Friday, July 22, 2011

Mayflower Ancestors Pt. 12: James Chilton and Daughter Mary

This is my last known Mayflower ancestor--phew!

James Chilton was a Separatist and was with the Pilgrims in Leiden, where he was a tailor. James was born about 1556 at Canterbury, Kent, England, son of Lionel Chilton. His baptism has not been found but the best source for his age is the 1619 Leiden Statement of Facts, which describes him as "approximately 63 years of age." 

He was married in 1585/6 to a woman whose name is not known, although her name is often seen as Susanna Furner, which is incorrect. Their first child was baptized at St. Paul’s, Canterbury on 15 Jan 1586/87.
James and his wife had children ten children, although three died young: Isabella, Jane, Mary (died young), Joel (died young), Elizabeth, James (died young), Ingle, Christian, James, and Mary.

James was named “Gifted Freeman” at Canterbury, quite an honor since a new mayor could only bestow this on one person within a year after taking office. From what I understand, it meant that James could run his drapery/tailoring business without restraint and without using apprentices. 
James Chilton autograph from

Perhaps due to their religious beliefs, the family relocated to Sandwich in Kent. I can't imagine leaving Canterbury, a place where James had a special standing in the community, would have been taken lightly. Mary was baptized in Sandwich on 31 May 1607, at St. Peter’s.  In 1609 Mrs. Chilton was charged with attending the secret burial service of a child (they opposed the burial services of the Church of England) and excommunication proceedings against her began.  James was called to court for a variety of offenses, including hitting a man with a stick, causing upset at church, and another time he and two others were “bound over” for the enormous sum of 66 pounds. 
St. Peter's Church, Sandwich, Kent, where Mary Chilton was baptized

In 1619, James Chilton was caught with his daughter Isabella in an anti-Arminian (religious followers of Jacobus Arminius) riot in Leiden and he was hit in the head with a rock, requiring a visit to a surgeon. 

At age 64, James was the oldest person on board the Mayflower. He brought along his wife and youngest daughter Mary. He died 8 December 1620 on board the Mayflower anchored in Provincetown Harbor.  His wife died that first winter, leaving Mary an orphan at 13 years of age.
Pilgrim Memorial Monument at Provincetown

After the death of her parents it is likely Mary joined the household of Myles Standish. In 1626 or 1627 Mary married John Winslow, who came on the Fortune in 1621 to join his brother Edward. Governor Bradford wrote that they had nine children. He also wrote that another daughter came to Plymouth after the Mayflower and that she had one child, but he does not give her name.

Mary and John’s children: John, Susanna, Mary, Edward, Sarah, Samuel, Joseph, Isaac, an unnamed child who died young, and Benjamin.

The family resided in Plymouth for many years, but eventually removed to Boston. The house they lived in on Spring Lane is no longer standing. They transferred their church membership upon arriving at Boston to the Third Church, which became the Old South Church. The current Old South Meeting House was built after Mary’s death. John was a very successful merchant. 
Plaque marking the site of Mary Chilton Winslow's home

John died in Boston in 1674 and Mary died there about 1679. He had written her will in 1676. John and Mary are buried at King’s Chapel Burying Ground in Boston, where they have replacement stones. 
Mary (Chilton) and John Winslow replacement gravestone

You can view a transcription of Mary’s will and inventory at: The site also has a transcription of John Winslow’s will.

A longstanding tradition has held that Mary Chilton was the first of the Mayflower passengers to step onto Plymouth Rock. Charles Thornton Libby carried out a detailed examination of this story, published as Mary Chilton's Title to Celebrity (Boston 1926, rpt. Warwick RI 1978). This seems highly unlikely, but it’s a nice story nonetheless. 
Plymouth Rock

My line from James Chilton, not yet submitted to the Mayflower Society:

1      Mary Chilton  1607 - 1679
+John Winslow       1597 - 1674
2      Mary Winslow        - 1665
+Edward Gray        1623 - 1681
3      John Gray      1661 - 1732
+Joanna Morton    
4      Anne Gray      1691 -
+John Tinkham      
5      Ann Tinkham  1726 - 1758
+Samuel Fuller        1724 - 1758
6      Mary Fuller    1748 - 1802
+Jabez Nye     1749 - 1802
7      Desire Nye       1771 - 1858
+David Pierce 1773 - 1820
8      Lucy Nye Pierce      1809 - 1896
+Rowland Sturtevant Bumpus        1804 - 1853
9      Mary Briggs Bumpus      1840 - 1916
+Seth Washburn     1828 - 1921
10    Charles Francis Washburn     1857 – 1941
+Hattie Maria Benson    1861 - 1914
11    Carrie Clyfton Washburn      1896 - 1974
+George Brewster Smith        1895 - 1913
12    Arthur Elmer Washburn Davis      1913 - 1976
+Mildred Louise Booth   1917 - 1999
13    My parents
14    Me

Chilton Children’s:


  1. Hello (distant) cousin. I looked at your lineage above and see that our trees split after generation #4.

    I didn't see anything on your blog, but John Tinkham (Generation #4) was a descendant of Peter Brown who was also a Mayflower passenger.

    So, Mary Chilton is not your last.

  2. Hi Moe: I had no idea about John Tinkham. I will get on that research immediately! Thanks so much, Chris

  3. This is a wonderful account. Mary Chilton was my 10th great grandmother.

  4. I'm curious about whether any further research is being done to establish Mary Chilton's mother. I'm 9th from Mary on the Latham line, a member of the San Diego, CA Colony.

    1. Hello: As far as I know no one has been able to find her name in records. That she was Susanna Furner was disproven. Chris

  5. Hi, I believe I am a cousin to you! I just found out that I am a descendant of Isabella Chilton-Chandler & her daughter Sarah Chandler-Leonard. This is really neat!! My email is

    1. Victoria, Congrats on your Chilton discovery! Chris

    2. I also am a descendent of James Chilton through Isabella
      Chilton Chandler.I have also found Leonard and Winslow in my tree for Plymouth Pilgrims,Bay Colony..Jill Tullous

  6. Mary is my 11th Great Grandmother Chilton, Winslow, Packard, Absalom Hooper, Revolutionary War Soldier, is her 5th Grandson, and he is my 6th Grandfather,So i'm also a Cousin

    1. Thanks for your comment, Donnie. Nice to know Mary had a descendant who was a Revolutionary War soldier. Chris

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I'm also a descendant of Isabella Chilton-Chandler / Robert Chandler 12 generation.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. How do you join the Society? My Line....
    James Chilton (1556 - 1620)
    11th great-grandfather

    Mary Chilton (1607 - 1679)
    Daughter of James Chilton

    Susanna Winslow (1627 - )
    Daughter of Mary Chilton

    James Latham (1659 - 1738)
    Son of Susanna Winslow

    Thomas Latham (1693 - 1769)
    Son of James Latham

    Phineas I Latham (1713 - 1784)
    Son of Thomas Latham

    Charles Latham (1755 - 1829)
    Son of Phineas I Latham

    John William Latham (1778 - 1859)
    Son of Charles Latham

    Luvenia "Sunnie" Latham (Waters) (1815 - 1884)
    Daughter of John William Latham

    Major Waters (1845 - 1924)
    Son of Luvenia "Sunnie" Latham(Waters)

    Addison Monroe Waters (1872 - 1934)
    Son of Major Waters

    Blanche Ernestine Waters (1907 - 1982)
    Daughter of Addison Monroe Waters

    Captain William "Bill" Jennings Carroll Jr (1935 - 2009)
    Son of Blanche Ernestine Waters

    Shurman Christopher Carroll "Chris"
    You are the son of Captain William "Bill" Jennings Carroll Jr

    1. My apologies for the late response. Blogger has stopped sending me notifications of comments. You can visit for more information on joining the Mayflower Society.

  12. My question is that if you are descended from older daughter Isabella Chandler does that make you a Mayflower descendant?
    It seems logical that you are even if Isabella only came over later.

    1. Yes, because you descend from her father, Mayflower passenger James Chilton. Chris


I'm now moderating comments on this blog. My apologies for any ensuing delays, but the large number of "spam" comments have made this necessary. ~Chris