Saturday, January 28, 2023

Sarah Carey/Cary born say 1592 Suffolk, England, died about 1655 in Plymouth, Mass., wife of John Jenney

Sarah Carey/Cary was born, say 1592, in England. She was in Leiden, Holland, by 1614 when she married John Jenney (sometimes Jeney, Jenne, Jennings) and was a member of the Pilgrim Separatists. Sarah was a wife, mother, and business owner. It’s always exciting when I have enough information on an early female ancestor to write a sketch! Sarah Cary is my 11th great-grandmother on my grandfather Arthur Washburn Davis’ side of the family.

I have yet to find Sarah’s birth information, but her 1614 marriage record to John Jenney at Leiden states she was from “Monksoon,” which would be Monks Soham, Suffolk, England.  

A transcription of the marriage record is available at 

The betrothal and marriage of John Jenney and Sarah Carey is recorded in the records of the City of Leiden: "Jene, Jehan of Norwich in England, Brewer’s mate, living in Rotterdam (Zuid-Holland), acc[ompanied] by Rogier Wilson his acq[aintance] betr[othed] 5 Sept. 1614, mar[ried] 1 Nov. 1614 to Sara Kaire of Monksoon in England, acc[ompanied] by Johanna Leyns her acq[aintance]”

Sarah and John Jenney came to Plymouth in 1623 on board the Little James. Sarah gave birth to a son during the voyage but unfortunately he died sometime before the 1627 cattle division. 

Children of Sarah and John:

  1. Samuel born Leiden about 1616; m. (1) after 1637 Susanna Wood (NEHGR 69:188-89); TAG 35:70-72); m. (2) by 1657 Anne Lettice (eldest child b. Plymouth 22 November 1657 (TAG 35:72) 
  2. Child, buried Leiden 1618 [Dexter 619]
  3. Abigail, born say 1621; m. Plymouth 28 April 1644 Henry Wood [PCR 2:79]
  4. Son, born 1623 aboard Little James, d. before the 1627 Plymouth cattle division
  5. Sarah b. say 1625 m. 29 May 1646 Thomas Pope [PCR 2:98]
  6. John b. by 1627; named in father’s will but not in mother’s will; no further record
  7. vii.Susanna, born say 1634, m. by 1654 Benjamin Bartlett, son of Robert Bartlett

I descend from Sarah who married Thomas Pope whom I wrote about here.  

John Jenney was a brewer and became an early grist mill owner in Plymouth. The current Plimoth Grist Mill (a re-imagining of Jenney Mill; it is not known exactly what the original looked like) on Town Brook is in roughly the location where John and Sarah’s mill stood. After John’s death between 1643 and 1644, Sarah ran the mill. She must have been a strong woman and an equal partner to her husband, unusual for the time. I’ve visited the mill and love envisioning Sarah overseeing the operation, chatting with neighbors as they waited for their grain to be milled. It’s still a beautiful spot and is a popular destination each spring to watch the herring run upstream from Plymouth Harbor, up Town Brook, past the mill, to spawn in the lake called Billington Sea. 

After John Jenney’s death, the Plymouth leaders expected the mill to continue without a hitch as Sarah was admonished at court for not keeping things at the mill up to snuff. On 20 August 1644 “Mrs. Jenney, upon the presentment against her, promiseth to amend the grinding at the mill, and to keep mortars clean, and bags of corn from spoiling and loosing.” [PCR 2:76].

Sarah Jenney lived on for 12 years after her husband’s death, and although she was not a young woman she took an interest in business and conducted land transactions and clearly had a head for finance, making good investments in her land purchases.

2 Oct 1650 “Mis Sara Jennings” complained against Roger Nash for 50 pounds in damages. Jury found for Sarah in the lawsuit. 

Mistress Jeney is on the March 1651 list of those that have interest and properties in Punkateesett (Little Compton) against Rhode Island. 

On 1 Dec 1640, a group of Plymouth Purchasers, including John Jenney, purchased large tracts of land at “Acusana, Ponagansett and Coaxett” later to be known as Dartmouth, although the actual purchase was not made until a few years after John’s death, so it was Sarah who concluded the deal on 7 March 1752. Each party owned 1/34 of the vast amount of land. The land included what is now all of New Bedford, Fairhaven, Westport, Acushnet, and Dartmouth. The price paid was: 30 yards of cloth, 8 moose skins, 15 axes, 15 hoes, 15 pairs of breeches, 8 blankets, 2 iron kettles, one cloak, 8 pounds in campus, 8 pairs of stockings, one iron pot, and 10 shillings in another commodity, presumably rum.  Sarah did not settle there but her son Samuel was among the first settlers. Samuel’s holdings were east of the Acushnet River in what is now Fairhaven and Acushnet village. Acushnet Library stands on what was Jenney ground, nearby the ancient burying ground. Her daughter Sarah with her husband Thomas Pope settled at Dartmouth as well, something the family must have deeply regretted as two of their children and their son-in-law were killed fleeing for safety during King Philip’s War. 

In Sarah’s will, dated 4 April 1654 and proved 5 March 1655/56, “Mrs. Sarah Jeney of Plymouth being sick and weak in body” thinking it “good to dispose of some small things that is my own proper goods leaving my husband’s will to take place.” 

Sarah’s bequests:

  • to “my daughter Pope” a bed and household goods and “further I bequeath to my daughter Sarah Pope all my wearing clothes to dispose of them to my daughter Abigail Wood and to my grandchild Sarah Wood for their use as they have need excepting two of my petticoats which have not been worn which I give to my daughter Sarah Pope for her pains” 
  • to “my son Samuell Jeney and to my daughter Abigail Wood my mare equally to be divided between them”
  • to “my son Benjamin Bartlett all my …cattle…in the hands of Joseph Warren at the Eel River”; “my sheep be kept together till my legacies be paid”
  • to “the teacher Mr. John Reyner one ewe lamb”
  • to “the Elder Mr. Thomas Cushman one ewe lamb and the Bible which was my daughter Susanna’s”
  • to “my loving friend Goodwife Clarke” one ewe lamb
  • one ewe lamb to Thomas Southworth 

Signed by Sarah Jeney, her mark

Witnessed by Thomas Southworth

"Att the generall Court held att Plymouth the fifth of march 1655 (1656) Leiftenant Thomas

Southworth Testifyed upon his oath that the Will abovewritten is all the will of Mis Sarah Jeney Deceased which shee left with him."

Sarah wrote a codicil dated 18 August 1655:

That which was her own since the death of her husband she give to two daughters and the children of son Samuel, excepting what I give as followeth: 

  • one colt to the three daughters of children viz. Sarah Wood, Susanna Pope and Sarah Jeney if she come hither to abide, or else not to have any part of this colt or anything else of her estate
  • if son Samuel take away his children that were with Sarah, then none of them shall have anything of hers…but it shall be reserved for the two boys if they do well when they come to age
  • Benjamine Bartlett was given only the starred cow which is at Thomas Pope’s recalling whatsoever else is mentioned in my former will
  • daughter Sarah Pope household goods including her mother’s bed, bedding, petticoats

Loving friends Capt. Standish, Elder Cushman, Thomas Clarke, and Thomas Pope  (her son-in-law) were overseers [MD 8:171, citing PCPR 2:1:17-18]

Sarah signed by her mark in the presence of William Bradford and Alice Bradford. 

At the General Court held at Plymouth 5 March 1655[/56] Mr Willam Bradford Senr and

Mis Alice Bradford did testify upon their oaths that this next before written was the last Will and Testament of Mis Sarah Jeney Deceased.

Reading the codicil, I at first thought Sarah was perhaps controlling and manipulative using her assets to get what she wanted, but after doing more research it seems after her daughter-in-law had died, Sarah likely wasn’t enamored of her son Samuel Jenney’s parenting skills. Her granddaughter Sarah was about eight years old and her grandsons living with her were about five and seven when she wrote the codicil. 

The inventory of the estate of “Mrs. Sarah Jeney” was taken by Thomas Willett and Thomas Southworth on 18 February 1655[/6] and totaled 248 pounds 5 shillings 8 pence, include 131 pounds in real estate: “the land & meadow at Lakenham,” 7 pounds; “all the land at Strawberry Hill and meadow at the Salthouse Beach,” 14 pounds; “the Purchasers’ land” 10 pounds, and “the mill with the land belonging to it and dwelling house” 100 pounds [MD 8:173-75, citing PCPR 2:1:18-21].

Her inventory also included:

  • cows, horses, sheep, pigs, beef
  • copper, iron, pewter, earthenware, and brass kitchenware, three silver spoons, mortar and pestle, brass candlestick, andirons, a dozen trenchers 
  • Sheep sheers, a cheese press, sheep wool, brewer’s slings, tallow, a great trough 
  • A large variety of clothing including waistcoats, hat, silk caps, a hood, handkerchiefs, muff, petticoats, pair of shoes, pair of stockings, loose coat, and a flannel coat
  • Linens including curtains, aprons, napkins, tablecloths, carpet, sheets
  • Books: four old books, a psalm book, Mr. Ainsworth of Genesis and Exodus, Cartwright on the Remise, Downham’s Works, a great Bible, a small Bible
  • Furniture including two bedsteads, a table, a chair, two stools, five chests and a case
  • Linen, wool, cotton wool, cotton sheet, Spanish leather skin, 12 parcels of lace and yarn
  • Cash:  one piece of eight & 2 half Crowns & more, seven pence in silver
  • Debts owed to the estate totaled 9 pounds 19 shillings and 6 pence

The inclusion of books in Sarah’s inventory leave me hopeful that she could read, but it could well be the books were simply kept in the house after the death of her husband. Although I cannot imagine running a mill without some ability to read as well as a head for figures.

Sarah Cary Jenney died at Plymouth between 18 Aug 1655 (will codicil) and 5 March 1655/6 (probate of will). 

From my research, it is clear that she and her husband John were an affluent, important Plymouth couple. They were friends with some of the prominent people in town: Governor Bradford and his wife Alice, Edward Winslow, the Southworths, the Cushmans, Thomas Prence, Miles Standish. Their children married into some of the best families. They are often referred to in records with the honorifics of Mr. and Mrs, and John is sometimes called Gentleman. 

After Sarah’s death, her son Samuel and son-in-law Thomas Pope took over the mill operation. Samuel was living in Dartmouth and on 13 October 1680 sold his one-half of the “grist mill or corne mill” lying on the Town Brook and one half of the three acres lying with it to Charles Stockbridge.

Thomas Pope, cooper of Dartmouth, sold his one-fourth of the mill on 31 October 1680 to Charles Stockbridge of Scituate, cooper. I have not researched who owned the final quarter of the mill after Sarah Jenney’s death. Her son-in-law Benjamin Bartlett is one possibility to investigate.

Sources not listed above:

Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Begins, 1995

The Jenney Book: John Jenney of Plymouth and his descendants, compiled from manuscripts of Bertha W. Clark, 1988.

Marriage record: Johanna W. Tammel, comp., The Pilgrims and Other People from the British Isles in Leiden, 1576-1640, c1989), p. 135 

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Thomas Lombard/Lumbert born before February 1581/2 Dorsetshire; died between 1663-1665 at Barnstable, Massachusetts

Thomas Lombard was baptized Thorncombe, Dorsetshire 2 Feb 1581/2. I have not seen the original document, but the same church has baptism of his brother Bernard, noting he is son of Thomas Lumbert (TAG 52:136). He migrated to New England prior to 19 October 1630 when Thomas Lumberd appears in the list of the first 24 men of Dorchester, a Boston neighborhood, who applied to become freeman; he became a freeman 18 May 1631. He probably came on the Mary and John that arrived at Nantasket on 30 May 1630. He removed to Barnstable on Cape Cod in 1639. Amos Otis wrote he was a follower of Rev. Lothrop and lived at Scituate before removing to Barnstable; others say he was at Barnstable ahead of Lothrop, so I need to do more research. His name is spelled in a variety of ways including Lombard, Lumbert, Lumbard, Lumberd. He is my 11th great-grandfather on my grandfather Arthur Washburn Ellis Davis’ side of the family.

On 3 December 1639 the Plymouth General Court allowed Thomas “to keep victualing or an ordinary, for entertainment of passengers, and to draw wine at Barnstable, he keeping good order in his house.” (PCR 1:137)

Barnstable's town way to water off Rendezvous Lane, near where Thomas kept an ordinary/inn

He requested to be made a freeman on 19 Oct 1630 (as Tho. Lumberd) and was admitted 18 May 1631 as Thos. Lumbard. (MBCR 1:80, 366). He was on the Barnstable list of Men Able to Bear Arms in 1643. He took the oath of fidelity at Barnstable in 1657. (PCR 8:179)

Thomas Lombard joined the Barnstable church by 1641, as he had two sons baptized there, and is called “Brother Lumbar Senior” at the baptism of the second (NEHGR 9:282).

It seems Thomas was relatively wealthy but perhaps was not well-suited to public service. He was appointed Barnstable surveyor of highways on 6 June 1649, but otherwise doesn’t appear to be active in local government. (PCR 2:139) 

That his inventory included books valued at 14 shillings indicates he was literate. 

Thomas was granted two acres of marsh at Dorchester on 27 June 1636 (Dorchester Town Records/DTR 16); grant of additional two acres of marsh on 2 Jan 1637/8 (DTR 28); granted two lots of about four acres each on 18 March 1637/8 (DTR 31); received Lot No. 51 of six acres at the meadow beyond Naponset (DTR 321).

Otis wrote that Thomas’ first house at Barnstable, which he operated as an inn, was one of the best and largest in town and was west of Rendezvous Lane, containing 12 acres next to Thomas Lothrop's lot. In 1656 he sold this house to Thomas Lewis for 20 pounds sterling and moved to his great lot of 45 acres near the northeast corner of town. He owned all of Dead Swamp.

It appears Thomas married four times, with unfortunately the identities of three wives completely unknown and only the Christian name known for the fourth. Marriages and children from The Great Migration Begins. 

Thomas married, first, by 1602, an unknown woman who died 1608-1617, and they had two sons:

iThomas bp Thorncombe 7 Sept 1602; perhaps the Thomas who m. At Ashill, Somerset 9 June 1624 Thomaszine Hawkins (TAG 52:136), otherwise died probably before his half-brother of the same name was born in 1617; no further certain record.

ii Bernard b about 1608 (deposed 20 Feb 1668[/9?] aged about 60 (MD 17:109); m. by about 1633 to woman whose name is unknown (Wakefield suggests that Bernard Lombard may have had a second wife, possibly a daughter of William Clarke of Yarmouth (TAG 52:138-39). 

Thomas married, second, by 1617, an unknown woman who died sometime after 1623. They had three children:

iii Thomas bp Thorncombe 9 Oct 1617 d. Probably about 1661 (TAG 52:137)

v Joshua bp Thorncombe 15 Oct 1620, m. Barnstable 27 May 1651 Abigail Linnett (NEHGR 9:287)

v Margaret bp Thorncombe 7 March 1623; m. Nauset (Eastham) 27 Oct 1648 Edward Coleman of Boston (NEHGR 9:286)

He married, third, by about 1635 an unknown woman, possibly a sister or sister-in-law of Alice (Richards) Torrey (TAG 67:51).This wife died sometime after 1642.  They had five children. 

vi Caleb born say 1635 (TAG 52:138)

vii Jemima born say 1637, m. Boston 10 June 1661 Joseph Benjamin, son of John Benjamin (“Joseph Benjamine of Barnstable & Jemima Lumbard daughter of the late Thomas Lumbard deceased” (BVR 81); the Boston record has apparently confused Jemima’s brother with the father in this record (TAG 52:137)

viii Jobaniah bp Dorchester 23 June 1639 (DChR 149); no further record

ix Jedediah, b Barnstable 20 September 1640 [sic] (MD 11:97); bp there 19 Sept 1641 (NEHGR 9:282); m. Barnstable 20 May 1668 Hannah Wing (MD 11:98)

x Benjamin b Barnstable 26 August 1642 [sic] (MD 11:97), bp there 5 August 1643 “son of Brother Lumbar Senior” (NEHGR 9:282); m. 1 Barnstable 19 Sept 1672 Jane Warren (MD 11:98; 2nd Barnstable 19 November 1685 Sarah Walker (MD 11:98); m 3rd Barnstable 24 May 1694 Hannah (__?__) Whetstone widow (MD 11:98)

Thomas married, fourth, after 1644/45, Joyce (__?__) Wallen, widow of Ralph Wallen of Plymouth (TAG 67:47-52); she died after 19 Sept 1683 when she is mentioned in Barnstable church records (TAG 52:138).

I descend from son Caleb whom I wrote about here.

There was some discord n the Lombard household. On 2 October 1660 Thomas Lumbert Sr. of Barnstable complained to the court that “Jedediah, his son, hath carried stubbornly against his father, and that he is by him freed, provided he do dispose himself in some honest family with his father’s consent, which if he shall neglect to do, the Court have deputed Mr. Hinckley to dispose of him to some honest, godly family, with his and his father’s consent.” (PCR 3:201) 

Thomas Lumbert of Barnstable’s will is dated 23 March 1662/3, acknowledged 10 June 1663, and proved March 1664/5. Items he  bequeathed include his homestead, land, horses, cows, oxen, arms, carpenter’s tools, and looms. Jedediah is included, so whatever disappointments his father had in him did not lead to him being written out of his will. 

He left most of his estate to his wife Joyce and three younger sons: Caleb, Jedidiah and Benjamin. He also confirms that he formerly gave lands to sons Barnard and Joshua and sons-in-law Joseph Benjamine and Edward Coleman. He mentions daughter Margaret Coleman, grandchild Abigail Benjamine, and daughter Jemima. Widow Joyce Lumbert deposed to the truth of the inventory.  (MD 16:124-126 citing PCPR 2:2:24).

The inventory of the estate of Thomas Lumbert of Barnstable Senior deceased was taken 8 Feb 1664[/5] and total 210 pounds, 8 shillings 6 pence, including lands and housing valued at 60 pounds (MD 16:126, citing PCPR 2:2:25).

Thomas Lombard died at Barnstable between 10 June 1663 when he acknowledged his will and 8 Feb 1664[/5] when his inventory was taken.

On 7 March 1664[/5] Joyce the wife of Thomas Lumbert, deceased, Jedediah Lumbert and Caleb Lumbert were granted administration on the estate of Thomas Lumbert (PCR 4:81).


Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Begins, 1995

Robert S. Wakefield, The American Genealogist (TAG),  “The Lombard Family of Barnstable, Mass.,” 1976, 52:136-139

Eugene Stratton, History of Plymouth Colony, Its History and People, 1986

Amos Otis, Genealogical Notes of Barnstable Families, being a reprint of the Amos Otis Papers, originally published in the Barnstable Patriot, revised by CF Swift, Volume 1 and 2,1888

Amos Otis, Library of Cape Cod History and Genealogy, The Lumbert or Lombard Family, pamphlet no. 54, 1914

Register, “Notes on the Lombard Family,” July 1858, 12:249

Ebenezer Clapp, History of the Town of Dorchester Massachusetts, 1859, p. 27