Saturday, July 28, 2012

Surname Saturday: Ralph Smith of early Plymouth Colony

Is there a more common surname than Smith? Much of my information on my Smith ancestors is a bit iffy, because even in 17th century Plymouth Colony it was hard to discern one Smith from another!

My 8th great-grandfather, Ralph Smith/Smyth, was likely born in Hingham, Norfolkshire, England circa 1610.  He may have come on the ship Lincoln or the ship Elizabeth Bonaventure in 1633. He is listed in the 1848 NEHGR article as one of the First Settlers of Hingham, Massachusetts, settling there in 1637. During that year, he drew a house lot there on Bachelor Street, now Main Street. Many of the early Hingham settlers were from Old Hingham.
Hingham Norfolk, UK (source: Hingham History Centre)

Ralph Smith removed to Eastham. He is listed in the 1852 NEHGR article on the First Settlers of Eastham, on what is now Cape Cod, May 22 1655. In 1657 he took the Oath of Fidelity at Eastham.

Ralph’s first wife is often seen as Martha or Rebecca Hobart, although I have not found any proof of her identity.

Ralph’s children with his first wife:
1.      Samuel who was baptized Hingham 11 July 1641; married Mary Hopkins, granddaughter of Mayflower Passenger Stephen Hopkins
2.      John baptized Hingham 23 July 1644; married HannahWilliams
3.      Daniel baptized Hingham 2 March 1646/47; married Mary Young
4.      Possibly Elizabeth born about Sept 1648; married Jabez Snow, grandson of Stephen Hopkins, and William Merrick (James Hawes places her as daughter of Ralph; Susan Roser states her maiden name may be Smith)
5.      Possibly Thomas born about 1650, married Mary _____
6.      Deborah born Eastham 8 March 1653/54; married John Hurd

I descend through Ralph's son Daniel and then through Daniel's daughter Content Smith who married Thomas Howes.

Ralph was constable at Eastham in 1660. On 7 May 1661, he was fined 20 shillings for "lying in and about the neglect of his duty, about a warrant directed to him, and concerning the seeing or not seeing a whale, and other misorderly carriages tending to disturbance in the town."

On 3 Mar 1662/3 "Ralph Smith, of Eastham, for breaking the peace in striking of William Walker, is fined 3s. 4d. He was trading with Josias Hubbert of Hingham in 1664. In May 1665, "Ralph Smith, of Eastham, was fined, for telling of a lie, 10s."

Ralph’s first wife died before 1660 and he married second Grace _____.

Ralph died at Eastham before 27 October 1685, when administration of his estate was granted to his widow Grace and his son Samuel, both of Eastham. His Inventory included "1 Bible & Psalm Book."
He is buried at Cove Burying Ground, where his descendents erected a monument in his honor in 1946.

JUNE 1946

Resources not listed above:
James Savage, A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, 1860
John Austin, Mayflower Families Through Five Generations, Stephen Hopkins, 1992
Susan Roser, Mayflower Increasings, 1995
James W. Hawes, Nicholas 1 Snow of Eastham and Some of His Descendants, Library of Cape Cod History & Genealogy, 1916
Leonard Smith, Early Settlers of Eastham, Library of Cape Cod History & Genealogy, 1916
Thomas Smith, The Family of Ralph Smyth of Hingham, Mass., NEHGR, 1874

If anyone has resources on Ralph Smith I have not included, I'd love to hear from you!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Jonathan Sparrow ca 1629-1707 and Rebecca Bangs, Eastham, Mass.

I was on the Cape with family this week and stole away to visit a few cemeteries while everyone was at the beach. Family members think I'm quite odd, but I know fellow family history lovers understand. : )  I visited Cove Burial Ground in Eastham for the first time and was pleased to see how the surviving headstones are so well looked after. So many older cemeteries have stones that are unreadable because they are covered with lichen, moss and mold, but there are wonderful people in Eastham who have a strong respect for the past.

Jonathan Sparrow was born, probably in England, ca 1629, the only child of Richard and Pandora (maiden name unknown) Sparrow. I wrote about Richard and Pandora here. His parents migrated to Plymouth in 1632.

Jonathan is my 11th great-grandfather, through my grandmother Mildred Booth Rollins. Since he was a prominent citizen of Plymouth Colony, there is an abundance of information available about him. He was an attorney (he was often called Esquire in records), a justice of the peace who performed many marriages, a Captain in the military company serving in King Philip's War, and a church Deacon. He was a Representative to the Court for 12 years and served as a Selectman for 10 years.  He was made a freeman at Eastham in 1655 and the town’s first schoolmaster in 1666.
He married, first, at Eastham on 26 Oct 1654, Rebecca Bangs. Rebecca was born about 1633, the daughter of Edward and Rebbeca (maiden name unknown) Bangs.

Jonathan and Rebecca had six children:

1.      Rebecca, born 30 October 1655, married Thomas Freeman
2.      John, born 2 November 1656, married Apphia Tracey
3.      Priscilla, born 13 February 1657/58, married Edward Gray
4.      Lydia, born aft. 19 November 1660, married Jonathan Higgins and William Freeman
5.      Elizabeth, born bet. 1660 – 1670, married Samuel Freeman
6.      Jonathan, born 9 July 1665, married Rebecca Merrick and Sarah Snow

I descend from Rebecca and Thomas Freeman.

Rebecca died before 19 October 1677 at Eastham. She’s possibly buried at the Cove Burying Ground  in Eastham.

Jonathan married, second, between 1667 – 1671, Hannah Prence, the daughter of Governor Thomas Prence and his wife Patience Brewster. Hannah had married first Nathaniel Mayo, with whom she had six children, so she was a mother/step-mother to as many as 14 children.

Jonathan and Hannah had two children:

1.      Patience born before October 1675
2.      Richard born about 1675

Hannah died before before November 1698 at Eastham and is buried at the Cove Burying Ground there, without a surviving headstone.
Sparrow cemetery plot includes a broken stone
Jonathan married, third, on 23 November 1698 in Barnstable, Sarah Lewis. Sarah was born Barnstable on 02 February 1642/43, the daughter of George and Mary (Doggett) Lewis. She married first James Cobb with whom she had 11 children.

Although not all of the births of Jonathan’s children were recorded, there is a deed naming them, their mothers and spouses. It is dated 1712 Barnstable County Deeds Book 9, Folio 362 and 363.

Jonathan Sparrow died in Eastham on 21 March 1706/07 at age 73. He is buried at Cove Burying Ground in Eastham. His stone is one of only four surviving pre-1710 stones there. It is engraved with a winged skull, an hourglass, fruit and gourds and is inscribed:  “Here Lyes Buried ye Body of Capt. Jonathan Sprrow aged 73 years died March ye 21st 1706/7.”
Capt. Jonathan Sparrow's gravestone
Memorial stone to Sparrow family

Jonathan's will is in Barnst Co. Prob III:386. Dated 10 March 1706/7 and probated 3 April 1707.

He gave his wearing clothes to his three sons, John, Jonathan and Richard.

Grandson John Sparrow: cutlash and belt

Grandson Jonathan Sparrow: gun and catouch box, horn and pouch that he left at his brother Joshua Bangses.

Son John: winscot chest, land abutting John Coles land in Pochet, marsh at Billingsgate after he pays 10 pounds to three dau, Rebecka, Lydia and Patience. One third meadow at Little Namskeakett, meadow from last division, also his share after wife ceases to be his widow.

Son Jonathan: other part of land on Pochet Neck near John Coles.

Son Richard: lot of meadow at Great meadow, land and meadow where Jonathan lives and all housing and fencing after wife no longer widow. Allowing her to have the new room from the ground to the roof and half the lands during her widowhood and profits of all his meadow at Namskeket and Pochet flats. One third meadow at Namskeket and share at low flatts which he bought from Titus Wixom, 1/3 share low flats near Thomas Mayo and Joseph Rogers after wife's widowhood.

To Son Jonat (Jonathan): one share and a third share of marsh which he bought from Barnabas Wixum near the beach Creek after wife's widowhood.

To loving wife half of house, the new end, half land and meadow near home, half barn and profits of meadow, privilege of cutting wood, fencing stuff, one horse and the furniture belonging to the horse, one feather bed and bed curits and coverings, one fourth moveable estate, all corn and malt that is in the house.

Rest of estate equally divided among three sons and three daughters and the children of Capt Samuel Freeman had by daughter Elizabeth, Benoney Gray to have an equal part of moveables with his uncles and Aunts. Also William Freeman and Lydia Godfree shall have one half of their mothers' part. Sarah Williamson’s that living along with his wife one sheep and lamp to be dlivered to her father.

Wife Sara and son John to be executors. Witnessed by Samuel Freeman Jr, Micajah Snow and Nathan Young.

Sarah died in Eastham on 11 February 1734/35 and is buried at the Cobb’s Hill Cemetery in Barnstable. Her gravestone survives and reads: ”Here lies ye body of Mrs. Sarah Sparrow wife of Jonathan Sparrow Esqr of Eastham who decd Feb ye 11th 1735 in ye 92nd year of her age."

Sources Not Listed Above:

Rev. Enoch Pratt, A Comprehensive History, Ecclesiastical and Civil, of Eastham, Wellfleet and Orleans, County of Barnstable, Mass. from 1644 to 1844, 1844

Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Begins, 1995

Deyo, Simeon L., editor, History of Barnstable County, Massachusetts, 1890:

Barbara Lambert Merrick, Mayflower Families in Progress: William Brewster for Four Generations, General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 1995

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Edward Gray and Mary Winslow and Dorothy Lettice of Plymouth, Mass.

Edward Gray was born about 1623 in England (possibly Stapleford, Tawney, Essex, but I haven't found a source for this). He is my 9th great-grandfather on my grandfather Arthur Washburn Davis’s side.

He arrived in Plymouth ca 1643 and became a merchant, among the wealthiest men in Plymouth Colony. Theodore Burbank wrote that there are stories Edward and his brother were “smuggled” out of England by relatives who wanted their inheritance and that he was a descendant of King Henry I of France.

Edward did business on Main Street in Plymouth, between Leyden and Middle Streets.

He married Mary Winslow in Plymouth on 16 January 1650/51. Mary was the daughter of John and Mary (Chilton) Winslow and a niece of Governor Edward Winslow. Mary Chilton was a Mayflower passenger.

Edward and Mary had had six children:
1.      Desire, born 06 November 1651, married Nathaniel Southworth
2.      Mary, born 18 September 1653
3.      Elizabeth, born  11 Feb 165_ (last digit worn, probably 5, 6 or 7), married Seth Arnold
4.      Sarah, born 12 August 1659, married Samuel Little
5.      John, born 01 October 1661, married Joanna Morton
6.      Anna

The births of the first five children are recorded in Plymouth Vital Records. Anna is known as a child as she is listed in Edward’s 1684 detailed land division amongst his heirs. 

Mary Winslow Gray died at Plymouth before December 1665.

Edward married, second, Dorothy Lettice on 12 Dec 1665. She was the daughter of Thomas and Ann (maiden name unknown) Lettice. Edward and Dorothy had six children:
1.      Edward, born 31 January 1665/66, moved to Tiverton, Rhode Island
2.      Thomas, married Anna Little and Phebe ____, moved to Little Compton, RI
3.      Samuel, moved to Little Compton, RI
4.      Susanna born 15 October 1668, married John Cole
5.      Rebecca, m. Ephraim Cole
6.      Lydia, b. 12 Marcy 1677/8, married Caleb Loring 

Edward and Susanna’s births are recorded in Plymouth Vital Records. 
I descend from his son John as well as his daughter Susanna.

Edward was involved in many land transactions, particularly with land in what would become Little Compton, Rhode Island. Here is a handful:

Mayflower Descendant, vol. 10:
18 Dec 1655, Edward Gray of New Plymouth, Planter, sold to Benjamin Eaton of Plymouth, land bordered by Edward Dotey and Samuell Cutbert, being the same lands Edward bought of Samuell Cutbert containing about 20 acres, the house upon the land that was built by Edward Gray with the bedstead, doors, shelves and such "flowring." Eaton to pay him 11 pounds sterling, with some to be paid in wheat and Indian Corn. Edward Gray signed with his mark. Benjamin was to take possession of the house and land the next September 1656.

Mayflower Descendant, 1909, vol 11:
10 Oct 1657, Mr. John Winslow sometimes of Plymouth in New England gent, for a valuable sum already paid by Edward Gray of Plymouth, planter, house and land at Plain Dealing in Plymouth, bounded by Jonathan Shaw and Samuel King, and all the orchards and outhouses, woods, trees, fences, meadows, all the "boards shelves Dores lockes and glase in and belonging unto the said house." Mrs. Mary Winslow, wife of John Winslow gave her consent.

Mayflower Descendant, 1914, vol 16:
20 July 1661, Robert Ransom of Plymouth, planter, granted land already paid for by Edward Gray of Plymouth, planter. Land Ransom purchased from Benajah Pratt, land commonly called the Purchase Land at Accushena Coaksett and a home lot of 20 acres between lots of William Spooner and Samuel Cutbert.

Mayflower Descendant, vol 17:
6 Aug 1662, Robert Lee, shoemaker, of Plymouth for sum already paid by Edward Gray of Plymouth, planter, land at Punckateesett and places adjacent, upland and meadow. Samuel Sturtevant, Francis Billington, John Dunham Jr., William Spooner, Edward Doty, and James Shaw, also acknowledged that Edward Gray paid them for their shares in this land.

Mayflower Descendant, vol 17:
11 Aug 1662, Edward Gray of Plymouth, was paid by John Winslow of Boston, merchant, for eight shares of land in that tract of land which is belonging to the Town of Plymouth aforsaid, laying against Rhode Island, known by the name Punckateesett; seven shares that Edward bought from Robert Lee, Samuel Sturtevant, Francis Billington, John Dunham Jr, Edward Dotey, William Spooner and James Shaw. Then it goes on to say that John Winslow sold the eight shares to Edward Gray.

Mayflower Descendant, 1985, vol 35:
15 Aug 1664, Josias Wampatucke Sachem and (Wucksanuskett?) Squaw Sachem for a valuable consideration sold to Thomas Prence, Capt. William Bradford and Edward Gray of Plymouth "all our lands at Namassakett that is to say on the western side of the said Namassakett River from Packauke necke to (Naskacett?) brooke all alonge by the side of the said river and westward up to the meddows sould formerly to the Major belonging to Packauke necke." Reserving 8 acres for themselves to be set out by Edward Gray at some convenient place along the river.

Mayflower Descendant,1985, Vol 35:
10 July 1665, Edward "Graye" of New Plymouth, yeoman, for one heifer and 14 pounds sterling, sold to Robert Latham of Bridgewater 15 1/4 acres of meadow on Winnatucksett River or Brook, in Plymouth, lying between the meadow of Jacob Cooke and John Cobb. All 3/4 of an acre to be laid out by Robert Latham at or near a place called Monponsett Pond or else at Winnatucksett Meadows, to make up 16 acres of meadow which Edward formerly bought of Mr. John Winslow now of Boston.

Edward died at Plymouth in June 1681. He is buried at Burial Hill.
Edward Gray, Sr
Edward's gravestone at Burial Hill (source:

Edward’s stone, the oldest on the Hill, is of dark, compact slate and has an iron hood which protects the edges from water and frost. By its side is a wooden slab bearing the legend, "The Grave of Edward Gray, June, 1681."  The inscription on the stone is as follows:--

Here Lyeth ye Body
Gent Aged About
52 years & Departd
this life ye Last of
Old postcard of Burial Hill
June 1681

Sources Not Listed Above:
Robert Sherman, Mayflower Families, Volume 15: James Chilton, Richard Moore, 1997.
Eugene Stratton,  History of Plymouth Colony It's History and People, 1986
Theodore Burbank, A Guide to Plymouth's Historic Old Burial Hill, Salty Pilgrim Press, Millis, MA, 2006

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Ignatious Perkins (born 1720 Plympton, Mass.) and Keziah Davis (born 1725 Freetown, Mass.

Ignatious (or Ignatius) Perkins was born 15 July 1720 at Plympton, Plymouth Co., Mass., the son of Luke and Ruth (Cushman) Perkins. [MD 3:93]  I wrote about his parents here.

Ignatious married Keziah Davis on 10 November 1743 in Freetown, Bristol Co., Mass. Keziah was born in Freetown on 9 March 1724/25, the daughter of William and Keziah (Cudworth) Davis.

Ignatious and Keziah had six children, recorded at Wrentham, Norfolk County, Mass.  [WrenthamVR 1;159] First four children noted as born in Freetown.

1. David born 1 February 1743/44 Freetown; m. Zilpha Hathaway
2. Ignatious born 18 May 1746 Freetown
3. Luke born 25 January 1747/48 Freetown; m. Margaret Peirce; served in the Revolutionary
War and died from a wound to his foot
4. John born 3 June 1750 Freetown
5. Ruth born 5 August 1752 Wrentham
6. William born 12 October 1754 Wrentham

Some researchers also give them a daughter Sarah who married Ezekiel Raymond, but I have not researched this. I descend from Ruth who married Jesse Pierce. I wrote about Ruth and Jesse here.

Ruth’s birth record shows that Ignatious and Keziah removed to Wrentham by 1752. In 1762 Ignatious was back living in Freetown:  David Stockbridge Esq. (Hanover) attached Ignatius Perkins (Freetown Blacksmith). Trespass on the Case, on 3-month note dated 21 October 1762 for 8 dollars (or 48s.) with interest. Pltf. said that on 18 March 1763 Chase endorsed the note to pltf. or his order, and pltf. notified deft., who promised to pay but later refused to pay, to pltf.'s damage of £10. Default by deft. Judgment for £2.12s.1d. and £2.1s.9d. costs. [Plymouth Court Records 12: 332-334]

I do not know if Ignatious stayed in Freetown or eventually moved elsewhere. Blacksmiths provided a very important service so were in demand and many would move around to where the demand (and money) was.

Ebenezer Peirce wrote that Ignatious is said to have been lacking much of being a saint, but he may have been confusing this with something his son Luke’s widow Margaret said about her husband.

Locations and dates of Ignatious and Keziah's deaths are not known. Other researchers have them living and dying in a variety of places but without providing sources.

Sources Not Listed Above:
Ebenezer W. Peirce, The Posterity of William Davis of Freetown, NEHGR, Vol
20, July 1866
Ebenezer W. Pierce, The Peirce Family, NEHGR, Vol 22, 1867
Paul Stanton Bumpus, Ruth Perkins, daughter of Ignatious Perkins of

Freetown, Mass..., Mayflower Quarterly, September 2006

NEHGS, Mayflower Families Fifth Generation Descendants: Isaac Allerton, online database at

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Ebenezer Eldredge 1707-1797 and Deliverance Nickerson 1728-1808, Chatham and Harwich, Mass.

My seventh great-grandfather, Ebenezer Eldredge (often spelled Eldridge) was born in Chatham, Mass. in February 1706/07, the son of Jehosophat and Elizabeth (Covell) Eldredge.

Ebenezer is mentioned in his father's 9 Feb 1732 will, receiving land with his brother Barnabas. They were to receive his dwelling house after their mother's decease or second marriage.

Ebenezer Eldredge was a miller as well as a farmer and fisherman.
Postcard of an old mill at Chatham

In about 1742, Ebenezer married Deliverance Nickerson. She was born in Chatham on 11 June 1728, the daughter of William and Sarah (Covell) Nickerson.

The story goes that he fell in love with Deliverance when she was a girl and waited until she was 15 to marry her (kind of creepy!). He was 20 years her senior. Geneva A. Eldredge of Sagamore tells of this story in her note to Pauline Wixon Derick in 1933. She says he was born at Crows Pond and Deliverance at Great Point, both Chathamport.

From Delores Bird Carpenter's, Early Encounters Native Americans and Europeans in New England, From the Papers of W. Sears Nickerson, Michigan State Press, 1994: Ebenezer was a fine, strapping, blue-eyed boy with ruddy cheeks and yellow hair like his Saxon forbears. Time passed, and although many a Cape Cod lass set her cap for Ebenezer, it looked as if he could end his days a bachelor.

One fine morning, however, a little baby girl was born to his neighbor, William "Red Stockings" Nickerson and his wife Sarah. Her hair curled in ringlets over a little, round head, and her brown eyes were as deep as the pools in the native Italian lakes of her Lombard ancestors. They named her Deliverance for her grandmother Nickerson, and when the staid Ebenezer saw her, he made a vow then and there that he would wait for her to grow up and make her his wife. When Deliverance reached her 15th birthday, she became his wife, and in spite of the disparity of over 20 years in their ages, they lived happily ever after, having a family of 12 children.

Ebenezer and Deliverance had at least twelve children, their births recorded in Chatham (I am not certain of all the marriages):
John who married Mary Nickerson and Thankfull Nickerson
Stephen who married Hannah Smith
Elnathan who married Dorothy Freeman
Sarah who married Nathaniel Godfrey
Ebenezer who married Tamsen Doane; served in the Revolutionary War
Desire who married Elkanah Howes
Jonathan who married Zerviah Collins
Elisabeth who married Shubael Hinckley, John Loper, and Isaac Hallett
Heber who married Molly/Mary Smith; served in the Revolutionary War
Bethiah who married ____ McCoy and possibly Humphrey Russell
Mercy who married Enoch Chase and Nathan Chase, who were brothers and possibly James Chase.
Ensign who married Sarah Baker

I have also seen a daughter Polly whose birth is not recorded in Chatham. There is a Polly Eldredge who married Lot Pratt, Thomas Bee and Job Chase.

Some sources also list a twin to Mercy, Alery, who died as an infant, although I believe this is likely a transcription error for Mercy. 

I descend from Elnathan, who I wrote about here.

At least early in their marriage, Ebenezer and Deliverance lived in one-half of the old Covell house at Chathamport, with his mother and sister Elisabeth lived in the other half.

Ebenezer paid 5 pound tax for pew choice in 1742.

Ebenezer Eldredge’s 1755 tax assessment: 1 poll, 7 real, 12 personal.

On 27 July 1758 his sister conveyed to him a half interest in her part of her father's estate, reserving to herself half of the house.

On 24 August 1758 his brother, Barnabas, conveyed his share to Ebenezer, reserving half the house for his sister. On the back of this transfer is a receipt dated 12 May 1759, signed by Ebenezer, apparently for the reserved portion of his sister's half of the house, calling it "The Covell House."

Land deeds involving Ebenezer Eldredge:
Reuben Rider of Chatham .... yeoman" for £7, 6s. 8d. "Lawful Money, paid me by Ebenezer Eldredge of the same Town .... yeoman" sold him "all that my several parts parcels and shears of meadow sedge Ground or flatts that I have .... In the Township of Eastham .... that is to say all that which I Bought of Nathaniel Smith of sd Eastham and Do hold by one deed .... baring Date the 11th day of February A:D: 1748/9 .... and also all the meadow sedge Ground or flatts which I Bought of Willard Knowles of sd Eastham and Do hold by one Deed .... Baring Date the 11th day of February A:D: 1748/9
The deed was dated 23 July 1765, and acknowledged 9 November 1765, before Kenelm Winslow, Justice of the Peace. The witnesses were James Covel and Joseph Atkins. It was recorded 25 June 1766, in Book 30, folio 225, by Solomon Otis, Register.

Ebenzer Eldridge and Nathaniel Eldridge both of Chatham .... yeomen "for £3, sold to "John Smalle of Yarmouth .... Husbandman .... a certain piece of Salt meadow lying on the southerly side of the Red river neck in said Chatham Bounded as follows beginning at a stake and stone at the foot of the Bank in the rang of the thirty fourth Lot thence Easterly by the Bank thirty pole to a stone in the ground thence south on a strait line into the sea and is bounded on the west by the thirty fourth Lot aforesaid being about two acres"
The deed was dated 20 October, 1789, and was signed by Elnathan Eldredge as attorney to "Ebenr Eldridge", and by "Nathanel Eldredge iuner". It was acknowledged the same day, by "Elnathan Eldridge attorney to Ebenezer Eldridge" and by "Nathaniel Eldridge", before Elijah Knowles, Justice of the Peace. The witnesses were Elijah Knowles and John Emery.
The deed was recorded to December, 1789, in Barnstable County Deeds, Book 43, folio 9, by Ebenezer Bacon, Register.

Ebenezer Eldridge and Nathaniel Eldridge both of Chatham, yeomen, who sold to John Smalle of Yarmouth husbandman piece of salt meadow on south side of the Red river neck for 3 pounds. Deed dated 20 October 1789 and was signed by Elnathan Eldredge as attorney to Ebenr Eldridge and Nathanel Eldredge jr. Acknowledged same day by JP Elijah Knowles. Recorded Barnstable Court 20 October 1789 in Deed book 43, folio 9.

Ebenezer was one of the Anabaptist Church members in Harwich asking for Pastor Richard Chase's dismissal in 1777.

1790 Federal Census has Ebenezer Eldridge with 1 male over 16, one male under 16, 1 female.

Ebenezer died 26 February 1797. I have read he died at his son Elnathan’s home in East Harwich. He is buried at the Methodist Cemetery in East Harwich.

His stone reads:
Ebenezer Eldredge died 25 February 1797 aged 90

His stone is slate with weeping willow and urn engraving. Has surface damage.
Ebenezer's stone at the Methodist Cemetery (bad time of day!)

Estate information for Ebenezer Eldredge, Barnstable Co. Probate records, Vol 28, pg 350-51 (writing is difficult to read; misspellings are left as is):

Whereas we the subscribers being appointed by the Hono David Davis Esq Judge of Probate for the County of Barnstable to make partition and division in the estate of Ebenezer Eldridge late of Chatham, deceased, by setting off to Deliverance Eldridge relict widow of said deceased on either part thereof and being sworn as the Law directs have accordingly proceeded to set fit off said thirds this sixth day of June it D. 1798 and ___ beginning at ______ and stone out in the ground in Elisha Smith's range to the west end of the dwelling house thence easterly as the ridge of the house runs through the _____ & middle of the East door to a heap of stones ___ from said door thence northerly one rod & an half to a heap of stones thence easterly to a  ____ and stone on the northerly side of the swamp thence southeasterly two rods to Jonathan Eldridges range then ___ in said Jonathan's range about five rods to the corner of the ___ _____for the easterly in said Jonathan's range to the bank or edge of the ___ and thence westerly by the bank or edge of the wetlands to Elijah Smith's range then northerlly in said Smith's range to the corner of the fence thence westerly in said Smith's range to the corner thence northwesterly in said Smith's range to the first bound. Also the liberty of a way out and off the other land to a allowed way. Also a landing below said land and a way to it allowing to the heirs a way by gates and bars to ____pass through said thirds. Also set to said widow the southernmost great room in said Dwelling house and the chamber over it to the middle of the ridge and the entry way to the middle of the East Door and stairway also the west bedroom and ____ with the privilege of baking in the ___ in the back room. The allowing to the heirs the privelege to water in the well and the liberty to pass and repass on from said well and to pass through said entry out in at the fore door and up and down stairs. Also set to said widow the meadow at the beach in Orleans. Also set to said widow the westerly third of the woodlot lying in Harwich Phineas Nickerson's bounds begining at a heap of stones to Judah Eldridges range thence southerly in the range of said to the southwest corner of said lot to a heap of stones and to exdend Eastward from such bound in the range of said lot so as to take one third of said lot.

Isaac Freeman, Rueben Rider, Jonah Crowel, Dividers
2  Tuesday Feby 1798

Accepted and ordered ___ by the Honorable Judge N. Freeman Regn. Attest Nath. Freeeman Regn.

Barnstable Co. Probate, Volume 31, p 255:

Barnstable Co To Hon John Davis Esq Judge of the Probate of with & for the County of Barnstable.

The account of Elnathan Eldridge, Adm. to the Estate of Ebenezer Eldridge, late of Harwich, in fair county deceased.

(My apologies for the numbers not lining up in columns!) 

Your accountant chargeth himself with the personal estate of fair deceased
 or apprized or per inventory                                                               92.47
By improvement of estate since his decease i.e. 2/3                           11.00
                                                                                                      Total 103.47

And prays an allowance for the following charges and payments viz
To what the judge allowed the widow                                               80.00
To apprizer's Bill                                                                                 5.50
To Today attendg probate court and supinas(?subpeonas)                   5.50
To attendg apprizers and ____                                                            3.00
To attendg court                                                                                 6.00
To supinas do and paid judge                                                    7.00
To a debt due to Ebenr Eldridge                                            49.82
            David Buck                                                                    7.05
            Ensign Nickerson                                                        15.83
            Saml Doane, tax                                                             3.90
            Fear Atkinson                                                                4.00
            Lumbard Nickerson                                                      23.07
            Stephen Eldridge                                                          81. 25
To a Debt due to John Eldridge, acct.                                         70.00
            Benj. Godgrey do                                                           9.00
            Jona Eldridge                                                              111.00
            Jno Hawes                                                                      1.00

To my own account, agnst Estate ye balance and schedule     412.30

                                                                                           Total  696.73
To judge and register, ____ acct. ___                                         6.40
To attending today                                                                     1.50
To future charges supposed to be                                             30.00
            ___ over credit                                                            103.47
                                    Balance                                               631.17.5

March 14th 1800
Errors Excepted Elnathan Eldridge

Barnstable Pr March 17 1800 The above account was presenedt sworn to, vouchd and allowed John Davis  Compared Nath. Freeman Regr

Also from Ebenezer's estate, Barnstable County Probate, Volume 35, P. 271:

Barnstable Co: To Honble John Davis Esqur Judge of Probate. The accnt of Elnathan Eldridge Adm. to the Estate of Ebenr Eldridge late of Chatham intestate deceased.

Your accountant charges himself with inventory as before                              52.47
By improvement of estate viz 2/3 to that time which was March 17 1800      11.00
By sale Real Estate                                                                                         798.47

And prays an allowance for the following charges viz:

To old acct                                                                              704.64
To cash paid tax                                                                            .60
To do---- do----                                                                           1.70
To Dr. Stone                                                                               2.62
To Paul Mayo                                                                              2.75
To Obadiah Smith                                                                       1.00
To Lydia Snow                                                                           2.35
To attendg court Myricks                                                           1.50
To twice going to Barnstable                                                      6.00
To my sons labour for bill                                                           7.00
To attending vendue & liq. (?)                                                    4.00
To attending today                                                                     1.50
To Regr 5.00 Judge 1.20                                                             6.20

            March 21 1804                                                            802.87

Errors excepted
Elnathan Eldredge

March 21st 1804 received sworn to and allowed John Davis J. Prob.
Copared by Nath. Freeman Register

Inventory, Barnstable Co. Probate Volume 30, p 56-7:

An inventory of the estate of Ebenr Eldridge late of Chatham deceased taken by the subscribers this sixth day of June AD 1798 being sworn as the Law directs.

To personal Estate viz

To one bed & furniture, bedstead & cord                  37.00
To one old bedstead & cord & one old vest                   .66
To pewter householdware  one _____ teapot             3.75
To iron householdware                                               9.24
To one gun                                                                 1.00
To earthen householdware                                          1.83
To _______- to one old chest                                        .33
To one cupboard                                                         2.00
To two tables  (amt cut off by copier)
To old caske washtub & sifting trough                       1.17
One pr looms                                                               4.00
To old chains one old axe & copse & pink one hammer(?)    2.66
To one looking glass ___ to one foot wheel one great wheel 2.08
To one cow to three sheep two thirds                         16.75
To fifteen pounds of sheeps wool                              5.00
To real Estate viz
To the homestead land & buildings                          802.00
To meadow                                                               400.00
To woodland lying in Harwich near ____ Nickerson 154.00
To one pew(?) standing in the meetinghouse               30.00

Isaac Freeman
Jonah Crowell             Apprs
Reuben Ridley(?)       

Above awarded 2.4.0 pounds. Compared N. Freeman Regr.

Letters of Administration, Barnst. Co. Probate, Vol 25, p 177:

Letter of Administration for Ebenr Eldridge late of Chatham, dated 10 April 1798, by order of Judge Daniel Davis. Letters of Admin. granted to Elnathan Eldridge of Harwich.

In November 1804 Deliverance Edlrexdge sold her estate rights to her brother Lumbert's share. In February 1805 she sold her mother Sarah's third part in the estate.

Deliverance died 25 April 1808 at Chatham and is buried next to Ebenzer at the Methodist Cemetery.
Her stone is a slate stone, with urn and weeping willow. Some surface damage. It reads:
"In memory of Mrs. Deliverance wife of Ebenr Eldredge who died 25 April 1808, aet 81"

Resources Not Listed Above:
Josiah Paine, A History of Harwich, 1937

Nickerson Family Association, The Nickerson Family, Part 1

John Carroll Chase, compiled for him by George Walter Chamberlain, Some of the Descendants of William Chase of Roxbury and Yarmouth, Mass., NEHGR, January 1933

William Smith, A History of Chatham, 1909