Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Barnabas Lucas (1729-1778) and Joanna Pierce of Plympton, Mass.

Barnabas Lucas was born 30 October 1729 in Plympton, Mass., the son of Joseph Lucas and his second wife Melatiah Carey.

Barnabas married Joanna Pierce (also seen as Peirce or Pearce) on 28 June 1753 in Pembroke, Mass. (Pembroke VRs; she is called "Anna"). She was the daughter of Nehemiah Pierce and Elizabeth Hanks, born about 1735. The couple had 12 children. Their births are not found in vital records, but they are included as his children in Ancient Landmarks of Plymouth by Davis, born Plympton, and are all mentioned in the division of their father’s estate.
1.      Nehemiah born ca 1756, married Hannah Pratt.
2.      Barnabas born 1759, married Betty Cole.
3.      Elijah born 1759, married Sarah Shaw.
4.      Melatiah born about 1761, married William Whitten.
5.      Ephraim born 13 March 1763, married Azubah Pratt.
6.      Consider born 1765, married Jane Paddock.
7.      Seth born about1767.
8.      Joanna born about 1769.
9.      Molly born about 1771.
10.  Elisabeth born about 1774, married Joshua Cole.
11.  Caleb born 1776, married Mary ____ and Aseneth Shurtleff.
12.  Hannah born about1778.

I descend from Ephraim and Azubah (Pratt) Lucas. I wrote about this couple here. Ephraim, Barnabas, Consider and Elijah served in the Revolutionary War.

In her father Nehemiah Pierce's 1772 will, Joanna is mentioned as his eldest daughter, wife of Barnabas Lucas of Plympton in Plymouth County. He left her six pounds.

Barnabas was a farmer ("yeoman") and grist mill owner.

Barnabas died before December 1778, probably in Plympton. Joanna survived her husband and was administratrix of his estate, appointed 7 Dec 1778. She received widow's thirds in the division of her husband's estate in 1789.

The inventory of Barnabas’ estate was taken at Plympton on 2 December 1778 by Silvanus Gorham, Samuel Lucas and Eleazer Crocker. It totaled 1,532.5 pounds. It included:

Homestead and buildings
Land and meadow he purchased from Benjamin Ransom
Four acres of meadow on Winnabucksett River
1 acre meadow at Solan’s meadow
Salt meadow at Marshfield
Half of a grist mill
1 Horse, oxen, cows, swine, sheep
Household items, including iron ware, brass, glassware, pewter, tin and earthenware
Furniture including beds, chests, tables
A number of old books
Division of Barnabas' estate, dated 25 June 1784, no spelling corrections made:

"Plymouth SS -- To messrs Samuel Lucas - Eleazer Crocker - Sylvanus Gorham all of Plympton in the County of Plymouth, Yeoman
You are hereby impowered & directed to take a view of the Real Estate whereof Barnabas Lucas late of said Plympton, yeoman, deceased, died siezed, and you are to asign and sett off to Joanna Lucas the widow of the deceased her right of dower therein, being one third part thereof, and the remainder you are to divide into thirteen equal parts or shares, and you are to assign and sett off to Nehemiah Lucas the eldest son of the deceased two shares thereof, and to Elijah Lucas - Barnabas Lucas - Ephraim Lucas - Consider Lucas - Seth Lucas - Caleb Lucas - Malatiah Witon the wife of William Witon - Joanna Lucas - Moll Lucas - Elisabeth Lucas & Hannah Lucas, to each one share thereof and you are to assign and set off the same by meter & bounds /Quantity & Quality Considered/ & that the widow and the heirs may yold their several parts in leveratty [?] & make return of this warrant with your doings thereon under your hands and upon your Oaths, as soon as may be given under my hand & seal of this the second day of June 1789 [third number difficult to read].
Jos. Cushing Judge Prob."

"Pursuant to a warrant to us the Subscribers directed by the Hon. Joseph Cushing Esqr, Judge of Probate of Wills for the County of Plymouth to take a view of the Real Estate that Barnabas Lucas Late of Plympton deceased, died siezed, accordingly after viewing said estate we have divided the same according to the direction in your warrant according to the best of our Judgment in manner following

Assigned and sett off to the widow Joanna Lucas widow of said deceased part of the Homestead [farm crossed out] bounded beginning at the north west corner of [next four words cut off by copier] north 45 degrees East 10 poles to a stake and stones then ___ north 22 1/2 degrees East 6 poles then north 43 degrees East 10 poles then north 20[?] degrees East 13 poles to a stake & stones then ___ north 24 degrees west across said Homestead to the Land of John Chamberlin then by said John's land to the mill brook then up the mill brook to the bound first mentioned, and also a piece of wood land at the Easterly end of the Homestead bounded beginning at a pine tree that was formerly a corner bound of Ephraim Tilson's land then South 13 degrees west 20 poles to a stake & stones then South 65 degrees west 30 poles then north 19 degrees East across the Lot to Scott's land, and also a piece of meadow at a place called winnetuxet meadow, bounded beginning at the north east corner of said meadow then westerly by the shore 2 poles & 2 thirds of a pole to a stake then south 30 degrees west to the River then up the River to Benjamin Cushman's meadow then by his meadow to the bounds first mentioned, and also one half of the dwelling housing containing the foreside & one half the chamber & one third of the Barn containing the west end, and also one third of the salt meadow at marshfield that belongs to said Estate, also one half of a half of Grist mill that belongs to said Estate, in full of her third part of said Estate.

Assigned and sett of to Nehemiah Lucas the eldest son of said deceased two shares bounded together, bounded, beginning at the south East corner of the sd share of the homestead then Easterly by Lieut. Cole's land 23 poles to a stake & stones then north 24 degrees west across the said Homestead & is to include all the land home to the third share of said homestead, and also a piece of meadow at a place called winnetuxet meadow & is to contain all the meadow lying between the third share of said meadow & the meadow formerly Shubael Tinkham's and also one quarter part of half a grist mill, belonging to said Estate in full of his two shares of said estate.

Assigned and sett off to Elijah Lucas the sixth share in the homestead bounded beginning at the south East corner of the 5th share then Easterly by the land of Edward Stevens eleven poles to a stake & stones then north 24 degrees west across said homestead & is to contain all the land to the 5th share & also one third part of the salt meadow at marshfield in full of his share of sd Real estate.

Assigned and sett off to Barnabas Lucas the sixth share in the Ramson farm bounded, beginning at the south west corner of Samuel Cobb's Land in the range of the widow Cole's land then north by the land of said Cole's 14 poles & a half to a stake & stones then west to hunting house brook & is to contain all the land, meadow & swamp home to the widow Cole's land, and also one half of the acre of meadow at Suton's meadow in full his share of said Real Estate.

Assigned and sett off to Ephraim Lucas the fifth share in the Ramson farm and is to contain all the land lying to the northward of the fourth share in said farm in full of his share of said Estate.

Assigned and sett off to Consider Lucas the seventh share in the homestead, bounded, beginning at the south East corner of the sixth share then easterly by the land of Edward Stephen's eleven poles to a stake & stones then north 24 degrees west across the homestead & is to contain all the Land home to the 6th share & also one third part of the salt meadow at marshfield in full of his share of said estate.

Assigned and sett off to Seth Lucas a piece of meadow at Minnetuxitt meadow it being the second share in said meadow, bounded, beginning at the north west corner of the first share, then westerly by the shore 5 poles & half & one third to a stake then south 36 degrees west to the River then by the River to the first share, then by the first share to the bound first mentioned and also the second share in the homestead, bounded, beginning at the south East corner of the first share then Easterly by Lieut. Cole's land eleven poles & a half to a stake & stones then north 24 degrees west ___ the said homestead & is to include all the land home to the first share in full of his share of said Estate.

Assigned and sett off to Caleb Lucas the first share in the homestead bounded beginning at the South East corner of the widow's thirds then Easterly by Lieut. Cole's land eleven poles & half to a stake & stones then north twenty four degrees west across the homestead & is to include all the land home to the widows's thirds & also the first share in the winnituxett meadow bounded, beginning at the north west corner of the widow's thirds then westerly by the shore six poles to a stake then south 37 degrees west to the River then up the River to the widow's thirds then by her thirds to the bounds first mentioned in full of his share of said Estate.

Assigned and sett off to Melatiah Whitten the wife of William Whitten the fourth share in the Ramson farm, bounded beginning at the North East corner of the third share then northerly 25 poles to a stake & stones then west to the meadow & is to include all the land home to the third share, in full of her share of said Estate.

Assigned and sett off to Joanna Lucas the third share in the Ramson farm, bounded, beginning at the North East corner of the second share then northerly 10 poles to a stake & stones then west to the widow Cole's land meadow & is to include all the land home to the second share and also the third part of the Barn containing the Easterly third, in full of her share of said Estate.

Assigned and sett off to Molly Lucas the second share in the Ramson farm, bounded, beginning at the north east corner of the first share then northerly by Samuel Cobb's land 15 poles to a stake & stones then west to hunting house brook & is to include all the land home to the first share & also the other half of the acre of meadow at Suton's meadow -- in full of her share of said Estate.

Assigned and sett of to Elisabeth Lucas the third share of the homestead bounded, beginning at the South East corner of the second share, then easterly by Lieut. Cole's land eleven poles & half to a stake & stones then north 24 degrees west ___ the said homestead, and is to include all land home to the second share and also one quarter of half a grist mill in full of her share of said Estate.

Assigned and sett off to Hannah Lucas the 2d share of the homestead & is to contain all the land lying between the 7th share & the widows thirds of the wood lot, also one third of the Barn, it being the middle third, and all one half of the dwelling house containing the remainder of the house that is not in this division sett off to the widow.

Sylvanus Gorham
Samuel Lucas
Plympton June 25th 1784"

Joanna died after June 1802 (when she is mentioned in a Plymouth Court document as having met with John Carver concerning her share in her late husband's mill) but before April 1806 (when she is mentioned in a court document as deceased).

Plymouth Court records give details on Cales (Coles?) Mill in Carver, saying that Joanna Lucas was one-fourth owner of the mill, whose share was owned by Jedediah Miller after her death. She met with John Carver, majority owner of the grist mill in June 1802, where they toured the mill and discussed its poor condition and agreed John would have it repaired, with her to reimburse part of the expenses. Carver was suing Miller for not paying for those expenses and the April 1806 document mentions Joanna as deceased. The case went to the Massachusetts Supreme Court in October 1808. 

Note that the town of Carver was formed in 1790 from the older town of Plympton, so Joanna and Barnabas may have lived in the same location throughout their married life, just the name of it changed.  Perhaps Joanna and Barnabas are buried at Carver's oldest cemetery, Lakenham Cemetery (aka North Cemetery), in now unmarked graves.
Entrance to Lakenham Cemetery, Carver

Source Not Listed Above:

Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Volumes 36-37, 1840

Plymouth Court Records 1686-1859, CD, edited by David Thomas Konig, 

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