Sunday, July 27, 2014

Thomas Lettice and his Wife Anne, 17th Century Plymouth, Mass.

Thomas Lettice (sometimes spelled Lettis) is my 13th great-grandfather on my grandfather Arthur Washburn Davis’ side of the family. He was likely born in England, came to live in Plymouth before 1637 and married a woman named Anne (or Ann), whose maiden name is not known (although it’s sometimes given as Savory but I’ve seen no solid proof of this).

Savage thought Thomas might have been the Thomas Lettyne, age 23, who sailed from London for New England in the Elizabeth on 15 April 1635, but there is no way to confirm this. Thomas Lettice is first mentioned in Plymouth records on 7 March 1636/7 when Francis Cooke brought charges against Thomas Lettice, James Walker, John Browne the younger, and Thomas Teley, who being in the service of John Browne the elder and Thomas Willet, who were also charged, for abusing Cooke's cattle. Cooke was awarded 3 pounds damages and 13 shillings six pence for costs (PCR 7:5). Apparently there were no leftover feelings of ill will as Francis Cooke’s son Jacob married Thomas’ daughter Elizabeth.

 On 25 March 1640 Willm Pontus, Thomas Lettice and John Greemes were assigned to repair the herring weir and draw it and deliver the shares for the ensuing three years (PTR 1:1).

In several 1641 actions against James Luxford, Thomas Lettice (twice) and other complainants were awarded property belonging to Luxford which was in the hands of others (PCR 7:25, 27).

Thomas Lettis was on the list of those able to bear arms in Plymouth in 1643.

Thomas Lettice became a freeman in 1654 (PCR 3:48).

I know of four children born to the couple, order and birth years uncertain:

Anne who married Samuel Jenney
Elizabeth who married first William Shurtleff (who was killed by lightning), second Jacob Cooke (son of Mayflower passenger Francis Cooke) and third Hugh Cole; she died 31 October 1693
Dorothy, married first Edward Gray, second Nathaniel Clark whom she divorced; she died in 1728
Thomas who died 3 November 1650

I descend through their daughter Dorothy who married Edward Gray. I wrote about that couple here.

Thomas was a carpenter by trade. In Plymouth probate records there are multiple instances of estates owing him money. On 17 March 1651, the estate of Webb Audey of Plymouth owed Thomas Lettice 1 shilling 6 pence for an undisclosed service and 6 shillings for a coffin. (The Mayflower Descendant, volume 11).

Jacob Cooke's Plymouth estate owed Thomas Lettice 4 shillings. Exhibited to court 8 March 1675/76. (The Mayflower Descendant,  3;239) Jacob was Thomas' son-in-law.

On 2 August 1653 Thomas and Anne Savory put their five year old son Thomas Jr out as an apprentice with Thomas Lettice, carpenter, until he reached 21. Young Thomas was to receive meat, drink, apparel, washing, lodging and all other necessities and was to be taught the trade of house carpenter and be taught to read the English language. In turn he was to give his master faithful and respectful service, not absent himself by day or night without license, not marry during his term, not embezzle, purloin or steal any of his master's goods, not give away any of his secrets and to be obedient. On completion of term he would be given two suits of clothes and various specified tools.

Thomas was somewhat active in town affairs.  He served at times on juries and as surveyor of highways. In 1651 a John Lettice was constable for Plymouth (PCR 2:167), but this may have been a clerical error for Thomas, since no John is known.

In 1659 Thomas Lettice brought charges against Thomas Pope for abusive carriages at the mill at Plymouth, and Pope was fine 10 shillings to the use of the colony (PCR 3:173).

On 3 July 1666 Elizabeth Shurtleff of Marshfield, widow, and Thomas Lettice of Plymouth, carpenter, gave bond to administer on the estate of William Shurtliff of Marshfield, late deceased (The Great Migration Begins).

Thomas died after 25 October 1681, when he made oath to a document being his last will and testament. Anne died after him as she’s mentioned in his will.

Thomas Lettice’s will was dated only with the year 1678, he of Plymouth, signed by a mark. The will was very succinct. He left five shillings each to his three daughters: Anne wife of Samuel Jenney, Elizabeth Cooke widow, and Dorethy the wife of Edward Gray. The rest of his real and personal estate, after payment of debts was bequeathed to wife Anne who was made executrix. Witnessed by Jonathan Barnes and Joseph Howland. On 25 October 1681 Thomas Lettice did declare the above to be his last will and testament in presence of Nathaniel Thomas. Lt. Joseph Howland made oath to the will at court. (PCPR Volume IV, part II, page 11)

His will seems to indicate a man without much by way of money and property, but records show that Thomas was involved in multiple purchases of land, so perhaps he had already disposed of them to his children before his death. On 2 December 1639 William Fallowell, Robert Finney, John Finney, and Thomas Letttice were assigned garden places near Webb's Field (PCR 1:136). Thomas Lettice bought a house and seven acres of land in Plymouth from Thomas Cushman on 24 March 1641 (PCR 12:77). On 2 August 1653 John Cooke Senior of Plymouth sold to Thomas Lettice of Plymouth for the sum of three pounds a house and garden with a house standing on it where Thomas now lives (The Mayflower Descendant Vol 3, p. 139).  On 20 March 1657 William Browne deeded a garden place to Thomas Lettice next to where he now lives as well as about an acre of meadow called Doten’s Meadow in exchange for two ewe sheep. The garden was bordered by James Cole on one side (The Mayflower Descendant vol. 12). On 27 August 1679 he was living on New Street (now called North Street) in Plymouth (PCR 6:161).

North Street is a pretty road near Plymouth's waterfront. One historical structure to note there is the 1749 Spooner House, which is open for tours in the warmer months.

Sources Not Listed Above:

Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633, 1995

Eugene Stratton, Plymouth Colony, Its People and History, 1986

James Savage, A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, 1860

Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, 1860

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Francis Cary, born 1648, and Lydia Brett, of Bridgewater Mass.

Francis Cary was born 19 January 1647/48 in Duxbury, Mass., the second child of John 1 and Elizabeth (Godfrey) Cary. The name is also seen as Carey and Carew. His parents, who had a whopping 12 children, moved from Duxbury to Braintree and then to Bridgewater, where Francis was raised, married and lived until his death. The year of his birth is torn in the Bridgewater Vital Records (his father was the first Town Clerk and a proprietor of the town), so 1648 is a guess based on dates of siblings’ births before and after him. He was named after his maternal grandfather, Francis Godfrey. He is my 8th great-grandfather on my grandfather Arthur Washburn Davis’ side of the family.
I’ve only scratched the surface in researching Francis and Lydia, but this summary is a start.  I have not yet read some of the resources on the family such as the 1911 book John Cary the Plymouth Pilgrim, by Seth Cary.

Most of the older resources (including Torrey’s New England Marriages, Mitchell’s History of Bridgewater) give Francis’ wife as Hannah Brett, but a January/April 1986 The American Genealogist article by RoseMari Finter sorts things out. Ms. Finter shows through documentation that Hannah Brett married John Turner and that it was likely Hannah’s sister Lydia who married Francis Cary. Lydia was the daughter of William 1 Brett, a Duxbury proprietor in 1640 who later moved to Bridgewater.

Francis married Lydia Brett at Bridgewater about 1676. They had five children. Their births aren’t recorded but are mentioned in their father’s will:

I descend from Melatiah who married Joseph Lucas. I wrote about that couple here.  Francis’ will names a daughter Malethiah Lucas, and Melatiah is given as a child of Francis and Lydia in the Mayflower Families book on Richard Warren.

Plymouth County Deeds, reprinted in the Mayflower Descendant, vol, 44, no. 2, July 1994: Samuel Tompkins of Bridgewater, planter, with consent of Lettice his wife, gave to Francis Carey of Bridgewater sole and whole estate after his decease and wife's decease, except some movables that by will he disposed of. Dated 20 May 1673. Signed by Samuel and Lettice using their marks, and Samuel Edson and Thomas Hayward.

Same volume:
John Carey of Bridgewater for 30 pounds paid by Francis Carey of Bridgewater sold 60 acres of land in Bridgewater lying and being on ye westerly side of Johns Bridge river butting on the said river bounded on ye southwest by land of Francis Carey and on ye northwest by lands of Jonathan Hill.  Dated 31 December 1690, signed by John Carey, James Adams, Edward Adams.

Samuel Tomkins of Bridgewater, will dated 20 May 1673 and proved 7 November 1695, aged about 62, bequeathed houses and lands in the township of Bridgewater to Francis Carey “living with me,” and all the rest of his chattels not given to brother John Tompkins, cousin Mary Foster, cousin Elizabeth White, cousin Elizabeth Hall, cousin Mary Doggit. Samuel Tomkins named Francis executor.

William Latham wrote that Francis’ house was half-way between Mr. Strong’s house and Matfield River (this is in 1882), on the old Cary farm where his father lived before him and his son Ephraim lived after him. House was standing as late as 1740. Francis was brought up with Samuel Tomkins, which accounts for the latter leaving him his estate.Francis lived in what today is East Bridgewater.

East Bridgewater Common
East Bridgewater Common

I frequently read that Francis died in Bridgewater in 1718, but his will was written 2 January 1723/4, probated 10 April 1728 and notes that he died 6 September 1727 (this is a transcription done by another researcher; I have not seen the original documents). It mentions his eldest son Samuel Cary, who received Bridgewater lands where he is already living, about 140 acres, and dwelling house. His son Ephraim received Francis’ house and lands, meadow, cedar swamp in Bridgewater. Ephraim was to pay Francis’ daughters Mary, Lydia and Malatiah or their children after their decease 10 pounds each. Mentions Mary was already deceased. Melatiah was to receive 10 pounds, half of the moveables and two cows. Deacon Joseph Edson and Joseph Hayward, his sons-in-law, were appointment executors.

Since Lydia is not mentioned in the will, I assume she died before January 1723/24.

Sources Not Listed Above:
William Latham, Epitaphs in Old Bridgewater, Massachusetts, 1882

Nahum Mitchell, History of the Early Settlement of Bridgewater in Plymouth County, Massachusetts, including an extensive Family register, 1897

RoseMari Finter, The American Genealogist, January/April 1986 John Turner and Francis Cary of Bridgewater, Mass. and their Wives Hannah and Lydia Brett

Robert S. Wakefield, Mayflower Families Through Five Generations, Vol. 18, Richard Warren,1999