.

  12. I descend from Constance and the name Hatch. Do you know which of her children led to the Hatch line of Truro and Provincetown? L.K. Moore (mother is granddaughter of Capt. B. F. Hatch of Provincetown & later Baltimore)

    1. Unfortunately I can't answer your question, Chris

  13. All my life I knew I was a direct descendant of Gov. William Bradford but until earlier today, I didn't realize I was also in the direct line of another Mayflower passenger- Constance. And also, her husband, N. Snow...I really liked reading about him, thank you for this information. I live on the west coast but would love to visit the Plymouth area!

    1. That's a great discovery, Tammy. The Snows and Hopkins' are interesting people, so I'm sure you will enjoy your research! Chris

  14. Has the lineage of Nicholas & Constant (Hopkins) Snow through their 2nd son, Joseph, been verified? If he married Mary Higgins, I feel certain their children are verifiable as least as I am concerned. Do you have an acceptable source of research I could follow? Claire KNight

    1. I'm sorry to be so long responding. I've had an issue with notifications of comments on my blog so I'm trying to catch up. I think it depends on which child of Joseph 2 you descend from. I descend from Thomas whose birth wasn't recorded and wasn't included in the Hopkins Silver Book. It's not something I've done a lot of work on recently. I would check the Mayflower Families Through Five Generations Stephen Hopkins, aka Silver Book, for your line. You can also request a lineage match through GSMD but there is a fee for that.

    2. I checked my records given to me by my aunt. It ended with the records of Constance Hopkins born about 1606 married to Nicholas Snow in 1627. I will continue to go through my papers
      to see if I find children listed.

    3. According to the source, A Mayflower Line Hopkins-Snow-Cook by Grace Fielding Hall 1914 I see the birth of Joseph in Plymouth in 1634 or 1631, my copy is a bit smudged. It mentions that Constance or Constanta Hopkins Married Nicholas Snow of Plymouth, (probably son of Nicholas Snow and wife Mary of London). I hope this helps, Claire.

  15. My 6th gr grandmother Martha Matilda Snow born abt 1766 in North Carolina. She married Squire Eleazer Allen 3 Aug 1789 in South Carolina?. I believe she may have been the daughter of William B. Snow and his wife Martha Elizabeth Clift. If you have anything to help me prove or disprove this I would appreciate you letting me know.

    1. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with your Snow family. Chris

  16. My great grandfather was David Snow Swett born 1871 in Wellfleet of Mehitable Small Snow and Benjamin Higgins Swett. We are direct descendants of Stephen Hopkins.

    1. Welcome and thank you for sharing your ancestry. Chris

  17. I am a descendant from Constance and Nicholas Snow through their son, John Snow, then Isaac B., William B., Ebenezer and then Thomas Snow. I am having difficulty finding a direct proof of lineage from Ebenezer to his Thomas and his son William Henry Snow. Wondered if anyone else has this same lineage? I live in Alabama. Thank you in advance!


I'm now moderating comments on this blog. My apologies for any ensuing delays, but the large number of "spam" comments have made this necessary. ~Chris